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There are some perks to not having smell. But it does affect taste. And there was a time once where I left something burning without knowing because I couldn't sense the smoke.
I've always been told that they're exclusively linked. But You're the fourth person I know of to report they're not.
Did you have any pain in your chest or sleeping issues? Or brain fog?

I didn’t have a fever. It was weird, In fact, I never even had much congestion or aches. I’ve had friends who were down for a week straight with chills, fever, and aches.

Mine started out with a slight cough and barely a sore throat. More like a dry throat. I got tested on a Monday and was planning on returning to work on wed but then I got my result Tuesday night. Which shocked me.

I had a few nights where I woke up at 2:00 am just super stimulated. Heart racing and sleep completely gone. But still no significant aches or pains. I’d usually be wide awake until 4:00 or 5:00 and then crash until 10:00am.

Thursday I had chest pain and breathing felt like someone was stepping onto my chest and compressing my rib cage. That’s what ****ing freaked me out. I threw everything I had at it hoping to avoid a hospital stay. Musinex, nasal spray, Advil, and hot showers.

Things improved. My sleep got better and the chest pain went away. Blood oxy never went below 90.

The second week I experienced more fatigue, brain fog, and lost smell and taste. I once opened a can of minced garlic to sense something. I huffed it and huffed it and couldn’t smell anything. Like a kid smelling glue. But then it burned my nose and I had a runny nose. Lol.

it took me a solid 15 days to return to work and my smell and taste still haven’t returned back to normal. But I had the original strain, not delta, and vaccines weren’t out when I got it. That made for a tasteless and sad thanksgiving last year. But I’m grateful that it wasn’t worse.
No considerable pain in the chest, just congestion and tightness from continuous coughing. Some sleeping issues, mostly because I couldn’t stop coughing! Brain fog… The jury’s out.
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Well done Atlanta falcons.

Also from the article it says that 91.7% of players in the NFL are vaccinated.

Ole Miss college football team is also 100% vaccinated. The WNBA is 99% vaccinated.
Damn. Now Bill Gates, George Soros, and Fauci will be able to control the brains of Ole Miss and the WNBA. Things are about to go crazy now.
My best friend is a nurse in northern Utah. She went to part-time in June. Didn't last long as she's now having to work more than when she was full-time. The hospitals are a mess, and she's so frustrated with the unvaccinated who are making all of our lives harder.

I've been quite ill the past 6 weeks with flare-ups of my heart and lung issues. But in reading lefty's post and the ones following, now I'm wondering if I've had a very mild breakthrough case as well as I've had a persistent sore throat and sneezing. My oxygen levels are always around 91-93, but they haven't changed (they don't put you on oxygen until you are below 90 these days). Then again, I've been on weird meds that have probably caused my not being able to sleep and such. Guess it doesn't matter as I haven't been going anywhere (joys of working from home).

Anyway, hope you all recover and the rest of us stay safe.
My best friend is a nurse in northern Utah. She went to part-time in June. Didn't last long as she's now having to work more than when she was full-time. The hospitals are a mess, and she's so frustrated with the unvaccinated who are making all of our lives harder.

I've been quite ill the past 6 weeks with flare-ups of my heart and lung issues. But in reading lefty's post and the ones following, now I'm wondering if I've had a very mild breakthrough case as well as I've had a persistent sore throat and sneezing. My oxygen levels are always around 91-93, but they haven't changed (they don't put you on oxygen until you are below 90 these days). Then again, I've been on weird meds that have probably caused my not being able to sleep and such. Guess it doesn't matter as I haven't been going anywhere (joys of working from home).

Anyway, hope you all recover and the rest of us stay safe.
My sister in law is a nurse in Utah county. She said she’s never been busier, the hospital has never been so full, and sadly she said that the morale has ever been lower. She’s not one to discuss politics or disparage the Mormon church, but she has recently. She’s fed up with Republicans. She’s tired of the conspiracies. And she’s really frustrated with fellow mormons who ignore the health recommendations of church leaders. I’ve never heard her be so blunt as the last two weeks.

I hope you take care of yourself. Do you know if you can get tested for covid? It would be Interesting to see if you had a mild breakthrough case.

I work in education and masks are merely recommended where I’m at. I wear a mask in large groups. Sadly, I’m just waiting for the oncoming locomotive to mow me down again. Living in a red state can really suck. I fully expect to have covid again this fall due to our pathetic vaccination numbers. But who needs a vaccine when one has “the spirit?” /s
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I work on education and masks are merely recommended where I’m at. I wear a mask in large groups. Sadly, I’m just waiting for the oncoming locomotive to mow me down again.
10000% proof the vaccine is ineffective at everything besides helping with severity. You two get your booster shot that proves my point? You literally said you are going to get covid again. You are literally admitting the vaccine is not preventing the spread. In that regard the vaccine is not beating the virus, or it's not even trying to.

You all want to bully everyone but in the sane sentence admit the ineffectiveness of the vaccine. You can't be this ignorant, right? Better get your 3rd shot in months......................
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Personally I just want to thank @The Thriller for reassuring me why I don't need the shot. I was pretty close to but his post confirmed why it's pointless. He wears a mask, he's vaccinated and he promises that he will get the virus and it will be severe, a locomotive to be exact.. I'm not vaccinated nor wear a mask but I've had covid and I may get the virus again if my natural immunity doesn't work. The only, ONLY, difference is that Thriller has like a .00001% chance of dying while I have like a .0001% chance of dying.

I'll take my freedom and very very very low chance of dying. Enjoy your booster. Thanks for admitting I'll get the virus even if I do vaccinate or wear a mask.
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My best friend is a nurse in northern Utah. She went to part-time in June. Didn't last long as she's now having to work more than when she was full-time. The hospitals are a mess, and she's so frustrated with the unvaccinated who are making all of our lives harder.

I've been quite ill the past 6 weeks with flare-ups of my heart and lung issues. But in reading lefty's post and the ones following, now I'm wondering if I've had a very mild breakthrough case as well as I've had a persistent sore throat and sneezing. My oxygen levels are always around 91-93, but they haven't changed (they don't put you on oxygen until you are below 90 these days). Then again, I've been on weird meds that have probably caused my not being able to sleep and such. Guess it doesn't matter as I haven't been going anywhere (joys of working from home).

Anyway, hope you all recover and the rest of us stay safe.
Take care of yourself, JG.
I see a lot of misinformation out there on actual mortality rates, but globally, it's closer to 2%.

That's at a high-level obviously as this will vary depending on your age group, pre-existing conditions, where you live, etc. that can change your specific mortality rate, but this is the confirmed number. The true number will obviously be a bit lower as many will have Covid and not report it, were asymptomatic, do at home tests, etc.

The last 18 months have been some weird blurb in our lives - I somehow remember everything and yet nothing at all. It all runs together in one weird flowing picture of why humans are imperfect beings and will always be.
I see a lot of misinformation out there on actual mortality rates, but globally, it's closer to 2%.

That's at a high-level obviously as this will vary depending on your age group, pre-existing conditions, where you live, etc. that can change your specific mortality rate, but this is the confirmed number. The true number will obviously be a bit lower as many will have Covid and not report it, were asymptomatic, do at home tests, etc.

The last 18 months have been some weird blurb in our lives - I somehow remember everything and yet nothing at all. It all runs together in one weird flowing picture of why humans are imperfect beings and will always be.

2537 deaths 447,771 cases


NJ 5th most vaccinated state


As you pointed out there's more than likely a LOT more cases that are unreported. So these numbers are much lower.
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2537 deaths 447,771 cases


NJ 5th most vaccinated state


As you pointed out there's more than likely a LOT more cases that are unreported. So these numbers are much lower.
And we'll never really know what that amount will be. Utah's younger population and relatively good health helps our numbers quite a bit on the topline.

Utah is basically half of a percent if we move the decimals over and NJ definitely ain't great at about 2.6%.

It's also fair to say that the majority of deaths in all states are also pre-vaccine availability so comparing vaccinated states to non-vaccinated only works insofar as using their vaccine availability to all ages start date in comparison to one another. That's where some of the southern states and places like Missouri show a bit more breakage vs. a place like NY (which were no doubt not helped by treating their nursing homes as a death sentence per their scumbag ex-governor).

Pretty crazy to imaging being a student who may have been a sophomore in 2020, being sent home to finish the year when the world came to a screeching halt, spending junior year in a mask and many activities cancelled to starting a senior year in an uneasy period of not knowing what will happen this year. Strange times indeed.
And we'll never really know what that amount will be. Utah's younger population and relatively good health helps our numbers quite a bit on the topline.

Utah is basically half of a percent if we move the decimals over and NJ definitely ain't great at about 2.6%.

It's also fair to say that the majority of deaths in all states are also pre-vaccine availability so comparing vaccinated states to non-vaccinated only works insofar as using their vaccine availability to all ages start date in comparison to one another. That's where some of the southern states and places like Missouri show a bit more breakage vs. a place like NY (which were no doubt not helped by treating their nursing homes as a death sentence per their scumbag ex-governor).

Pretty crazy to imaging being a student who may have been a sophomore in 2020, being sent home to finish the year when the world came to a screeching halt, spending junior year in a mask and many activities cancelled to starting a senior year in an uneasy period of not knowing what will happen this year. Strange times indeed.
Important to note, it's not just about deaths.

People still have long-term damage and effects. We don't know what the long-term effects of covid are on children. Even if you don't die, a few nights at the hospital will leave you with thousands of debt. Then, there are health care systems that are turning non-covid patients away because they have no room for them. My friend had an issue with his throat the other day. It took hours for the ER to find him a place to send him to. Imagine having a heart attack right now? Or putting off a surgery, leading to loss of employment of reduction in quality of life because too many MAGA selfish bastards decided to not get vaccinated? These folks deserve all of the shame and scorn they get plus much more.

Only the brainless MAGA idiots still think the only notable outcomes of covid are death and un-death. As usual, the issue is far more complex than most want to discuss.
Important to note, it's not just about deaths.

People still have long-term damage and effects. We don't know what the long-term effects of covid are on children. Even if you don't die, a few nights at the hospital will leave you with thousands of debt. Then, there are health care systems that are turning non-covid patients away because they have no room for them. My friend had an issue with his throat the other day. It took hours for the ER to find him a place to send him to. Imagine having a heart attack right now? Or putting off a surgery, leading to loss of employment of reduction in quality of life because too many MAGA selfish bastards decided to not get vaccinated? These folks deserve all of the shame and scorn they get plus much more.

Only the brainless MAGA idiots still think the only notable outcomes of covid are death and un-death. As usual, the issue is far more complex than most want to discuss.
No doubt - the pandemic runs bigger than the endgame of if you're simply standing or not. Many things will never be recognized in number such as those who simply won't be able to smell again.

Not exactly the best of times.