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Players only meeting.

It's crazy the different realities. My whole life I've taught the opposite. That cops aren't there to help, they will only make things worse. Don't talk to them, don't look at them, don't acknowledge them, because if you do, you just give them a reason to harass you. They are there for themselves, not for you. If they ever try to talk to you, just go silent and say "yes sir" and hope they leave. And if they don't, just lie there and take it, because if you don't, they will kill you.

Your goal is to survive cops and try to find some semblance of justice when they are surrounded by attorneys.

That sucks. Its terrible that has been your experience. It isn't right.
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I refuse to show respect for someone who is unworthy of respect. He is an embarrassment to this fan base and forum as he cyber-bullies, calls people names, and now called someone a racist.

I raise my kids to treat every single person the same. Be nice to everyone you come across. Calling me a racist is a line he shouldn't cross.

People like Cy cheapen the world we live in. We shouldn't sit by and watch him wrecking ball people all the time on this forum.
bruh you racist. The only people I "wrecking ball" on this forum are the racist. I'm glad you teach your kids to be nice to people and stuff, but you constantly misinterpret narratives (like that of Colin Kap) that can only lead me to believe that you're racist.

The fact that we are here discussing serious **** like black people being murdered by police and you feel the need to bring up that somebody called you a "old white dude" on the basketball court... you sounding all lives matter racist out here. Your post always point to a lot of unresolved white fragility.
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I have heard a lot of people ask for TANGIBLE WAYS that they can improve the community. Can we be more constructive and suggest ways of helping out and healing instead of witch hunting?

I have heard LISTEN. I have heard VOTE. Happy to do both.

A tangible change I would support is exchanging the majority of police officers arsenal from lethal to effective non-lethal as a way to curb police brutality and excessive use of force. Its not a cure all but a step in the right direction methinks.
I meant what is typically ever said on a basketball court...it's all in good fun **** talking. Obviously there's stuff that could be said that would need to be taken serious.

Excellent. Agreed. Have fun. Talk trash. Go Jinglin with some creative banter. But don't cross the line. Take that stance, live it, and share it.
Disappointed they conceded so early. The capitalist system just makes change so hard due to greed and power.

Im glad they got some stuff done, but felt like they could have done more. All in all it was good, I just got my revolutionary hopes up lmao
I like to think they have shown that a strike is a viable plan in the future. The threat will always be there now.
Looks like this was just for show and play will begin Sunday.

I'm so inspired
I mean one team pausing caused all the teams in one league to pause... then several other teams in other leagues paused... now the NHL is pausing.

Let me know when you feel like it has met your standard as being meaningful.
You're a real piece of ****
About the answer I expected. You know I'm right so you get mad and attack.

I'm genuinely asking.

What is one game protest going to change? Anybody that's not an emtiomal **** want to tell me? I say absolutely nothing but I'd like to hear how one game away fixes police brutality.
About the answer I expected. You know I'm right so you get mad and attack.

I'm genuinely asking.

What is one game protest going to change? Anybody that's not an emtiomal **** want to tell me? I say absolutely nothing but I'd like to hear how one game away fixes police brutality.

It’s all about continuing the conversation. Its all anyone is talking about. How isn’t it going to induce change? We’re already seeing immediate change:

Now log out of your account clown.
It’s all about continuing the conversation. Its all anyone is talking about. How isn’t it going to induce change? We’re already seeing immediate change:

Now log out of your account clown.

So a one day protest continues the conversation? This couldn't be done without protest?
About the answer I expected. You know I'm right so you get mad and attack.

I'm genuinely asking.

What is one game protest going to change? Anybody that's not an emtiomal **** want to tell me? I say absolutely nothing but I'd like to hear how one game away fixes police brutality.
Lopo likes this post then tries to get mad at people calling him racist. Too perfect.
About the answer I expected. You know I'm right so you get mad and attack.

I'm genuinely asking.

What is one game protest going to change? Anybody that's not an emtiomal **** want to tell me? I say absolutely nothing but I'd like to hear how one game away fixes police brutality.

Your real response should say something like, “hey dudes, I have no concept for change or leverage, can anyone help me? While you’re at it, I also have no idea what’s actually transpired in the last 24 hours, so please inform me. Tia.”
Y'all are too childish. It a wonder why there's so many riots and innocent people getting their livilyhoods burned. Children.

I'm done with your radical blood thirsty agenda though. Can't even have an adult conversation.

Peace for all.