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I'm all for women going topless. Except grandmothers. When the breasts hit midpoint on the torso, that becomes a mandatory support and cover.
I'm all for women going topless. Except grandmothers. When the breasts hit midpoint on the torso, that becomes a mandatory support and cover.

if so shouldnt MR fatty fattersons who have manboobs and a HUGE disgustin belly be mandatory support and cover. but mr fatty faterson is free to go topless.
so guys what you think about the topfreedom movement.

if you agree sign their petition;)

Is topfreedom something I could check out at work without having my internet access taken away? They've blocked homebrewing websites if that gives you any indication of how they run their internet access.
I'm for it. I don't understand why a woman's breasts are considered "naughty", anyway.

Plus, I am Mr. Fatty Fat ***. With a hairy back.
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I ****ing love that when you edit a post you can put a reason. Bwahaha ahahahaha
Gosh. I didn't know there was such a movement. I guess I have something to get in favor of politically now.
I'm against this idea. The prospect of seeing a bewb by accident is much more exciting than planning on seeing one.
I'm against this idea. The prospect of seeing a bewb by accident is much more exciting than planning on seeing one.

ooh really most bewbs i get to see these days dont happen by accident.

now back in the day when i was a ******* jkust a teenager then i got the bewbs by accident
waht do the female jazzfanz posters think of this

I'm in favor of almost all men wearing shirts with sleeves. The exceptions are rare (but oh so good).

In case this isn't what you were asking me - I have no interest in going topless or seeing any other woman doing so. My Romanian friend says that for every attractive woman he sees topless, there are many more than aren't. He says it ruins the whole thing.
I'm against this idea. The prospect of seeing a bewb by accident is much more exciting than planning on seeing one.

yeah, I can see where an unexpected bewb sighting might be kinda fun...

from the other side's perspective though, I don't think the same can be said about unexpected wiener sightings. they just seem sort of , well, out of place. that's sort of a conundrum, somehow.
My Romanian friend says that for every attractive woman he sees topless, there are many more than aren't. He says it ruins the whole thing.

Wait a minute I think I am learning something important. Is Romania a top free zone?