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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

ok, well try to understand. or you will be surprised again 2020.

censoring us calling us dumb nazist and everything has been working for years.
but now we got wise to it.

It's probably related to the fact that a lot of your 4chan types call themselves Nazis. I'm sorry, 'new-reactionaries'.
You have no point. Why is it that dumbasses think they're entitled to a serious response to their screen diarrhea.
well you are not willing to have a discusion with anyone from the other side. in the other threa di only tried to tell you jbp siad the discusion needs to be had, and you called hima dumbass. so yeah what else is there to say: you have a nice day. be sure to stock up on tissues for 2020
well you are not willing to have a discusion with anyone from the other side. in the other threa di only tried to tell you jbp siad the discusion needs to be had, and you called hima dumbass. so yeah what else is there to say: you have a nice day. be sure to stock up on tissues for 2020

I am having a discussion. You want me to be respectful and nice. But I don't respect you, so I'll act accordingly.
What if the woman is black or Latino?

Then Trump’s base will celebrate it. They’ll call it a feat for the master race, putting some white blood into those black/brown people and giving them a better life.

Trump’s base used to celebrate that sort of thing for decades during Jim Crow when house servants became pregnant by their bosses. Hell, they celebrated it during slavery too. A mixed child would go for double the price. Evangelicals will justify any trump action I think.

He literally could shoot anyone on 5th ave and his supporters would spin it as being just fine.
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did you forget all the others. we aren't even halfway through his presidency, so what if he misses one.

But that was his thing. His #1. (Well other than him saying he was gonna get Hilary locked up......)
Mexico is paying for a border wall?

Or the promises made to fix the health care system by providing universal coverage at decreased costs.

Or the promises of ending corruption.

Or the promises of rebuilding America’s infrastructure.

Or the promises of taking N Korea’s nukes away.

Sigh facts are pesky things sometimes.
One wall isn't being built, and the walls of secrecy that Trump has depended on for his entire adult life are crumbling. If you can get past the paywall, a hellava piece by the Washington Post.


“The myth of Trump is now unraveling,” said Barbara Res, a Trump Organization executive from 1978 to 1996. “He’s becoming more obvious, and people are starting to know what he’s like and what he’s doing".
One wall isn't being built, and the walls of secrecy that Trump has depended on for his entire adult life are crumbling. If you can get past the paywall, a hellava piece by the Washington Post.


“The myth of Trump is now unraveling,” said Barbara Res, a Trump Organization executive from 1978 to 1996. “He’s becoming more obvious, and people are starting to know what he’s like and what he’s doing".
I believe this is the same article:

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One wall isn't being built, and the walls of secrecy that Trump has depended on for his entire adult life are crumbling. If you can get past the paywall, a hellava piece by the Washington Post.


“The myth of Trump is now unraveling,” said Barbara Res, a Trump Organization executive from 1978 to 1996. “He’s becoming more obvious, and people are starting to know what he’s like and what he’s doing".

He needs new material. He’s been labeling inconvenient investigations as, “witch hunts” for a long time. He’s only being exposed now. I’m sure he’ll try and deflect soon by whining about the NFL and anthem again.

Or the promises made to fix the health care system by providing universal coverage at decreased costs.

Or the promises of ending corruption.

Or the promises of rebuilding America’s infrastructure.

Or the promises of taking N Korea’s nukes away.

Sigh facts are pesky things sometimes.
so 4 promises unkept so far. but he is busy with north korea at the moment. he nuetered obama care is wha tmost rigth wingers wanted, americas infrastrcuture and ending corruption will be done
you want him to fix it all in 1 minute hour day or year? how long did it take obummer to implement obummer care. now he is busy with lowering the eu tarifs on us goods.
want an example go check out a camaro in usa. i bet you it kost about 25000 us. check out that same camaro in netehrladns 63000euro or in germany 45000 euros) in china 70.000us. that is unfair trade.

fulfilled promises
1. moving embassy to jeruzalem
2. ending the iran deal
3. reduce taxes(fase 2 will commence if the blue wave fails)
4. drilling on federal land has been icnreased after obama decreased it(not to mention keystone xl end akota pipeline)
5. put a conservative judge in place(remember that was a big one after scalia died)
6. unemployment keeps dropping.
7. after obama told us 3% or more gdp is imposibble it would never happen again only with magic. well abracadabra muther****er. obama never hit 3% well trump even hit 4% and a bunch of 3% rises
8. record high all time high stockmarkets.
9.illegal border corssings down 60%
10. remember isis. he made them into a jv team wait he made them into a ymca gym team. thanks to unleasheing mad dogg mattis
11. stupid net "nuetrality" laws gone
12.not take a dime in salary. or he is tkaing it because of some law. but donating it every month\
13. exited the lame paris accord
14.deregulating/weaken dodd frank
15.not to mention the deregulation and a limited amount of new regulation in his first year only 1447 new regulations while obummer and bush had over 3300. forgot how many dergaluatory actions he did.
16.nuetered the epa

you gave me 4 promieses unkept so far. i gave you 16 he kept.

what did you say? ooh yeah

facts are pesky things sometimes!
He also said he was gonna drain the swamp. Lololololololololololol
"He neutered Obamacare is what most right wingers wanted"

But not most Americans. A Fox News poll found more Americans like Obamacare then GOP tax cuts for the wealthy:


"Not taking a dime in salary"

Except, as the Washington Post article points out:

The attorneys general of Maryland and the District sued him, saying he violated the Constitution’s “emoluments clauses,” which bar presidents from taking payments from foreign governments or U.S. states.

The plaintiffs say those clauses should prevent Trump’s company — which he still owns — from doing business with foreign officials. They’ve already won some preliminary victories in court. And they want to soon begin searching Trump Organization records, including those of his luxury D.C. hotel that has become a popular destination for Trump allies and political groups.

In addition, a group of Democratic members of Congress has filed an emoluments lawsuit, while the New York attorney general is considering one of her own, focused on Trump’s businesses there.
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He needs new material. He’s been labeling inconvenient investigations as, “witch hunts” for a long time. He’s only being exposed now. I’m sure he’ll try and deflect soon by whining about the NFL and anthem again.

Yep, and frankly his broken record nature is a sign of very limited intelligence to me.