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A Place for Conservatives

Yeah, I think I disagree. If Fox News was a right leaning network that would be one thing, but they aren't. They're a propaganda outlet for the GOP and should be treated as such. The DNC has more to lose by treating them as legitimate than they have to gain imo.

I think this is actually way overdue.

Yeah, Zombie's back... Just kidding. Kind of...

You guys seem to truly believe that when Obama was president that CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, NPR, Huffington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS and others were not the propaganda outlet for Obama and the democrats. Is that correct?
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You mean like in 2016, when the Repulicans wouldn't have one hosted by MSNBC?

I think it's weak sauce. You should be prepared to go wherever you can to defend your ideas.

Sorry for misinterpreting your post. It sounded like I needed to be able to defend my ideas if I was going to post something and I went on the defensive.
Yeah, Zombie's back... Just kidding. Kind of...

You guys seem to truly believe that when Obama was president that CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Huffington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS and others were not the propaganda outlet for Obama and the democrats. Is that correct?

This guy has the virulent strain of your dichotomous thought process. Can you please help him walk it back to your level, at least?
From the opening paragraphs of that article:

"Democrats, climate campaigners and renewable energy interests are in full outrage mode over news that President Trump intends to launch a Presidential Committee on Climate Science. He should do it now.

The PCCS would, at long last, review and question the “dangerous manmade climate change” reports by federal agencies and investigations funded by them. The committee would be led by Dr. Will Happer, a highly respected scientist and well known skeptic – not of climate change, but of manmade climate chaos. He would be joined by other prominent experts – of whom there are many – who share his doubts.

No way! the climate alarmists rant. How dare you question our disaster claims? Our settled science?"
Now, I regard that opening as disingenuous. The answer to this proposal to form such a committee, is not as the article puts it at all. The answer offered by climate scientists is that there already exists a venue for such debate and discussion. It's called peer review, and the scientific debate takes place, and has done so for decades, in peer review publications. That is the case in all the sciences.

I would submit that the President and "climate denialists" are simply setting up a venue where they can use the pretext of such a committee to promote their fossil fuel industry agenda. So I find myself in the position of thinking "who do they think they're kidding?" As I recall, Scott Pruitt was hot for this idea. It really befuddles me when "climate denialists" accuse 97% of climate scientists as engaged in a political game, when the denialists are transparently political and clearly engaged in a non-scientific agenda and end run around the practice in all sciences for generations where research publication, discussion, debate, and emergence of consensus is concerned.
Those are legit concerns. From a conservatives perspective it doesn't feel like the public debate we are hearing is among scientists, though. It feels like it is among politicians. And some of them are in full whack-a-doodle mode. The Green New Deal is completely insane, for example. Getting rid of cows? Rebuilding every building? How would that even be possible? Eliminating all fossil fuels in 12 years? Flat out insanity! Especially since it's a guarantee that China and India would not be doing the same, and as a result they would destroy us economically. If the questions that article is asking have been answered, please point me to the source.
While trying to find specific info on this statement, and apparently I have not found the right search terms yet, I came across this interesting read:

In 2006 Al Gore warned that unless we changed our ways we would pass the point of no return within 10 years. He called it a "true planetary emergency." So did we take the necessary steps to avoid the appocolypse... because nothing close to his predictions of flooding costal cities and baking poles has come true. His deadline passed a while ago and now it seems that the current leaders of the political side of this movement are claiming that we are currently 12 years away from the new doomsday. I predict that 12 years from now that the disaster will still be a decade out, and that essentially same group of people will be falling for it and the same opposing group will still be saying that they don't believe it's going to happen.
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Here's a website dedicated to pointing out liberal bias in the media:


I know you won't read it but here it is for others to enjoy.
You have no idea what I will and won't read. Friedman, for example... I'd be pretty surprised if you'd read more of him (in the primary text) than I have. If I have views that don't strike you as "conservative", it might be because I've studied a little bit (not simply because I'm spouting and re-spouting others' opinions).
You have no idea what I will and won't read. Friedman, for example... I'd be pretty surprised if you'd read more of him (in the primary text) than I have. If I have views that don't strike you as "conservative", it might be because I've studied a little bit (not simply because I'm spouting and re-spouting others' opinions).

Awesome. You also have no idea if I have a "virulent strain of your dichotomous thought process". What I do have however is a website dedicated to years of liberal bias in the media. Yes I do thoroughly believe that CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, NPR, Huffington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS and others kissed Obama's rear end for 8 years. More if you include while he was running for president against Clinton. He was RARELY held accountable for anything.

I find that MOST of those that watch/read these sites: CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, NPR, Huffington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS and others believe that Obama was a complete saint without any controversies and Trump is the devil and has not done a single good thing for the country.

I also have studied a bit and I spout and re-spout other's opinions because I agree for the most part with what they say and it is quick and allows me to work during the day. And no, I am not saying you are not working. I am saying I can work more.
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Boy, you guys get pretty emotional about this stuff. I state some facts, show where the facts are documented and you jump in here like a bunch of 3 year olds.

Seriously how old are you Alfalfa? You act like my nine year old did when he was 4 with your "waaaaah" crap.