Oh, you want the proof, well here....
Cops letting protestors onto capitol grounds.
Then they let them in the building, and say "I may disagree with it, but its your right"
Now, as far as the F B I, first they said there were no left wing groups involved with January 6th/ We know that's I lie, the evidence is below.
We know for a fact that Salt Lake City resident and known Antifa provocateur John Sullivan was at the Capitol on Jan 6th, fully decked out in trump clothing.
View attachment 10878
Full video of John Sullivan's antics w/ CNN on Jan 6th is age restricted, wonder why?
John Sullivan with CNN reporter saying "We did it!"
Now, if I can take 30 minutes to post this information, the F B I sure as hell knew there were left wing agent provocateurs mixed in with the Trump crowd. Using basic logic, we can easily come to the conclusion with what i've posted above, that the F B I has lied to the American people about January 6th in just this instance alone. So my next line of logic would conclude that the F B I would also lie about any involvement they had in January 6th as well.
We know for 100% fact that the F B I was involved in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case.
Detroit News archive from Mar 10th 2021
OOpps, F B I informant slips up during hearing.