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Terrorist or Extremist ?

What do you call the shooter when you talk about him? Terrorist or Extremist? Or smth else?

  • Terrorist

  • Extremist

  • Shooter

  • Other (please do post)

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Well-Known Member
So Ricky Martin says media does not call NZ shooter as a terorist, because he is not Muslim.

What do you guys think?
Obviously a terrorist. I've never heard anyone say only Muslims can be terrorists. That's crazy.

A terrorist is someone who uses violence to advance a political cause.

I think the OP is simply asking what we refer to the guy as.

I usually call these people ****ing idiots, ****ing assholes, or POS jerkoffs.

A terrorist quite frankly would be too ****ing generous. Don’t give credit. As ****ing insensitive as this might be or sound, I’ll proudly call the dudes who pulled off 9/11, terrorists. They were driven. They were smart and had a hell of a plan. They believed in something with a higher purpose in mind. Love in many ways.

Idiots of this sort are just lazy, crybaby, dumb ****s, full of hate and imo, nihilism. Ah, that must be exhausting.
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So why aren’t we defunding radical right wingers and their terrorist organizations like we do to radical Islam? Seriously, if Breitbart, 4chan, and the daily stormer were pro radical Islam, they would’ve been shut down by now. So we do we continue to permit perverse radical right wing/white supremacist media and groups to exist?

In the 2015 primary, Donald said that hed bomb the **** out of radical Islam. Ted Cruz said that he’d bomb the Middle East until it glowed. Could you imagine the same rhetoric aimed at the KKK or white supremacists? Why not?

Why aren’t we regarding white supremacists with the same vigor as we are radical Islamists? It’s not like white suoremacists committing vile terrorist acts are unprecedented. I’m old enough to remember Ruby Ridge and the Oklahoma City bombing. Even the recent Bundy exchange is evidence of the double standard. None of those fools would be alive today if they were brown skinned, had beards, and praised Allah. It’s time to defund these organizations, take down their hateful media apparatus, and arrest these people. Let’s stop pretending like their brand of terrorism leads to different results than radical Islam.
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Honest answer, who the hell cares?!? This conversation bothers the hell out of me because it changes absolutely nothing. No matter what stupid pointless label we give these terrible PoS humans, people still are dead. Labeling them after the fact changes nothing.

Because refusing to label terrorists as terrorists provides them with a certain level of legitimacy and respect. If they’re given that, then to a certain extent their actions become tolerable and accepted.

Just yesterday a representative from Texas put out a statement calling for his side to, “use the courts and legislative process to settle disputes, not violence.”

Disputes? As if Muslims living in NZ and praying in their house of worship is a legitimate dispute? As if these terrorists just handled things poorly?

Could you imagine what would have happened if a republican from Texas put out a similar statement after 9/11?

To a certain extent, the kid gloves (language and policy) with which we treat right wing extremism and the bazooka we use to treat radical Islam is exactly what’s fueling this culture war.
So Ricky Martin says media does not call NZ shooter as a terorist, because he is not Muslim.

What do you guys think?

I think people who drag these things into the political muck are assholes. The only reason I ever know what race they are is because the political pundits and their dumb *** parrots spout off over it.

I don't care about the terrorists races, their affiliations, religions, nationalities, gender, or what they ate for dinner the night before. I don't even care t ok learn their name.
I think it is terrorism. Although I wouldn’t disagree with the notion that the term subconsciously is placed where radical Islamists create violence in the minds of non-Islamic world and especially developed countries. I think Thriller put out a good example of how the perception of normal people that does not discriminate this concept based on race and religion should be the way media handles things for a healthier mind of society. But you know how media is.
The end result is terrorism, so that label is probably apropos regardless.