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Moving to China

Hope it's a good experience, you meet a honey or is it work related?

My friend up and sold all his stuff in a garage sale, gave the rest away (still have his aquarium), sold his house and bought a one way ticket to China.

Lasted a little over a half year, didn't have fond stories(everyone smoked, people just spit everywhere, couldn't see the sky, got kicked out of a Buddhist temple because he smiled during meditation) I won't try to discourage you - my wife has been there(two weeks) and loved it.

My only advice, be careful where you eat:
Hope it's a good experience, you meet a honey or is it work related?

My friend up and sold all his stuff in a garage sale, gave the rest away (still have his aquarium), sold his house and bought a one way ticket to China.

Lasted a little over a half year, didn't have fond stories(everyone smoked, people just spit everywhere, couldn't see the sky, got kicked out of a Buddhist temple because he smiled during meditation) I won't try to discourage you - my wife has been there(two weeks) and loved it.

My only advice, be careful where you eat:

Its work related. Ill be working with the Chinese Olympic ski and snowboarding teams so food shouldnt be an issue, since ill be living on their Olympic team facilities and fed by their best chefs.
Its work related. Ill be working with the Chinese Olympic ski and snowboarding teams so food shouldnt be an issue, since ill be living on their Olympic team facilities and fed by their best chefs.

What are you doing for them? Giving them Mikaela Shiffrin's secrets?
Why are you going? Were you part owner of your business? I always forget.

I did own my own business. I shut down my business and was going to open a very large sports performance gym in downtown SLC. My now X-wife and I were going to be business partners. We actually were all set to open up but due to the divorce decided to pull the plug on it. The business loan was in both of our names so I basically dropped the business and since I mostly worked under the table for the last few years I couldnt get a loan in my name. I still have clients though so I have just been sticking to them.

I am actually going over to be the strength and conditioning coach for their Olympic Ski and Snowboarding team.
Hope your organs dont get harvested!


I literally saw over 1000 movies last year, several hundred were documentaries, read 100's of books. By-far the most unsettling, horrifying story I came across was what i just posted above and it's non-fiction.....

There are legit crimes against humanity on a massive scale, that are sanctioned by the state, going on in china, it's no wild conspiracy, its true.

Go find out the answer to why the average wait time for a kidney or liver transplant is weeks in china, but 2-3 years in the US and most other developed countries. Some have called it "a medical genocide", their training (programming might be a better word) doctors to murder efficiently there on a massive scale..
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What part of China? The mainland, or one of the business districts like Hong Kong or Shenzhen?

Do you have a job lined up?
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I did own my own business. I shut down my business and was going to open a very large sports performance gym in downtown SLC. My now X-wife and I were going to be business partners. We actually were all set to open up but due to the divorce decided to pull the plug on it. The business loan was in both of our names so I basically dropped the business and since I mostly worked under the table for the last few years I couldnt get a loan in my name. I still have clients though so I have just been sticking to them.

I am actually going over to be the strength and conditioning coach for their Olympic Ski and Snowboarding team.

What part of China? The mainland, or one of the business districts like Hong Kong or Shenzhen?

Do you have a job lined up?

Yes, I have a job lined up. I am not sure what city yet. Most likely Beijing, Shenzhen, or Shanghai.
Can you speak Mandarin? I'm assuming that will be the predominant language where you'll be. I spent a couple days in Hong Kong but plenty of English speakers there. Might be hard in the mainland. But I suppose you'll be dealing with a lot of educated people who do a lot internationally, so probably plenty of English speakers around.
Yep, they are dumping a lot of money into the 2022 Winter Olympics. They really want to do well.

Cool as hell mang. Grats.

You'd be dumb to take advice from me. Never been to China. But a buddy of mine moved over there and taught English, and he said once he shared and accepted the culture he felt great.

Not sure how it is now, but he was saying how the internet was filtered while he was there (five years ago). A proxy service might be worth looking into if you're bringing your own computer.

That's all I got. But fricking congrats man Have a good time, and get out to see the terrocata warriors. So much detail for so long ago.