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Is coin toss tomorrow?

I curse everyone who tweeted we won prematurely.

I made sure to do it when they started back-pedaling. How in the hell do you jump the gun? Either you heard someone (not serving drinks) say that Toronto won or you didn't. Rot in Hell, crappy journalists!
Still a 1/5 chance Jazz get the pick.

Any you're right, if the Jazz get two next year 1st rounders it's not much of a loss. I'm just not sure how many games David Lee / Andrew Bogut / Stephen Curry... okay, never mind, they're not that great of a team.

I'm getting 14.5% when accounting for GS's chance to jump.
I feel like twitter should be exploding with this news if it was 100% legit, still holding out hope.

Locke's not reported anything, and you'd think that he would have some sort of inside knowledge of what the Jazz organization is hearing via the Commissioner's representatives. He seemed to know the draft picks a bit before hand.
"Congrats to "small market" Warriors for getting their NBA handout. BTW, Golden State = 6th largest market. https://t.co/kNtohXtY"

On ESPN twitter feed.
Thus far only one guy with an "inside source" has reported it. Everyone else it just reporting what he has said. No other source has popped up. There is still a margin of hope that guy is just a huge **** trying to piggy back some twitter followers by reporting opposite of what was reported earlier.
Thus far only one guy with an "inside source" has reported it. Everyone else it just reporting what he has said. No other source has popped up. There is still a margin of hope that guy is just a huge **** trying to piggy back some twitter followers by reporting opposite of what was reported earlier.

Well he's got a 50/50 chance of being right. I would do the same thing.
This just confirms all coin-toss/lottery are legit... Stern wouldn't have let GSW off the hook if he could help it..
How would Beckley Such and Such get word before anyone else or have an inside source? I've never even heard of his stupid site.

I'm challenging you to a fisticuffs battle, Beckley So and So!
What in the hell could be taking so long?
Stern: Hey, you guys hungry? Let's order in some food like we did during the lockout negotiations and let the SOB's sweat a little.
Adam: (high five's Stern just making contact) you nasty little man! Let's really screw with em' and leak that Toronto won and about five minutes later leak that the Warriors won. Quick someone yell Toronto. TORONTO!
Giggling like School boys:
Stern and Adam: I love you; I love you; give me some tongue!
Stern: when I'm done here Adam, you yell Warriors.