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Stupid Pet Peeves

folks who can't manage to open the bag inside the cereal box neatly along the top edge but just rip it open in a haphazard fashion so that when you try to pour a bowl of cereal the cereal spills out all over the place
I listen to this one podcast which I like a lot, but the host always says things like "her and her family did this" instead of "she and her family". Bugs me like crazy.
folks who can't manage to open the bag inside the cereal box neatly along the top edge but just rip it open in a haphazard fashion so that when you try to pour a bowl of cereal the cereal spills out all over the place
In my defense (ha ha), most of the time it's the bag's fault. Depends on the brand but some are really awful. Impossible to open cleanly without taking a pair of scissors to the bag.
When the wife picks where to eat and as soon as you get home you realize it was a mistake and it’s going to be a long night.

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You think it was food poisoning or the food just didn't agree with you?

Actual food poisoning usually takes a good 12 hours to kick in.
You think it was food poisoning or the food just didn't agree with you?

Actual food poisoning usually takes a good 12 hours to kick in.
I don't think it was legit food poisoning. It hasn't been nearly violent enough. No vomiting, just a steady case of the runs last night and today.
Today’s pet peeve:
Tobacco chewers who think it’s okay to just spit wherever they want. I went to go kneel down to do some work and almost put my knee in that ****.

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Have a guy at work who always spits outside the shop. Right by where we park pickups. Sure it's a gravel lot, but I don't want to step in chew! Hate that.