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Alex Jones and Social Media Censorship

This is pretty funny, actually. I can present as much evidence, post articles of why it's a concern, and since you're liberal it just automatically translates to you as blah blah blah. Then you bring up Trump, where there's a whole thread where I bitch about him getting the hell off of Twitter because the leader of the free world, or people like OC need to stop tweeting their political ******** and lies. (That said, I don't think they should really be banned.)

And just so you know, Crowder didn't break the rules. If you'd actually read the articles, you'd might learn something.
But for simpletons, it's just blah blah blah.


Trump derangement syndrome isn't a ****ing thing, and using big bad donnie as a scapegoat was the perceived intent, it was not the desired intent. Illustrating by example that conservatives, too, are thrown leniency from twitter is. Using the biggest, most visible example running seemed like a good idea at the time, as you'd think even a drunk toddler would get it. Instead, victim instinct leads to "oh he's a liberal and hates Trump, OMG"

Rules were broken. Don't act like anyone's innocent. You're not mad someone did something wrong, you're mad they did it to the wrong person.
Trump derangement syndrome isn't a ****ing thing, and using big bad donnie as a scapegoat was the perceived intent, it was not the desired intent. Illustrating by example that conservatives, too, are thrown leniency from twitter is. Using the biggest, most visible example running seemed like a good idea at the time, as you'd think even a drunk toddler would get it. Instead, victim instinct leads to "oh he's a liberal and hates Trump, OMG"

Rules were broken. Don't act like anyone's innocent. You're not mad someone did something wrong, you're mad they did it to the wrong person.

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What did Crowder do wrong?



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In their official response, did they not say what was said was hateful? Which would be an abuse?


In their official response, did they not say what was said was hateful? Which would be an abuse?

So basically you're saying...

.@YouTube's statement on @scrowder: OK, we admit he didn't violate our standards, but people were mad at us, so we just backfilled a rationale for demonetizing him with Orwellian doublespeak. https://t.co/5c63U77uB6

I might ad, I'm not a Crowder fan. Been following this though and sometimes he makes me laugh.
1) I said who knows.
2) Project Veritas
3) So in other words, I'm trying to form a conclusion with what information is available.

The conclusion being that, after a systemic, undercover campaign of the type that Project Veritas engages in, they came up with one message by one employee. The lack of evidence is deafening.

It's very one-sided. I don't support harrassment. I don't support enforcement of one-sided, politically motivated, perceived harrassment either.

Which you will no doubt demonstrate with multiple examples of left-wing people harassing right-wing over their gender identity. I'm sure you have a bevy of examples to back up your rhetoric.

She continued to say that Google altered its algorithms to promote its own political idea of “fairness,” adding, “The same people who voted for the current president ... do not agree with our definition of fairness.”

I'll say. It's so unfair that right -wingers are not allowed to harass transgender people into silence by insulting their gender.[/SARCASM]

If it's politically motivated, to me, it is.

Google follows the money. If you think the money leans left, I'm not sure how hard to laugh at that.

YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter, all have a huge influence. Yes, they make money too. They're public media platforms too, or no? (Honest question.)

They are private, in the same way the sidewalk in front of your house is private property.

I don't know much about Peterson or him chumming with white supremacists. I did a simple Google search and saw this though

So, the Daily Caller says Peterson is not alt-right by their standards? I'm sure that's true.

“It’s true that he’s not a white nationalist,” says David Neiwert, the Pacific Northwest correspondent for the Southern Poverty Law Center and the author of Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump. “But he’s buttressing his narrative with pseudo-facts, many of them created for the explicit purpose of promoting white nationalism, especially the whole notion of ‘cultural Marxism’. The arc of radicalisation often passes through these more ‘moderate’ ideologues.”

“The difference is that this individual has a title and profession that lend a certain illusory credibility,” says Cara Tierney, an artist and part-time professor who protested against Peterson’s appearance at Ottawa’s National Gallery last year. “It’s very theatrical and shrewdly exploits platforms that thrive on spectacle, controversy, fear and prejudice. The threat is not so much what [Peterson’s] beliefs are, but how they detract from more critical, informed and, frankly, interesting conversations.”

So basically you're saying...

.@YouTube's statement on @scrowder: OK, we admit he didn't violate our standards, but people were mad at us, so we just backfilled a rationale for demonetizing him with Orwellian doublespeak. https://t.co/5c63U77uB6

I might ad, I'm not a Crowder fan. Been following this though and sometimes he makes me laugh.

I'm not saying anything. I'm letting written rules be that. They speak much louder than I. YouTubes own verbiage does them in. They make the point you're avoiding; causation of social media bias isn't left or right because they do or don't support conservatives or liberals. It's just what's best for business.
The amount of denial in here is world class. Harambe and One Brow could work at Google. It's the type of place that hires people that label Jews as Nazis.

"It's only a guy that works for Google, that's emailing people that work for Google a list of Jews they think are Nazis. No evidence here or nothing wrong."

"Yeah, I know YouTube's policies better than YouTube. I read their rules and it clearly says if you say something mean or hurtful then you're gone - regardless of context. That rule will never be mishandled or have an agenda."


I tap out. You guys clearly win.

Harambe and One Brow could work at Google. It's the type of place that hires people that label Jews as Nazis.

Almost every place is that sort of place, since most people aren't hired based on politics.

"It's only a guy that works for Google, that's emailing people that work for Google a list of Jews they think are Nazis. No evidence here or nothing wrong."

One Jew, as far as I know.

No one whines better than the entitled conservative.

What's really amusing is that, to the degree Silicon Valley has a political leaning, it libertarianism, AFAICT.
The amount of denial in here is world class. Harambe and One Brow could work at Google. It's the type of place that hires people that label Jews as Nazis.

"It's only a guy that works for Google, that's emailing people that work for Google a list of Jews they think are Nazis. No evidence here or nothing wrong."

"Yeah, I know YouTube's policies better than YouTube. I read their rules and it clearly says if you say something mean or hurtful then you're gone - regardless of context. That rule will never be mishandled or have an agenda."


I tap out. You guys clearly win.


Sorry buddy. I'm not the ******* here. Been the rounds with modstoppo, and it's all the same... If it brings momentum, popularity, sensational views... troll, belittle, and flame away. Make your alts, throw blatantly racist speech about. No one really cares.

There's not a boogieman passing judgement on one side more than the other. Grow the **** up.
Sorry buddy. I'm not the ******* here. Been the rounds with modstoppo, and it's all the same... If it brings momentum, popularity, sensational views... troll, belittle, and flame away. Make your alts, throw blatantly racist speech about. No one really cares.

There's not a boogieman passing judgement on one side more than the other. Grow the **** up.
Wait, are you calling me a racist?

Gawd damn it.
Alex Jones was using his platform to commit crimes.

I know this thread has gone into the weeds a bit and we're not really talking about Alex Jones right now, but Alex Jones used his platform to commit crimes. There is NO shame in taking that weapon away from him so that he can no longer cause real harm to innocent people. People he knows that the things he says about them are NOT TRUE. People who face a real risk of violence because of the lies he tells his audience about them.

He knows he's lying. There is simply no way around that fact. It is because he's lying, and doing so intentionally, that his platform has been taken away.

I don't know the rest of these ****tards, but if you're sticking up for them I hope you've asked yourself honestly if they are lying to you or not.

Many conservatives have a voice. Many, many, many. On all the platforms.

People aren't being removed because they're conservative.

If you think it's because they're telling too much truth... I've got nothing else for you. I'm not following you into that. Have fun, good luck.
Are you actively monitoring the Fleshlight market? Would trade on that market be considered fleshlight futures? I think that would be a sticky situation.
Yes. I am. And it is.

I know Ben will never respond to this epic takedown, but this is hilarious. He gets dunked on by historians nearly everyday. If this was the BBC he’d crap his pants and run off the camera.

Response from historian. Great thread:
