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Another somewhat convoluted proposal

Sure you would because it's something you'll never be able to do. Once you reach that level, you'd think differently.

Name me another job where you can be the best (top 1% in your field) and be forced to go work somewhere you don't want to.

It's ridiculous.
Why should I have to name another job? I never said it's common or that it has ever even happened before.

Again, I said I wouldn't feel sorry for them. I wouldn't. It would be ridiculous to feel sorry for someone getting paid milllions to play basketball.
Why should I have to name another job? I never said it's common or that it has ever even happened before.

Again, I said I wouldn't feel sorry for them. I wouldn't. It would be ridiculous to feel sorry for someone getting paid milllions to play basketball.

Idk. I'd feel sorry for anybody who has a basic human right forced away from them. Money ain't all that.
Idk. I'd feel sorry for anybody who has a basic human right forced away from them. Money ain't all that.
What right would be taken from them?

Are they forced to play in the nba? Are they even forced to play basketball?

If their employer made a rule that they didn't like then they could change their line of work or change employers like the rest of us.

I'm guessing they would continue to play basketball in the nba though due to the monies. Then you would be sad for them. I wouldn't
What right would be taken from them?

Are they forced to play in the nba? Are they even forced to play basketball?

If their employer made a rule that they didn't like then they could change their line of work or change employers like the rest of us.

I'm guessing they would continue to play basketball in the nba though due to the monies. Then you would be sad for them. I wouldn't

You lack empathy... I lose sleep at night thinking about the suffering and human rights of millionaire NBA players. Syrian refugees have it easy compared to someone who gets traded to Sacramento.
What right would be taken from them?

Are they forced to play in the nba? Are they even forced to play basketball?

If their employer made a rule that they didn't like then they could change their line of work or change employers like the rest of us.

I'm guessing they would continue to play basketball in the nba though due to the monies. Then you would be sad for them. I wouldn't

The right to choose where you work, within reason. Without it, they're essentially well paid slaves we trot out for entertainment.
The right to choose where you work, within reason. Without it, they're essentially well paid slaves we trot out for entertainment.

All employment is conditional, calling an NBA player a slave is ****ing ridiculous. Calling a kid working in Bangladesh for a dollar a day a virtual slave is perhaps more fitting. Lets not get carried away, if somebody doesn't like playing in the NBA they can probably get a job playing basketball in almost any other city in the world. The only difference will be what they're paid. I get paid relatively well for my work, I enjoy some of the best pay and conditions in my industry but it comes with certain obligations on my part, I know full well that if i wanted to leave i would almost certainly move to a job in my industry that pays a lot less. Being an adult means making choices.
All employment is conditional, calling an NBA player a slave is ****ing ridiculous. Calling a kid working in Bangladesh for a dollar a day a virtual slave is perhaps more fitting. Lets not get carried away, if somebody doesn't like playing in the NBA they can probably get a job playing basketball in almost any other city in the world. The only difference will be what they're paid. I get paid relatively well for my work, I enjoy some of the best pay and conditions in my industry but it comes with certain obligations on my part, I know full well that if i wanted to leave i would almost certainly move to a job in my industry that pays a lot less. Being an adult means making choices.
My employer has all kinds of stupid rules and conditions that are constantly changing that I don't like.
I can quit if I want to.
The right to choose where you work, within reason. Without it, they're essentially well paid slaves we trot out for entertainment.
They could quit and do something else if they didn't like it. That ain't slavery holmes. I can guarantee they wouldn't quit though cause they know how good they would still have it.

You sound like a snowflake that needs hours safe space in this discussion lol.
Having rules you don't like is far different than forcing a player to live in a certain place. If you can't comprehend that, then wow.

Interesting how people who make lots of money can have different rules than other people and you're ok with it in this regard.
Having rules you don't like is far different than forcing a player to live in a certain place. If you can't comprehend that, then wow.

Interesting how people who make lots of money can have different rules than other people and you're ok with it in this regard.

Yeah those dudes in the armed forces get paid so well. Lots of people get moved around for work, you know this before you apply for the job, if i'd gone into the federal public service, which i was looking at at one point in my life it would have meant moving to Canberra and possibly elsewhere, i didn't want to do that i made a choice. If you don't want to play in the NBA and possibly get traded to Detroit, then don't, go play in Europe or China or Australia or get a job driving trains. But the idea that these dudes are disadvantaged is ****ed.
All employment is conditional, calling an NBA player a slave is ****ing ridiculous. Calling a kid working in Bangladesh for a dollar a day a virtual slave is perhaps more fitting. Lets not get carried away, if somebody doesn't like playing in the NBA they can probably get a job playing basketball in almost any other city in the world. The only difference will be what they're paid. I get paid relatively well for my work, I enjoy some of the best pay and conditions in my industry but it comes with certain obligations on my part, I know full well that if i wanted to leave i would almost certainly move to a job in my industry that pays a lot less. Being an adult means making choices.

Just because one is a more extreme example does not mean both cannot be examples.

And yes, part of being an adult, and an American is the freedom to make choices, such as what job you have and where you work. Taking away that choice takes away a persons freedom.
They could quit and do something else if they didn't like it. That ain't slavery holmes. I can guarantee they wouldn't quit though cause they know how good they would still have it.

You sound like a snowflake that needs hours safe space in this discussion lol.

If you're going to call anybody who disagrees with you a snowflake, then you probably shouldn't be involved in a discussion. No need for insults Fish.
Just because one is a more extreme example does not mean both cannot be examples.

And yes, part of being an adult, and an American is the freedom to make choices, such as what job you have and where you work. Taking away that choice takes away a persons freedom.

There not even the same thing!!

Having rules you don't like is far different than forcing a player to live in a certain place. If you can't comprehend that, then wow.

Interesting how people who make lots of money can have different rules than other people and you're ok with it in this regard.

You are silly.
99% of the world's population would take the deal of being forced to live in the nicest houses in the nicest parts of the nicest cities in America and make millions of dollars.
Ya, I'm not going to feel sorry for someone in that situation. What would be so bad about it?
You are silly.
99% of the world's population would take the deal of being forced to live in the nicest houses in the nicest parts of the nicest cities in America and make millions of dollars.
Ya, I'm not going to feel sorry for someone in that situation. What would be so bad about it?

Gimme some yogurt diary mole!
Another thing to remember in this discussion..... basketball players have homes in other cities quite often. The offseason is quite large Aves during the season you travel a lot and are not even home much.

And btw, the original proposal had nothing to do with what city a player lives in.... just what team a player would have to play for.

So if you we forced to play for Minnesota you could live elswhere.

Also most basketball players only play pro bball for like a 1/7 of their lifespan or less.

It's just really not that big of a deal.
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Having rules you don't like is far different than forcing a player to live in a certain place. If you can't comprehend that, then wow.

Interesting how people who make lots of money can have different rules than other people and you're ok with it in this regard.

I can't beleive that you are ok with the fact that nba players are currently forced to play for a team located in 1 of 30 cities.
What about the players who want to play for a team located in Honolulu?

Crap, I'm all sad for those players now. It's just not fair.
I can't beleive that you are ok with the fact that nba players are currently forced to play for a team located in 1 of 30 cities.
What about the players who want to play for a team located in Honolulu?

Crap, I'm all sad for those players now. It's just not fair.

Excellent point, frankly somebody should look into it, the Congress? the Senate? maybe the UN? Its an unspeakable cruelty.

Where's my yogurt?
I don't think you guys are understanding. You're ok with people's rights being taken away because they make a lot of money. That's what this boils down to. Sure they'd still have a nice lifestyle, which they already have, they'd just have less rights than they already do. It's the principal of the idea that matters.