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Should Mitt release his tax returns?

Stoked said:
Let me have my stupid, idiotic, non-sensical, drunken, worthless, no good, ********, illogical excuses for my behavior.

Just triple checked the guest list; sorry, it has only one name.
If people can't trust the IRS to do proper oversight on Romney's taxes, why are they comfortable with the IRS taking over the entire nations health care taxes (code name: penalties)?

First off, I think folks want to know how much the rich are ripping us off. How the tax code has been bent in order to protect the upper class.

Secondly, ummmmm the private sector has failed us in health care. Why do you think so many countries have moved away from "free market" "private sector" driven health care?

At what point will you folks admit that the private sector has failed in health care? When we're spending 10x more than the next nation? When instead of only 30 million, 100 million Americans go uninsured? At what point can this system be declared a failure? Where ya at repubs? Still lookin for dem WMDs in Iraq? Where ya'll at?

It's already the #1 cause for bankruptcy in this country. We're already spending far more than any other country. Far more Americans leave this country to obtain health care than those coming here. We're seeing a decline in health and life expectancy. While millions go uninsured.

If those aren't symptoms of a failing health care system, then please, enlighten me as to what are.
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First off, I think folks want to know how much the rich are ripping us off. How the tax code has been bent in order to protect the upper class.

Secondly, ummmmm the private sector has failed us in health care. Why do you think so many countries have moved away from "free market" "private sector" driven health care?

At what point will you folks admit that the private sector has failed in health care? When we're spending 10x more than the next nation? When 100 million Americans go uninsured?

It's already the #1 cause for bankruptcy in this country. We're already spending far more than any other country. Far more Americans leave this country to obtain health care than those coming here. We're seeing a decline in health and life expectancy. While millions go uninsured.

If those aren't symptoms of a failing health care system, then please, enlighten me as to what are.

Who invtied Debbie Donwer to the alch... achol... booze party?

Sent form my bodle of vodka via my inbriaed... inebrat... drunk phalanges.

Serously? I got phalanges right?? ****!
A man that has literally made MILLIONS of dollars taking over companies/organizations that are headed towards bankruptcy and making them profitable.

You mean by firing people, using bankruptcy to avoid debts, draining pension plans, shifting jobs overseas, leveraging up debt, aggressively and creatively shirking business taxes, getting government subsidies, and sheltering his personal billions from taxes?
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... How have their high taxes, and redistribtion of wealth helped those states prosper? ...
...Not really. We KNOW what happens when you tax the rich and have large government, and it has ALWAYS ended in failure.
...and takes away all responsibility.

"Texas received almost $44 billion in direct federal aid to state and local governments in 2010, according to figures released ... by the U.S. Census Bureau, making it the single largest funding stream for state government."
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Hmmm...so how, in REALITY, are the economies of California, Michigan and New York doing? Are businesses flocking to those states? How about people? Did you realize this is the first time in California's HISTORY that their population hasn't grown?

Compare that to the economy of Texas.

After looking at real life examples, instead of ideas, which states are doing it right?

also related to previous post

Seems that your perception of Texas is all backwards.
While we are on the subject, why doesn't Colorado pay for putting out its own fires, instead of getting that done mostly with Federal dollars? They've got a strong oil and gas industry providing tax dollars, and thereby contributing to global warming and increased forest fires. They choose to build lots of houses out in the woods.

Why do other states that don't have oil and gas resources have to pay for their fire control?
Remnants of those who leave religion always shine through. You and One Brow should have lunch and talk about your iminent destruction world views from your currently polar perspectives.

Are you being serious, or just yanking our chains? I think of myself as a pragmatist.
If people can't trust the IRS to do proper oversight on Romney's taxes, why are they comfortable with the IRS taking over the entire nations health care taxes (code name: penalties)?

I don't think anyone asking for more than one year's tax returns (with the second to be released in mid-October, maybe) is doing so under the assumption they will discover something illegal. I believe it's more about the political points that can be scored by saying Romnehy won't release them, or if he does relent, looking at thow the tax sgtructure enables the wealthy to avoid taxes in ways not realistically available to the middle class.
Four questions:
1. Did Romney write the tax laws?
2. If he did not, did his tax filings conform to existing tax laws?
3. If they did, wouldn't you consider taking any advantage for tax sheltering or deductions to be wise and prudent?
4. If not, then what the hell is the matter with you? Maybe you're just pissed off because he is wise with his money and you're a total dumb ***.
I don't think anyone asking for more than one year's tax returns (with the second to be released in mid-October, maybe) is doing so under the assumption they will discover something illegal. I believe it's more about the political points that can be scored by saying Romnehy won't release them, or if he does relent, looking at thow the tax sgtructure enables the wealthy to avoid taxes in ways not realistically available to the middle class.

However, not all rich do the same things.
I have a feeling Romney might have been especially creative, between being involved with Private Equity, a Church, and the Republican Party, all organizations associated with tax avoidance.

Bush and Clinton released 8 years of returns.
Four questions:
1. Did Romney write the tax laws?
2. If he did not, did his tax filings conform to existing tax laws?
3. If they did, wouldn't you consider taking any advantage for tax sheltering or deductions to be wise and prudent?
4. If not, then what the hell is the matter with you? Maybe you're just pissed off because he is wise with his money and you're a total dumb ***.

Application of tax laws has a lot of grey areas. Lots of people get away with stuff, push the envelope, cut corners...especially the rich, and especially Wall Street players.
Let's see what he's done before we pass any judgement.
Application of tax laws has a lot of grey areas. Lots of people get away with stuff, push the envelope, cut corners...especially the rich, and especially Wall Street players.
Let's see what he's done before we pass any judgement.

Just because we are curious doesn't mean we have a legal right to know.
Seriously, people. Do you really want to see his tax returns? If you really want to see them that bad, then get him elected! Then he has to reveal them! :)
However, not all rich do the same things.
I have a feeling Romney might have been especially creative, between being involved with Private Equity, a Church, and the Republican Party, all organizations associated with tax avoidance.

Bush and Clinton released 8 years of returns.

Charlie Rangel, Tom Daschle and Timothy Geithner say hi...
However, not all rich do the same things.
I have a feeling Romney might have been especially creative, between being involved with Private Equity, a Church, and the Republican Party, all organizations associated with tax avoidance.

Bush and Clinton released 8 years of returns.

There's nothing wrong with tax avoidance. Now tax evasion is a much more serious matter.
Four questions:
1. Did Romney write the tax laws?
2. If he did not, did his tax filings conform to existing tax laws?
3. If they did, wouldn't you consider taking any advantage for tax sheltering or deductions to be wise and prudent?
4. If not, then what the hell is the matter with you? Maybe you're just pissed off because he is wise with his money and you're a total dumb ***.

1-3. Yes. The quesztions miss the point, but their answer is yes.
I would not be so sure that Romney did not do anything illegal.
I think you all are grossly overestimating the ability of the IRS to catch violations involving complicated businesses , charities, retirement accounts, and overseas tax havens, etc. and keep everybody in equal compliance.