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Trump has the Rona !

I can foresee a humanist argument that claims a Trump death would ultimately save a lot of lives. I’m not a humanist, so I don’t wade into those brambles. What do you say to that claim, though?

Good on you, because it's all guess work. So many countries are struggling with this virus. I posted the death per capita charts and the U.S is high, but in line with most countries. Short of a hard lockdown for 6 months the numbers aren't going to get real low. Now you have like a 30% real unemployment rate. The results: poverty leading to much higher crime, drug overdoses, suicide from depression. How much of that would get media coverage? You know the answer - zero. Most people here would think everything is fine and dandy. It's all political, Trump is the bad guy for the giant corporations he costs them billions with his tariffs. They own the media and will use whatever means necessary to get him out.
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The GOP basically had a superspreader event for RBG’s replacement.

November 3 shouldn’t even be a choice - they’re willfully stupid.
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Is it just me or does that lawn look like absolute ****? Trump is like the ****** college student renter that is going to leave the WH in need of deep repair.

I heard that - between ICE and the Border Patrol my lawn is going to **** too!
Very confusing messaging today about when he was diagnosed (Wednesday maybe) as well as that his health isn’t as rosy as they said.

Seriously, the misinformation is damning right now. If he had Covid Wednesday and kept campaigning anyway, it’s disqualifying.

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Even if we assume the Covid deaths aren't inflated in the U.S., our death per capita is the same as everyone else:

Covid deaths are more likely to be underreported in the United States.

I never tried to be a bully. A bully is someone who attacks someone else who can't or won't defend themselves. Someone who has power over someone else and uses that power.

A bully is a person with serious levels of personal insecurity, and who picks on people they feel are easy to push around without negative consequences to themselves, and which allow them to appear “strong”, when in fact it is an action designed to hide their internal weaknesses and insecurities. They often dislike themselves for the simply reason that they know they are really cowardly in nature, and not internally strong at all. I don’t know if Trump dislikes himself, but, in every other way, he matches this description of a bully. He is a coward at heart.

I do realize this is not truly related to the exchange you were engaged in, but I took the opportunity to describe the man who is the subject of the thread, Donald Trump. Pardon the aside....
Very confusing messaging today about when he was diagnosed (Wednesday maybe) as well as that his health isn’t as rosy as they said.

Seriously, the misinformation is damning right now. If he had Covid Wednesday and kept campaigning anyway, it’s disqualifying.

The confusing messaging is on purpose. White house chief of staff Mark Meadows is saying one thing on camera to the American people, and giving white house pool reporters a different story on background. I ****ing hate this administration.
3. So I ackbowledge it is bad news but is mainly bad news for people who are already on the precipice of death. These are not people who have 20 years of good life to live. Let nature take its course,

Although, in general, your points are inaccurate, regarding the limited demographic that need to worry about Covid, you also ignore people who have come to call themselves “long haulers”, one of whom formed Survivor Corps, a support group for Covid survivors who suffer several types of very debilitating conditions/health issues after “recovering” from the virus itself. And certainly many would have many years of “good life” to live. And therein lies the problem you do not touch upon at all in your comments. Death may be the worst outcome, but quality of life, what you call “good life” is also worth hanging onto, if possible. These “long haulers” may have lost that chance due to Covid.

Sorry to bust your bubble hateful garbage

President Donald Trump’s doctor at Walter Reed Medical Center, Sean Conley, said during a press conference that the president is “doing very well,” and that his already mild symptoms are dissipating.
We do have a long history of being lied to about our presidents' health (e.g. FDR, JFK). I'm less concerned about that unless he knowingly put others in danger.

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Point being your graph was in response to mine explaining how 75,000,000 won't get sick.... Right? Remember? Now you all are denying the conversation. You were mocking me for saying 75,000,000 won't get sick.

This was the principle study that I posted somewhere in the “Coronavirus in China” thread, from Imperial College in London. I have not gone back to that thread; this was saved in the folder I keep on Covid:

This passage is from the study:

“In the (unlikely) absence of any control measures or spontaneous changes in individual behaviour, we would expect a peak in mortality (daily deaths) to occur after approximately 3 months (Figure 1A). In such scenarios, given an estimated R0 of 2.4, we predict 81% of the GB and US populations would be infected over the course of the epidemic. Epidemic timings are approximate given the limitations of surveillance data in both countries: The epidemic is predicted to be broader in the US than in GB and to peak slightly later. This is due to the larger geographic scale of the US, resulting in more distinct localised epidemics across states (Figure 1B) than seen across GB”.


The percentage estimates are even higher than 75-150 million infections. It was the physician to Congress who testified to Congress, a few days before the Imperial College study was published, that the US would see 70-150 million infections.

I do believe Dr. Fauci later said we should be cautious where such estimates are concerned. Fauci stated that model estimates were only as good as the assumptions built into the models. At any rate, I felt the Imperial College study was important, not because I have the medical expertise to judge the study, but because it then became clear that both GB and the US were reacting to that study, in major ways, something I believe I also noted at the time in the Coronavirus thread:

This is why I posted those links, or ones with identical information, and the Imperial College study, in the Coronavirus thread. And it was always clear that higher estimates of infection were based on an approach that amounted to doing nothing to stop the spread of the disease. None of this was fear mongering. It was posting information that was highly relevant at the time, esp. as it was effecting a change in the administration’s approach.

This is how I recall my end of things here. I hope I’m done explaining this, lol...
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I can foresee a humanist argument that claims a Trump death would ultimately save a lot of lives. I’m not a humanist, so I don’t wade into those brambles. What do you say to that claim, though?

That sounds more utilitarian than humanist. I'm not sure how big the overlap is between them, if there is one.
Now you have like a 30% real unemployment rate.

What is a "real unemployment rate", and why is it almost triple the actual unemployment rate?

The results: poverty leading to much higher crime,

Crime has gone down since last year.

drug overdoses,

The rate of drug overdose increase started trending up in July 2019.

suicide from depression.

Suicide rates have been increasing in the rural US for 20 years, including the Trump years.

How much of that would get media coverage? You know the answer - zero.

How much of what you said was true or connected to covid19? You now know the answer - zero.

Most people here would think everything is fine and dandy. It's all political, Trump is the bad guy for the giant corporations he costs them billions with his tariffs. They own the media and will use whatever means necessary to get him out.

What's your non-media source of information?
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