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The *official* Election Day Game Thread!

Hahaha. I guess I shouldn’t laugh. It is more embarrassing than comical....

President Donald Trump has struggled to convince the country he already won the election. So he’s just going to do the next best thing: Act like he’s starting his second term early.

Trump and his aides have settled on a plan for him to take full advantage of his existing perch at the White House to look as presidential as possible, according to three people briefed on the strategy. He may fire a few Cabinet members and top aides, including FBI Director Christopher Wray and Defense Secretary Mark Esper. He could sign a slew of base-pleasing executive orders. He might even resume his travel schedule. Meanwhile, Trump’s team is planning to mount even more legal challenges and cast evidence-deficient aspersions on the integrity of ballots.
Back in 2016 trump said that done of the caucuses were rigged against him because they didn't favor him in the republican primaries.

When his fake university was convicted of fraud and racketeering he said the courts were rigged against him.

When he didn't win an Emmy for his reality tv show her said the emmys were rigged against him.

Time magazine was rigged against him when he felt he deserved to be on the cover.

The Nobel prize was rigged against him when he didn't win it.

There is a pattern here.

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Annie Karni

Annie Karni, in Washington 23m ago
The Trump campaign hints that no one should be expecting a Trump concession. “This election is not over,” a campaign attorney said in a statement.
What does that mean?
What does it mean to have a laser on you?

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He quoted Woj's tweet from a couple of years ago's NBA draft when Woj was prohibited to break the news about the players the teams were selecting in order for the TV broadcast of the draft to keep the suspense. So Woj invented all different ways to spoil the picks without actually saying "Portland will pick Anfernee Simons"(so his tweet for Portland selecting Simons was that they "have a laser on" him). That's pretty much what's happening now with the presidential election. It's over and all the networks know it but they don't want to call it until all the votes are counted, even though for example the only votes remaining in PA are mail-in ballots that favor Biden by huge margin. Any other year with any other incumbent this race would have been called long time ago already. He's pretty much saying "Joe Biden is the next president" without actually saying it.
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Recent batch of AZ votes for Trump wasn't good for Trump as he needs to win bigger margins than what he got. He's basically toast in AZ too.

Final count for EC will be 306 to 232 - exactly the same as Trump's win in 2020 albeit in the other direction.
Recent batch of AZ votes for Trump wasn't good for Trump as he needs to win bigger margins than what he got. He's basically toast in AZ too.

Final count for EC will be 306 to 232 - exactly the same as Trump's win in 2020 albeit in the other direction.
and according to Trump that was the biggliest win ever that has ever happened.
  • New York magazine's Olivia Nuzzi said she learned of a phone call Thursday in which Trump said he "assumed people knew that by 'stop the count' he didn't mean he wanted to stop the count."

He quoted Woj's tweet from a couple of years ago's NBA draft when Woj was prohibited to break the news about the players the teams were selecting in order for the TV broadcast of the draft to keep the suspense. So Woj invented all different ways to spoil the picks without actually saying "Portland will pick Anfernee Simons"(so his tweet for Portland selecting Simons was that they "have a laser on" him). That's pretty much what's happening now with the presidential election. It's over and all the networks know it but they don't want to call it until all the votes are counted, even though for example the only votes remaining in PA are mail-in ballots that favor Biden by huge margin. Any other year with any other incumbent this race would have been called long time ago already. He's pretty much saying "Joe Biden is the next president" without actually saying it.
Great explaination. Thanks

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Well. It is my bedtime.

I'm expecting sweet dreams and happy revelations when I awake.

Take care jazzfanz!

Victory for the USA!

Some of the lyrics:
Moving forward to right now
A government that let you down
A racist leader, no one trusted
An army that's bigger than us

And a poverty on a global scale
A fragile world with fragile air and
Fragile water, I'm sure they'll put off 'til tomorrow

I'm skipping forward to the ending
To that point all too impending to that moment
That all that stops, that one day, when that bottom drops
And we remember our voices, had a chance
Yeah, we had our choice but time is a luxury
We as a people, we might not no longer afford

Great song and kind of fitting right now

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Can you imagine all the ******** they gonna find out when they take office. Like when you take over work for someone who was a complete **** up but 100x worse. Trump better delete all the browser histories.