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Enes Kanter UPDATED Defensive Compilation

0 to 38 second in - all 4 possessions poor or mediocre defense with little or no contest on the shots, bad execution/shots from the offensive player.
38 sec: Nice holding of his position and limiting the penetration, OK contest of the jump hook.
45 sec: Nice that he didn't bite on the fake. OK contest, but nothing special.
next couple of possessions: good coverage of the penetration, great contest and blocks.
1:03: horrible defense, was beat off the dribble, absolutely no contest on the jumper, lucky Barnes didn't score.
1:10: Good coverage of the inside lane, good hold of his position. Forced the miss.

Can't bother analyzing the rest of the video play by play, it shows similar level of defense. In other words, in a video where he was supposed to look great in defense he had about 50% good defensive possessions, and all of the rest were below average. Somebody posted a while ago(wish I remembered who, so I can credit it) that last year the people Kanter guarded had average PER of 27 for the entire season. Keep in mind that PER of 15 is about average for the league, PER 20 is All-star level, PER of 25 is hall of fame level. In other words - the people Kanter was guarding posted above hall-of-fame numbers ON AVERAGE for the full season!

The most annoying thing is, that on some of those possessions you can actually see that he has the lateral movement and strength to be at least average defender, but most of the time he just coasts along... I really wish Quin will keep him accountable for his defensive effort and if he doesn't execute that would cost him minutes on the floor. We are simply not good enough to be able to afford people not giving full effort in D.
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Kanter MUST improve defensively, especially with his awareness in team defense. I still think he's an X-Factor to our success - and has a chance to be a real force. Not many bigs left who can get the ball on the block and get you an automatic bucket with their back to the basket, and he could be one of them. His face up game is okay, and he's real nice on catch and shoots from 17 and in. He's at his best when he's got his man pinned in the paint though.

I've never worried about his offensive potential. He's a good rebounder and if he ever 'gets it' defensively, he will be worthy of his #3 draft pick status.
Kanter always seemed to guard Blake Griffin very well. I thought Doc Rivers was the biggest dumb *** for playing him against Kanter that way, but maybe there is something to this story. Kanter looked very active in the highlights. Waving hands and all that.
Because of his limited lateral quickness, he should not show up too high in PnR, he's gotta battle 1st for not letting his man to be comfortable in the low block while posting up and if he wants to able to defend 4's he 's gotta play closer to the opponent while shooting. Overall, he just needs to know how to play positional defense with his limited athletism. Noone expects him to be a defensive monster.
that last year the people Kanter guarded had average PER of 27 for the entire season. Keep in mind that PER of 15 is about average for the league, PER 20 is All-star level, PER of 25 is hall of fame level. In other words - the people Kanter was guarding posted above hall-of-fame numbers ON AVERAGE for the full season!

This is so hilarious!

The most annoying thing is, that on some of those possessions you can actually see that he has the lateral movement and strength to be at least average defender, but most of the time he just coasts along... I really wish Quin will keep him accountable for his defensive effort and if he doesn't execute that would cost him minutes on the floor. We are simply not good enough to be able to afford people not giving full effort in D.

I totally agree. Bench anyone who doesn't play die-hard defense.
Is this compilation in the same order as the season played out... because holy cow did he ever quit trying from about the 2 minute mark on. It got ridiculous. People were going around him and shooting over him like he wasn't even there.
I think I would play Kanter at PF and live with the results. He looked worst guarding the legit centers more than anything else. His weight (250 lbs) and 7'1" wingspan just don't hold up.
If you're playing a particularly deadly stretch 4, like Ryan Anderson, Kanter should not see many minutes.
0 to 38 second in - all 4 possessions poor or mediocre defense with little or no contest on the shots, bad execution/shots from the offensive player.
38 sec: Nice holding of his position and limiting the penetration, OK contest of the jump hook.
45 sec: Nice that he didn't bite on the fake. OK contest, but nothing special.
next couple of possessions: good coverage of the penetration, great contest and blocks.
1:03: horrible defense, was beat off the dribble, absolutely no contest on the jumper, lucky Barnes didn't score.
1:10: Good coverage of the inside lane, good hold of his position. Forced the miss.

Can't bother analyzing the rest of the video play by play, it shows similar level of defense. In other words, in a video where he was supposed to look great in defense he had about 50% good defensive possessions, and all of the rest were below average. Somebody posted a while ago(wish I remembered who, so I can credit it) that last year the people Kanter guarded had average PER of 27 for the entire season. Keep in mind that PER of 15 is about average for the league, PER 20 is All-star level, PER of 25 is hall of fame level. In other words - the people Kanter was guarding posted above hall-of-fame numbers ON AVERAGE for the full season!

The most annoying thing is, that on some of those possessions you can actually see that he has the lateral movement and strength to be at least average defender, but most of the time he just coasts along... I really wish Quin will keep him accountable for his defensive effort and if he doesn't execute that would cost him minutes on the floor. We are simply not good enough to be able to afford people not giving full effort in D.

Completely disagree on the 0-38 second part. Those were all great defense, given what Kanter can work with. He was at the perfect medium of contesting a jumper and not giving up a dribble drive. You can see on the later part of the film his defense vs. midrange was much worse because he was back about a step from the position he had on the plays from 0-38.

W/ Kanter's strength, he can be a solid post defender. His problem comes from the mental part of defense more than anything.
All you can really ask of Kanter is that he stay between his man and the basket and keep his hands up and stay vertical. If he does that, that is good enough defense for him. He just has to play smarter defense more often.
The thing that has me hopeful about Kanter w/ Quinn is that Quinn is a headier, more IQ oriented coach. Maybe having someone as smart as Quinn will rub-off on Kanter, hopefully. Kanter may just be a mentally slow player, much like Al.
Also, adding a charge/flop game could probably do Kanter some good. Couple of the 1-on-1 plays he got beat on where the offensive player just lowered the shoulder into his chest, if he had better position and was heady enough to sell the calls, he could probably have turned a couple of those into charges.

What happens first: Kanter learns to pass or Kanter learns to play defense?

One of those has to happen for him to play with Favors and be a legit starter that helps the team more consistently than he hurts them.

Going to assume with Quinn being the coach, it's going to be passing, which would make me a happy camper. Kanter needs to develop high/low action with Booker/Favors/Gobert to make our offense reach it's potential. Que the Randolph/Gasol film study. Okur could also help with this, giving Kanter tips/suggestions on how to play off his jumper (if he develops it efficiently enough).

Overall just hope Quinn's IQ rubs off on all our IQ challenged big men.
The thing that has me hopeful about Kanter w/ Quinn is that Quinn is a headier, more IQ oriented coach. Maybe having someone as smart as Quinn will rub-off on Kanter, hopefully. Kanter may just be a mentally slow player, much like Al.

AL just does not believe in playing defense...
Also, adding a charge/flop game could probably do Kanter some good. Couple of the 1-on-1 plays he got beat on where the offensive player just lowered the shoulder into his chest, if he had better position and was heady enough to sell the calls, he could probably have turned a couple of those into charges.

What happens first: Kanter learns to pass or Kanter learns to play defense?

One of those has to happen for him to play with Favors and be a legit starter that helps the team more consistently than he hurts them.

Going to assume with Quinn being the coach, it's going to be passing, which would make me a happy camper. Kanter needs to develop high/low action with Booker/Favors/Gobert to make our offense reach it's potential. Que the Randolph/Gasol film study. Okur could also help with this, giving Kanter tips/suggestions on how to play off his jumper (if he develops it efficiently enough).

Overall just hope Quinn's IQ rubs off on all our IQ challenged big men.

I think that Corbin has done nothing to improve Kanters IN GAME PASSING abilities. In his Highschool Mix and Eurobasket 11 Mix Videos i saw a few great passes to lead the break after a defensive rebound. For Utah Jazz I can not remember him ever doing this. I do not think that Corbin really used all of Kanter´s talent as a player. As an example Kanter always was a good shooter with long range, but Corbin has recognized this first in his 2 Season for the Jazz...

What I want to say is that Quinn will help much more developing his game. Kanter finished the season strong and he will start even stronger the next one. But, thats just my opinion on this one. I would still trade the whole team in exchange for AL Jefferson.
I think that Corbin has done nothing to improve Kanters IN GAME PASSING abilities. In his Highschool Mix and Eurobasket 11 Mix Videos i saw a few great passes to lead the break after a defensive rebound. For Utah Jazz I can not remember him ever doing this. I do not think that Corbin really used all of Kanter´s talent as a player. As an example Kanter always was a good shooter with long range, but Corbin has recognized this first in his 2 Season for the Jazz...

What I want to say is that Quinn will help much more developing his game. Kanter finished the season strong and he will start even stronger the next one. But, thats just my opinion on this one. I would still trade the whole team in exchange for AL Jefferson.

Maybe a lot of it was Corbin's fault, but then again, I remember Kanter freezing with the ball a lot of the time and having no idea what to do with it, and ended up just calling for someone to run by him for a dribble hand off. Hopefully Quin's system of quick passes will help Kanter get over the thinking part of the passing game and help him learn to just react quickly.
Maybe a lot of it was Corbin's fault, but then again, I remember Kanter freezing with the ball a lot of the time and having no idea what to do with it, and ended up just calling for someone to run by him for a dribble hand off. Hopefully Quin's system of quick passes will help Kanter get over the thinking part of the passing game and help him learn to just react quickly.

Youre right but this is also because he had no confidence with the ball in his hands... Kanter has to play defense more active and Quin has to make clear that he has the green light to be productive with the ball in his hand. Like long interior passes after a rebound, or trying to making a pas after a pump fake, driving into the basket when their is no one to pass the ball etc... Corbin had no clue how to work with young players... I think that Quin will give every player freedom to make mistakes, as long as the player is willing to play active at both ends of the floor.

It was not just Corbin´s fault... Dude is also a young coach and was brought into a situation which was hard to handle at times. He is not the type of coach qualified to work with young players, he was overchallenged with the situation he was in. Working with more experienced players would be the better decision for him. Look how he reanimated R Jefferson and brought him back to Basketball. And do not forget that Corbin had a great look, dude knows how to dress. He always looked clean in his suit.
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Kanter doesn't have the length or fast hands to be a great defender. He's okay when he makes the effort and moves his feet. He moves better laterally than Boozer and Memo did, but that's not saying much. Tall players with a high release are going to get their jumpers off over him, but Kanter will stay in front normally if they put the ball on the floor.

Not sure what the scheme was on those pick-and-roll defensive plays.
Kanter doesn't have the length or fast hands to be a great defender. He's okay when he makes the effort and moves his feet. He moves better laterally than Boozer and Memo did, but that's not saying much. Tall players with a high release are going to get their jumpers off over him, but Kanter will stay in front normally if they put the ball on the floor.

Not sure what the scheme was on those pick-and-roll defensive plays.

Corbin was infamous for having inconsistent pick n' roll philosophy that consistently didn't make any sense.
Hole hell!

I hope he has some better defensive plays out there somewhere.

What I don't get about Kanter is his lack of athleticism even though he is built like a very good athlete.

It's weird how working out doesn't seem to help some people in the athleticism department. His height might have something to do with it, but that doesn't explain why other tall people can become athletic. It may have something to do with his body structure or mind. I tend to lean towards the latter, I think athleticism has a lot to do with your mind like other skills do..