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El Paso Shooting

So what is the solution?

In my opinion we need to be unequivocal in our condemnation of Trump. And that means Trump supporters should also be condemned. Playing softball is ridiculous at this point.
Not all Trump supporters are bad evil people though. I never like generalizing large groups of people.
Let's vote Trump out and go from there. Hold off on the whole hate a bunch of people you know nothing about thing for now. I don't think more hate is what this country needs.

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I disagree. Why shouldn’t Trumpers be publicly shamed? At this point, we all know what trump is about. We all know by Wednesday this week he’ll be back to tweeting about, “the brown horde” coming to invade our lands, take our jobs, and rape our white women.

Why shouldn’t Trumpers be shamed?
Because A. It wouldn't do any good. Do you think trumpers would be like oh, ok nevermind since you shamed me I will stop supporting him? Or do you think they would just double down and support him even more? I'm going with option 2.
So it wouldn't do any good.
And B. More hate is a bad thing.

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Tell that to the victims and their families who have seen their presence grow immensely in the last three years. And victims don’t have to be dead, they don’t have to be shot, either.

White nationalists are by far the most dangerous collection of terrorists to and in this country.

Tell that to the victims and their families when it's not a white supremacist.

A terrorist is a ****ing terrorist regardless of skin color.
Because A. It wouldn't do any good. Do you think trumpers would be like oh, ok nevermind since you shamed me I will stop supporting him? Or do you think they would just double down and support him even more? I'm going with option 2.
So it wouldn't do any good.
And B. More hate is a bad thing.

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I disagree.

You don’t break a cult by loving, coddling, and normalizing them. Trumpers need to understand that they are indeed racists and their white supremacy will not be tolerated by our society. We’ve coddled these people for far too long.

Plus, it’ll act as a deterrent and discourage people from this hateful ideology/community.

Shut down white supremacist boards and platforms, boycott sponsors of white nationalism propaganda (Tucker), and shame Trumpers as the deplorables they are.
I disagree.

You don’t break a cult by loving, coddling, and normalizing them. Trumpers need to understand that they are indeed racists and their white supremacy will not be tolerated by our society. We’ve coddled these people for far too long.

So what are you going to do about it? Cry on an internet forum? Protest somewhere and get arrested and cry you're the victim?

Are you advocating violence? Are you going to fight or just use your fingers on a keyboard. You want more deaths?
There’s a lot more we can do to fight white supremacy.

Regulate/shut down their platforms and boards. boycott the sponsors of white supremacy propaganda. Shame Trumpers. And yes, when necessary, prosecute them. There’s no reason why the bundy klan should be free today. They’re just an example of how we’ve coddled these nuts.
Does anyone here think Trump has NOT emboldened these shooters? He is tearing our country apart.

He’s just exploiting the same old American myth they have been in place since the beginning. We allow it by not admitting that these racial constructs are a farce. We allow it because we are in love with our caste system.
You don’t break a cult by loving, coddling, and normalizing them.

You don’t break them with the methods that you described, either.

If you want to destroy the white supremacist cult, then you take away their number one myth: whiteness. Without the white construct, they have no brand. All of a sudden, they just become Germans, British, French, sweets, Norwegian, etc.

Such a move would actually give them back an authentic identity, tied to their European country of origin.

Why do you think ANTIFA Has had such a minimal impact? It’s because they’ve gone to war with white supremacist foot soldiers instead of the white supremacist brand.

It is the myth that is the source of their power.
You don’t break them with the methods that you described, either.

If you want to destroy the white supremacist cult, then you take away their number one myth: whiteness. Without the white construct, they have no brand. All of a sudden, they just become Germans, British, French, sweets, Norwegian, etc.

Such a move would actually give them back an authentic identity, tied to their European country of origin.

Why do you think ANTIFA Has had such a minimal impact? It’s because they’ve gone to war with white supremacist foot soldiers instead of the white supremacist brand.

It is the myth that is the source of their power.

Nonsense. Clint watts has been advocating for what I say and he helped disrupt terrorist groups in Africa and the Middle East.
? There's one response. Of course it's an attack on me. Consider me done with you guys if you can't act like an adult. It's a wonder mass shootings happen when people can't even communicate without vileness.
We all see who’s acting like the adult here. I don’t even know what you’re arguing about. So yeah, consider yourself done. See yourself out. Bye

This interaction between you two really stood out to me. Lately I have been thinking a lot about our lack of kindness as a species. How tribal we are. How we create barriers, and sometimes on such a whim. How we can be mean to one another, grasping tightly to our pride, our ego's. Our ardent pursuit for power and the casualties we inflict along the way. I see it so much in the office environment where I work. Victor Frankl said there are two races of men in the world: the race of the decent man and the race of the indecent. man both pervade all groups, cultures, nations etc. I've come to believe even in the office where I work I know the decent people and the indecent people.

But then human beings are more complex than that. There are other factors. Context and degree of decency or indecency. Mental health, genetics, the road along the way.

I just think we need less ego. Less pride. Less resistance to what is.

More compassion. More understanding. More kindness.
I disagree.

You don’t break a cult by loving, coddling, and normalizing them. Trumpers need to understand that they are indeed racists and their white supremacy will not be tolerated by our society. We’ve coddled these people for far too long.

Plus, it’ll act as a deterrent and discourage people from this hateful ideology/community.

Shut down white supremacist boards and platforms, boycott sponsors of white nationalism propaganda (Tucker), and shame Trumpers as the deplorables they are.

I would agree if all trumpers were racist. They're not though.

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So what is the solution?

In my opinion we need to be unequivocal in our condemnation of Trump. And that means Trump supporters should also be condemned. Playing softball is ridiculous at this point.
More blame should go to the reps in office, the Congressmen and Senators, who continue to support him and kiss his butt. Our Congressman in the SLC area, Chris Stewart, is one of them. I sent him an angry tirade on his website; I urge others to do the same. Claims to be a best-selling writer. I looked up the reviews of his books. What a bunch of crap. Invented and proselytized histories. Why do people elect such reps, because he is LDS, because he was an Air Force pilot, because he is a "best-selling" author? He is obviously a creep of the first degree if he unequivocally supports Trump, which he does.
Not all Trump supporters are bad evil people though. I never like generalizing large groups of people.
Let's vote Trump out and go from there. Hold off on the whole hate a bunch of people you know nothing about thing for now. I don't think more hate is what this country needs.

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Just uninformed and brainwashed by his rhetoric so that they ignore the hideousness of his personality.