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Why are gun owners afraid to admit they own guns?

How the hell do you post gifs on this site?

As an image.

Pretty complicated.


I own guns and don't support banning them but that statement is false. Guns lead to a much higher rate of suicide and are much more effective. Someone who has a failed suicide attempt will likely never try again. People who lock their guns up are less likely to commit suicide. Most suicides are a rash decision that passes after 15 minutes. If guns were banned suicides would decrease and likely drastically.

ooh really, i have heard people walk with suicide for months sometimes even years before finally committing it.
in Netherlands most people take medicine or worse jump in front of a fringing train, then hundreds of passenger stuck in a train for 2-4 hours!
rather much they take a gun and do it at home!
but then again the science on suicide is not settled yet! so we should run simulations and models to settle it!
Published rates don't prove this out. Several countries with strong gun controls are ahead of the US.


And the last about about failed attempts shows you just know absolutely nothing about the subject. The majority of successful suicides had at least one and often multiple attempts before succeeding.

exactly culture has more to do with suicides, where i am currently most people drink toxic Paraquat which is readily available for farming!
yet if we ban it they will find another way because certain race/culture(for example here Indian people especially the females) is over represented in suicide statistics. so by taking away the means of suicide they will move on to the next.

but people like to blame the guns for the suicide. but never the rope, chemicals, plastic bag, or train
Again, you keep talking about banning guns. I'm not talking about that. Why are you?

I'm talking about licensing gun owners with requirements to keep your license. BIG difference.

and when that happens and their is no drop in "gun deaths" will you say ok it did not work so lets undo it?
no you will leave it in pplace and come with another thing. which wont work, and leave in pelace until it leads to a utter and total complete ban.
the pro gun people keep compromising. and when the gun death rates keep the same they have to compromise again! sooner or later they have compromised so much nothing is LEFT!

i am sick and tired of using the slippery slope! but simple as that with gun control it is a slippery slope
Maybe cause there are more suicidal folks in places that suck way more than the usa.

What is so bad about Japan? I tell you, if it weren't for the San Francisco Peace Treaty an Americas dominance over the world sense than both militarily an financially, Japan would now be the sole superpower an not us.

That country, they work harder then a illegal Mexican, save like the world is coming to its end, innovate like a capitalist dreamland, an still find time to cook great food.

They are like carpenter ants I tell you. All they know is work work work. An they are organized politically. You can not beat that.
Before socialism sank in? What does that mean? So, suicides spiked in the 1960's and 1970's and have been declining ever since?

We are now the most capitalistic we have ever been. Tax rates are near all time lows.

To say the United States is socialistic...is just wrong.

We are the only first world country with no national healthcare system. We have some of the lowest taxes we've ever had. We have more monopolies than we have ever had.

We are a capitalists wet dream, and the fact that the right has duped so many into thinking we are socialists...

No wonder their wealth is growing while everyone else's in shrinking.

All time lies? Boy is you plain daft? We barely had any taxes in the 1800's an the only social programs were ran by church organizations. You needed a surgery you could not pay for? Go to a Catholic hospital. Orphaned child with no family? Sent to church programs.

Hell, there was no socialism in this country till FDR. An I do not care what you say bout taxes bein lowest ever you just blazin wrong. We tax ever thing. Toothpaste tax, liquor tax, smoking tax, fishing license, income tax, grocery tax (so immoral Utah), canyon visitation tax, motor vehicle tax, he'll now we are even taxing your kids insulin pump thanks to Obeezy.

Do not sit there in your comfy taxed chair tellin me taxes are lower.
All time lies? Boy is you plain daft? We barely had any taxes in the 1800's an the only social programs were ran by church organizations. You needed a surgery you could not pay for? Go to a Catholic hospital. Orphaned child with no family? Sent to church programs.

Hell, there was no socialism in this country till FDR. An I do not care what you say bout taxes bein lowest ever you just blazin wrong. We tax ever thing. Toothpaste tax, liquor tax, smoking tax, fishing license, income tax, grocery tax (so immoral Utah), canyon visitation tax, motor vehicle tax, he'll now we are even taxing your kids insulin pump thanks to Obeezy.

Do not sit there in your comfy taxed chair tellin me taxes are lower.

at least the system is working, it makes fools and "low information people" think we are taxed less. because they are all hidden taxes on everything.
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Again, you keep talking about banning guns. I'm not talking about that. Why are you?

I'm talking about licensing gun owners with requirements to keep your license. BIG difference.
[MENTION=228]green[/MENTION], if licensing was required would you also be OK with that licensing authorizing concealed and open carry on a national level?
[MENTION=228]green[/MENTION], if licensing was required would you also be OK with that licensing authorizing concealed and open carry on a national level?

Honestly, I have no clue. I've never really thought about it. If you were required to take safety classes, etc, I'd be a lot more open to it.

There was a thread on cougar board about someone down at Wheeler farm who pulled a gun to get his kid on a hay ride.


If that story is true, then that person should be in jail. That person should not be carrying a gun.

I'd have to learn more before I could make a final judgement, but I'd say this:

Extreme punishment for breaking guns laws. If that story is true, then lots of jail time for that. Let the marijuana users out and put the crazy gun brandishers in.

Licensing, with classes, etc with the ability to carry and conceal.

I don't see why anyone ever would need to open carry. There is no need for that, other than to intimidate and be a horse's ***.

Then, each state could further restrict from there if they see fit. I'm ok with state's rights.
I have no problem with concealed permits and people carrying guns. I think it's silly, but whatever. You have a right to shoot yourself in the *** in a club in this country for some reason.

But open carry? What is the point of that?
I think in a nation where gun rights are part of our founding documents we should be teaching gun safety and basic gun competency in high school.
I have no problem with concealed permits and people carrying guns. I think it's silly, but whatever. You have a right to shoot yourself in the *** in a club in this country for some reason.

But open carry? What is the point of that?

Because I can? Because I find concealed holsters uncomfortable? There are lots of reasons.

In Montana, it is legal to open carry. Guess what? We still don't have many idiots shooting each other, AND we're a bunch of drunkards! What a great state.
Honestly, I have no clue. I've never really thought about it. If you were required to take safety classes, etc, I'd be a lot more open to it.

There was a thread on cougar board about someone down at Wheeler farm who pulled a gun to get his kid on a hay ride.


If that story is true, then that person should be in jail. That person should not be carrying a gun.

I'd have to learn more before I could make a final judgement, but I'd say this:

Extreme punishment for breaking guns laws. If that story is true, then lots of jail time for that. Let the marijuana users out and put the crazy gun brandishers in.

Licensing, with classes, etc with the ability to carry and conceal.

I don't see why anyone ever would need to open carry. There is no need for that, other than to intimidate and be a horse's ***.

Then, each state could further restrict from there if they see fit. I'm ok with state's rights.

This right here is why so many gun owners oppose registration.

Because now it's also:

Registration w/license
Required classes
No open carry
"Extreme" punishment
Increased potential to lose a right

They see it as the road to the restriction, and possibly the removal, of a constitutional right.

For me personally I have long supported requiring a shooting test in order to get a CCW. I partially agree on your punishment remark (depends on each case) and I support open carry,
You answered your own question. Those that want a registry generally do want to take people's guns away from them. You would have no problem with the government using the gun registry to round up all the guns or maybe just "assault weapons". I bet you would vote for a politician that advocated for it.

You're being intellectually dishonest. Ultimately you would like to see guns banned. You see a registry as a step in the right direction. Other people disagree with you. They don't want guns banned. You call them crazy for thinking that your ultimate intentions are exactly what they are.

I am not oppossed to a registry and would probably suppport one, but I have no desire to take people's guns away from them. I think it's pretty well estabslished that the Constitution provides the right for citizens to possess and own firearms (although I do not think this includes ALL types of firearms). And, unlike many of the people on the right who say they love the Constitution--until it's not convenient to love it, I believe all, including this, Constitutional rights should be protected. I just don't see things such as registries, background checks, and such prudent measures to constitute an unreasonable burden on the exercise of those rights (although I'm not 100% certain of the registry, I can think of scenarios in which this might not be a good idea and am open to being swayed against it).