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Should Mitt release his tax returns?

anyhow, I don't care. he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't anyhow, so I say keep 'em secret. that way it's all just speculation.
Our country is heading toward bankruptcy, with several cities and states there or basically there. Our choices are:

A man that has only made money off taxpayers. His big accomplishments are being a senator of a state that is going bankrupt, bailouts that didn't work, and driving up the deficit that makes trophy wives look like tight wads.


A man that has literally made MILLIONS of dollars taking over companies/organizations that are headed towards bankruptcy and making them profitable.

Seriously, if anyone doesn't see the obvious answer.....*shakes head*
Our country is heading toward bankruptcy, with several cities and states there or basically there. Our choices are:

A man that has only made money off taxpayers. His big accomplishments are being a senator of a state that is going bankrupt, bailouts that didn't work, and driving up the deficit that makes trophy wives look like tight wads.


A man that has literally made MILLIONS of dollars taking over companies/organizations that are headed towards bankruptcy and making them profitable.

Seriously, if anyone doesn't see the obvious answer.....*shakes head*

We just need to tax the rich more.
We just need to tax the rich more.

That's a theory that sounds great. How is that working out for New York, Chicago, Michigan, and California? How have their high taxes, and redistribtion of wealth helped those states prosper? They are all going bankrupt, their spending is all completely out of hand, they are all losing businesses and jobs......

Yeah, great idea.

Not really. We KNOW what happens when you tax the rich and have large government, and it has ALWAYS ended in failure. ALWAYS. But, keep throwing out that line. It's easy, and takes away all responsibility.
That's a theory that sounds great. How is that working out for New York, Chicago, Michigan, and California? How have their high taxes, and redistribtion of wealth helped those states prosper? They are all going bankrupt, their spending is all completely out of hand, they are all losing businesses and jobs......

Yeah, great idea.

Not really. We KNOW what happens when you tax the rich and have large government, and it has ALWAYS ended in failure. ALWAYS. But, keep throwing out that line. It's easy, and takes away all responsibility.

Dude, I was being sarcastic.
The only thing Mitt should be releasing is himself from the running for presidency. Dude is a corporate donkey.

HA! Have you ever looked at where all the trillions Obama has spent has gone? This is the most PATHETIC, uniformed response anyone can give.

It must be Ironic Wednesday or something.
Sure, why not? I want to know every single thing that is possible about the man that could potential have access to the thermonuclear codes. Why in the world would we let any of these guys in to office if there is a history of blocked records/destroyed records is beyond me. We already have one guy in the White House whose entire autobiography is Duck Tales, let's actually get to know this other guy first.
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We just need to tax the rich more.

You've been reading my posts?

That's a theory that sounds great. How is that working out for New York, Chicago, Michigan, and California? How have their high taxes, and redistribtion of wealth helped those states prosper? They are all going bankrupt, their spending is all completely out of hand, they are all losing businesses and jobs......

Yeah, great idea.

Not really. We KNOW what happens when you tax the rich and have large government, and it has ALWAYS ended in failure. ALWAYS. But, keep throwing out that line. It's easy, and takes away all responsibility.

Always, never, made up by fanatical radio show hosts and booksellers... same thing.
After reading you dramatic over reaction to Coltons post I would like to read your stance on voter ID laws.

If you take voting seriously, or want it to mean anything, you would want voters qualified by pertinent documents just as well.

I'd say a voter ID regulation could help make citizenship a significant fact with real meaning.

I understand the subculture issues and how a lot of people feel disenfranchised or excluded, and how such regulations could aggravate that problem under the operations of "interested" officials with an agenda of some kind. We have some historical examples, such as the case of the Cherokee people in Georgia in the 1830s, who had never made a treaty surrendering their lands to the United States. They wanted to be included in the United States under their own constitution, which was modeled somewhat after our own. The Supreme Court upheld the claim that Georgia had no authority over any of their territory and threw down some of the racist laws that had been enacted in Georgia, as tested by the complaints of some missionaries and leaders of the Cherokee nation. But President Andrew Jackson just mocked the Supreme Court, saying "Madison has spoken. Now let's see him enforce his decree." And nothing was done. . . . the state of Georgia went on making it illegal for Cherokees to pan for gold in their own rivers, and own land within "their" territory. The consequence was the Trail of Tears and the deaths of thousands of would-be "Americans".

Like my rant above, I realize that all human rights have no significance nor protection beyond the will of the people or their government to stand up for them. When everybody is winking at the Constitution or the provisions of law, we have sunken once again into merely expedient governance by those who have usurped power, and such governance is fundamentally the extermination of all human rights.

so people, when is this going to become something you care about?
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If you take voting seriously, or want it to mean anything, you would want voters qualified by pertinent documents just as well.

I'd say a voter ID regulation could help make citizenship a significant fact with real meaning.

I understand the subculture issues and how a lot of people feel disenfranchised or excluded, and how such regulations could aggravate that problem under the operations of "interested" officials with an agenda of some kind. We have some historical examples, such as the case of the Cherokee people in Georgia in the 1830s, who had never made a treaty surrendering their lands to the United States. They wanted to be included in the United States under their own constitution, which was modeled somewhat after our own. The Supreme Court upheld the claim that Georgia had no authority over any of their territory and threw down some of the racist laws that had been enacted in Georgia, as tested by the complaints of some missionaries and leaders of the Cherokee nation. But President Andrew Jackson just mocked the Supreme Court, saying "Madison has spoken. Now let's see him enforce his decree." And nothing was done. . . . the state of Georgia went on making it illegal for Cherokees to pan for gold in their own rivers, and own land within "their" territory. The consequence was the Trail of Tears and the deaths of thousands of would-be "Americans".

Like my rant above, I realize that all human rights are no better than the will of the people or their government to stand up for them. Having a Constitution that everybody is winking at fundamentally undermines all human rights.

Just making sure that your stance on voter ID laws is consistent with your stance on people proving themselves eligible to run. Well done.

Edit: Always enjoy reading your posts Babe. I'd rep you but I have apparently whored myself out to much in the last 24 hours.
Always, never, made up by fanatical radio show hosts and booksellers... same thing.

Hmmm...so how, in REALITY, are the economies of California, Michigan and New York doing? Are businesses flocking to those states? How about people? Did you realize this is the first time in California's HISTORY that their population hasn't grown?

Compare that to the economy of Texas.

After looking at real life examples, instead of ideas, which states are doing it right?
Hmmm...so how, in REALITY, are the economies of California, Michigan and New York doing? Are businesses flocking to those states? How about people? Did you realize this is the first time in California's HISTORY that their population hasn't grown?

Compare that to the economy of Texas.

After looking at real life examples, instead of ideas, which states are doing it right?

speaking of Texas....

Undocumented students and their families pay Texas taxes

Unlike U.S. citizens who reside in other states, undocumented students and their families pay taxes in Texas. The Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) estimates that Texas households headed by an undocumented immigrant paid over $1.6 billion in state and local taxes in 2010.


New Texas study says illegal immigrants are net benefit to economy

The Texas Controller, Carolyn Strayhorn, issued on 12/9 what she calls the first comprehensive financial analysis by a state of the impact of undocumented immigrants on a state's budget and economy, looking at gross state product, revenues generated, taxes paid and the cost of state services....

A supporter of a guest worker program, Stayhorn concludes that the absence of the estimated 1.4 million undocumented immigrants in Texas in fiscal 2005 would have been a loss to our gross state product of $17.7 billion....

speaking of Texas....



So, Texas is smart enough get income from their illegals. Fine, if Obama won't uphold federal laws, then make the most of it (key difference between the left and right. The left just sits around, whines about it, raises taxes, gives said tax money to their friends to whine about it some more). The key difference here, is that Texas doesn't turn around and use that increase in tax revenue to start up worthless government agencies, expand welfare, etc.

Huge difference.

Anyways, give me one reason why a man who has made millions turning around failing businesses isn't the best man for the job.
Hmmm...so how, in REALITY, are the economies of California, Michigan and New York doing? Are businesses flocking to those states? How about people? Did you realize this is the first time in California's HISTORY that their population hasn't grown?

Compare that to the economy of Texas.

How about comparing Washington and Oregon to Alabama and Mississippi? Does that comparison count?

BTW, the current Michigan legislature is solidly Republican. How does that affect your opinion of their economy and business where-with-all?
HA! Have you ever looked at where all the trillions Obama has spent has gone? This is the most PATHETIC, uniformed response anyone can give.

It must be Ironic Wednesday or something.

It's called an opinion, guy. I have my own.

Also, the only one worth my vote (Senator Paul) doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of becoming president so I'm steering clear of this election. It's either vote for a pile of dog **** or vote for a pile of dog ****. Pointless.
speaking of Texas....



Let's just keep in mind that in Texas there isn't a state income tax. So people paying tax mostly would refer to property tax or sales tax, which is somewhat unavoidable unless you don't own or buy anything. So it's not like Texas is doing much to get tax from undocumented immigrants. Also, the first link you posted didn't work for me.