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Conley is a chemistry problem and we should trade him

It would really only be CP imo.

Agreed. And honestly I don't see the OKC front office having any interest. I get that it saves them money. But they threw an unexpected right hook to the head of their fans last offseason that had a lot of fans hot at them. Now they are smelling like a rose and looking like a playoff team. Do they really want to press their luck to save a buck? I don't think so. I mean, I think they'd trade CP3 for the right package that they could properly sell to the fanbase. But Mike Conley? How do they sell that? "Okay peeps we're going to trade one older PG for another. It might just screw up our chemistry this season and cost us a playoff spot. But hey we're saving a buck!"
Agreed. And honestly I don't see the OKC front office having any interest. I get that it saves them money. But they threw an unexpected right hook to the head of their fans last offseason that had a lot of fans hot at them. Now they are smelling like a rose and looking like a playoff team. Do they really want to press their luck to save a buck? I don't think so. I mean, I think they'd trade CP3 for the right package that they could properly sell to the fanbase. But Mike Conley? How do they sell that? "Okay peeps we're going to trade one older PG for another. It might just screw up our chemistry this season and cost us a playoff spot. But hey we're saving a buck!"

My idea would really be Conley to NY... expirings to OKC. The fans have seen Presti raise a team of KD, Harden, and Russ... they might be patient. They'd still make the playoffs and could do some sign and trade maneuvers with Gallo and maybe move Adams to stack more assets.

They've seen the process work. They may not do it, but they'd be wise to push towards the future... next year I doubt they want to retain a 32 year old Gallo at sizeable money... CP gets another year older. They have SGA who is nice... they have a lot of picks which is nice... but they kind of need to bottom out and get the high picks if they want to build something truly great. This current version will have run its course soon.
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I want to see more Mudiay out there, he deserves it. He played well after the arrival of Clarkson and the bench became a weapon.

Let Mudiay and Conley fight for their minutes, he who plays better plays longer.
I want to see more Mudiay out there, he deserves it. He played well after the arrival of Clarkson and the bench became a weapon.

Let Mudiay and Conley fight for their minutes, he who plays better plays longer.
He played well and so did Clarkson and so did the team. Is there a correlation between MC's return and the drop-off of Clarkson and also of the team?

Not sure, but the bench misses the hungry toughness that Mudiay brought.
He played well and so did Clarkson and so did the team. Is there a correlation between MC's return and the drop-off of Clarkson and also of the team?

Not sure, but the bench misses the hungry toughness that Mudiay brought.
I'm not sure there is a correlation. Jazz didn't play well for a good week after Conley got hurt (more to do with trading for Clarkson, cutting Green and Benching Davis) and they played well for the 3-4 games Conley has been back until last night. It was 1 game they played poorly against a team they notoriously have struggled against, after the Kobe trajedy (remember that Houston already played) and against a team that the Jazz had no gameplan for since they were missing 3 starters. Lets see how the next week goes, 1 game is not a pattern.

CP's such a great pick and roll player and has such a high basketball IQ that I don't really see any reason why he wouldn't be a fit in Quins system.
Can be great defensively too. Strong as hell.

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I hate his stupid nerdy dumb *** face but yeah, I'd love to get CP3. Problem is I feel like he'd take away from Donovan. He would want to run the point 30 min a game.
Harden has the highest usage in the NBA and he did fine with him

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We would be giving OKC financial flexibility to go along with their young assets and pics to be a force for years to come. I'd like the idea more if OKC wasn't in the west. A big price to pay for CP3 who may or may not be the difference.
Maybe we could entice a pick from them?

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I watched Conley last night and he played turrible, almost as bad as Gobert who stuffed himself on the rim and backboard not once but twice, and not quite as bad as Bogey who actually forgot how to dribble (Snyder had to yank him - before he let him back in in clutch time to hit some bombs that didn't matter). Conley is still thinking too much. That was apparent to me in a recent Kristen Kenney interview in which he was addressing his slow start and how he was going to fix it (WHY????) Turned on the Jets last night on one play and it's apparent he's the fastest player on our team. Hit an impossible twisting layup in traffic, made me think wow, how good can this guy be. But still, I believe that generally speaking, he makes everybody better. And if somebody doesn't show up, please don't blame it on Conley cause he's got his own demons to deal with.
Bogey did score thirty though

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CP can guard bigger guys so both guys are small but its very different. CP has played at a high level in four different place with four different types of teams... his game is more malleable.

I think CP just a much better player... only question is durability. You absolutely start him. He played with and made another ball dominant wing great with Harden... he ran lob city and was great with Capela. If teams deny the roll and hug the shooters he will murder the mid range... literally like the best in the league.

CP is a savant and the Point God... Mike was a borderline all star... its a massive difference.
Cp3 is a way better player than Conley.

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I'm not sure there is a correlation. Jazz didn't play well for a good week after Conley got hurt (more to do with trading for Clarkson, cutting Green and Benching Davis) and they played well for the 3-4 games Conley has been back until last night. It was 1 game they played poorly against a team they notoriously have struggled against, after the Kobe trajedy (remember that Houston already played) and against a team that the Jazz had no gameplan for since they were missing 3 starters. Lets see how the next week goes, 1 game is not a pattern.
There's no denying that the Jazz were humming after the Clarkson trade. Some say that they found their identity then. No doubt the absence of Green and Davis enabled others to step up. Not sure if their is a correlation between the surge and the absence of Mike as well, but it's hard to argue that there isn't one.
Paul would put us as a legitimate contender...

Would make Gobert into an MVP type player , that’s how good he is , fantastic pick and roll player ... can hit that short jumper , great passer , defends with passion ..

Okc do this to save a years worth of salary and have Conleys expiring contract for next year .

And another factor , Jazz have really missed Mudiay pushing the pace in the second unit ... The ball has been sticking way to much in Conleys hands , the offence is slowing down , then throwing it to Mitchell late in the clock to get us out of trouble ....
You guys are hell bent on fixing something that ain't broken, and ruining the team financially for years to come.
This. Just give Donovan the ball and pair him up with a 3D in the backcourt. Royce would've been his perfect backcourt partner if we didn't rely on his rebounding and defense so much that we had to put him on 3 and even 4.
CP has been really ballin' and it's amazing. He has the hunger and toughness that any nba teams need. Conley needs to get his @** off of Conley Island. It's gettin' about that time or we're just another 1st rd exit team.
Paul would be a nice upgrade over Conley for sure. Just not quite sure if he moves the needle though. A risky move for us given his age, injury concern and contract . And thunder would be asking for more than just Conley straight up
There’s no way in hell OKC is trading Paul for our “garbage.” If they’re looking to clear salary, they can do better than that.
I feel that if CP3 was able to play within Quin's system and not hijack the offense and he was able to fit in with our locker room he would take us from legitimate contenders to favorites. His ability to scorch from midrange and his playmaking with Rudy and this group of shooters would be insane.

I don't see it happening. But yeah..