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Millsap whining again

I dont have a problem with him being upset about not being in in the 4th, he has been pretty clutch, but he also is kind of the odd man out, Al is more reliable scoring on the block and Favors is a better defender. It is what it is, get used to it Paul. I do have a problem with him being a bitch about coming off the bench though. Thats where he needs to be.
How about saying something about the moronic job the management of this team has done. Of course this situation was going create bad feeling for somebody. It was obvious from the start this 4 big log jam was a bad idea. I blame Millsap none for his frustration. I put it all on the shoulders of the moron Kevin O stupid **** Conner.

Just wait til we find out Favors and Kanter are sick of it too. But this board will still think KOC is genius.
hack, i'm just curious... you say you have insider information on trades that the jazz have been offered, but you also say you hate KOC and think he's a moron. i'm just wondering how it works that you're so plugged in to what is coming across KOC's desk, and yet you think he's a moron. earnest question here.
hack, i'm just curious... you say you have insider information on trades that the jazz have been offered, but you also say you hate KOC and think he's a moron. i'm just wondering how it works that you're so plugged in to what is coming across KOC's desk, and yet you think he's a moron. earnest question here.

nevermind, just saw your post in the other thread that you were kidding.
FWIW, Al has been the least efficient Jazz big in postups this season.

Al's reliability does not exactly correlate to efficiency. Put another way, it's a lot to presume that Sap, Favors, and Kanter would maintain their current levels of efficiency if they got the same touches Al did. So Al being a more reliable post scorer is accurate if you buy that premise.
How about saying something about the moronic job the management of this team has done. Of course this situation was going create bad feeling for somebody. It was obvious from the start this 4 big log jam was a bad idea. I blame Millsap none for his frustration. I put it all on the shoulders of the moron Kevin O stupid **** Conner.

Just wait til we find out Favors and Kanter are sick of it too. But this board will still think KOC is genius.

KOC has done some nice things IMO, but this logjam makes no sense. Hand the reigns to the young bigs & watch them respond. Someone has to go.
hack, i'm just curious... you say you have insider information on trades that the jazz have been offered, but you also say you hate KOC and think he's a moron. i'm just wondering how it works that you're so plugged in to what is coming across KOC's desk, and yet you think he's a moron. earnest question here.

Surely you don't believe this.
How about saying something about the moronic job the management of this team has done. Of course this situation was going create bad feeling for somebody. It was obvious from the start this 4 big log jam was a bad idea. I blame Millsap none for his frustration. I put it all on the shoulders of the moron Kevin O stupid **** Conner.

Just wait til we find out Favors and Kanter are sick of it too. But this board will still think KOC is genius.

Ya KOC sucks because he got us alot of good bigs... Son of a bitch.
Ya KOC sucks because he got us alot of good bigs... Son of a bitch.

Ok smart ***. No more bitching about playing time for Favors and Kanter, or big Al's play, or Millsap's, or Corbin. Basically dont bitch about the team at all.


Reality that doesn't contradict one's self.
Al's reliability does not exactly correlate to efficiency. Put another way, it's a lot to presume that Sap, Favors, and Kanter would maintain their current levels of efficiency if they got the same touches Al did. So Al being a more reliable post scorer is accurate if you buy that premise.
I'm still waiting for a convincing argument why Al should get so many touches in the post, given his effectiveness in postups this season. I'm not convinced there's much of a correlation between number of postups and wins.
i'm with you in this thread in overall terms, but i'm not sure i can endorse "he's playing poorly." in the last 5 games, he has 54 points on 47 shots (1.15 pps) and has played far better defense than al and even better than derrick has been in certain long stretches where he got exposed, particularly in the home-and-home with the clippers. he also grabbed a rebound every 4 minutes in december and had an assist for every 3.8 shot attempts with an assist-to-TO ratio of 2.9.

(for comparison's sake, al's PPS over those 5 games was actually about the same because of his 30-points-on-22-shots explosion in LA. his rebounding was a hair better, but he only had an assist for every 7.4 attempts with a 2.1 A/TO ratio. so if you're corbin how do you explain to paul why al is better except in terms of sheer volume of shots? how do you explain to paul how al is more important to the team when you've played every bit as good as him on one end of the floor, and a hell of a lot better at the other end?)

On which end of the floor is Millsap a hell of a lot better than AL? Because it is definitely not on the defensive end.
He should just admit his play has sucked. He isn't being kept out for any other reason.

Man up Mansap
I'm still waiting for a convincing argument why Al should get so many touches in the post, given his effectiveness in postups this season. I'm not convinced there's much of a correlation between number of postups and wins.

That's not my point and I'm sure you know that. We can debate how many touches Al should get in the "Al gets too many touches thread" if you want to start it. And postups vs. wins is yet another thread.

The question is who the most "reliable" post player is. That's Al. Sap, Favors, or Kanter cannot create their own shots down low at this point. If we force fed any of them 12 post touches a night, their efficiency numbers would be worse than Al's.
That's not my point and I'm sure you know that. We can debate how many touches Al should get in the "Al gets too many touches thread" if you want to start it. And postups vs. wins is yet another thread.

The question is who the most "reliable" post player is. That's Al. Sap, Favors, or Kanter cannot create their own shots down low at this point. If we force fed any of them 12 post touches a night, their efficiency numbers would be worse than Al's.
Then my reply to numbnut's (not you) post should have been "so what?". I can agree with that.

GB: Not that any of your posts have ever made any sense whatsoever, but by what metric is Jefferson a better defender than Millsap? Per mysynergysports.com, Jefferson's opposite number scores at a 0.92 points per possession clip. For Millsap, that number stands at 0.83. Keep in mind, Millsap is guarding 4s, who tend to be better offensively than 5s. Aside from that, Millsap is also superior to Al in On-Court/Off-court team defense. Maybe it's just a coincidence that Millsap has consistently put up better defensive advanced stats throughout his career (and this season).

Rev: When is Ty going to try crunch time lineups with Al on the bench? Should he have averaged 5 more minutes per game than Millsap over the last 9 games? His numbers have been worse, his team play worse, the results terrible. Time for some Favors/Sap, Kanter/Sap or Kanter/Favors lineups to finish games, especially when Al is playing soft.