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Danny Ainge - Please pull the trigger - Nothing is going to be worse than this

The Paschall thing was really strange...especially with 3 rotation guys out.
I rewatched the Laker game to see what Quin might have seen in those 3 second quarter minutes to bench him after his stellar play in Denver and I couldn’t detect a thing. I mean the guy never even got a shot up. But with Snyder it’s all pie in the sky hocus pocus **** anyway, I mean the guy is certifiable.
Quin was hired by a different front office and different owner. There's little doubt that his record is pretty darn good, but his reluctance to experiment with different lineups is a big issue.

Whether that's coming up from high or Quin himself, it's made me not even want to tune into games.
Quin was hired by a different front office and different owner. There's little doubt that his record is pretty darn good, but his reluctance to experiment with different lineups is a big issue.

Whether that's coming up from high or Quin himself, it's made me not even want to tune into games.
I bet it's Quin's favorite guys are the ones he plays. Like Royce the reluctant ...
I don’t know if replacing Snyder will make any significant difference but I would like to see it before they blow up the roster. And sooner rather than later. This season is slipping away and any hope of getting their collective **** together is going to require swift, impactful change.
and Royce gets 36 mins to give us 3 points and get blown by on defense. It's hilarious at this point
He also missed the rim completely at that wide open three point attempt that would’ve given us the lead late in the fourth. Any coach would have at least cut his minutes with that sort of choke job. But I bet Royce will get 35min the next game like nothing happened.
I rewatched the Laker game to see what Quin might have seen in those 3 second quarter minutes to bench him after his stellar play in Denver and I couldn’t detect a thing. I mean the guy never even got a shot up. But with Snyder it’s all pie in the sky hocus pocus **** anyway, I mean the guy is certifiable.

guy is a rigid af. he needs to go. clearly he's not the guy that going to get the most out of the squad