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Jazz game tonight yada yada yada EXUM to Start!!

its not hard to see why Exum didn't have a single assist. He's playing like Novak, a stationary 3 pt shooter incapable of putting the rock on the floor.

This is what worries me, he has zero attitude. Gobert is young and weak as hell too. But he's nasty and you can see it. Exum? Seems like a jolly mate. Burks? As I remember he was pretty young when he was drafted too. Yet, from day 1 you knew what he wanted to do on offense.

Exum seems petrified to do anything on the court other than stand on the wing and wait for a 3 pt shot.

What was "Andrei Hayward" like in his rookie year? Or at age 19?
Its obvious Exum is only comfortable camping out at 3 right now which is very frustrating. He can drive, dish, and create but its obvious he has to push himself to do it.

Easily remedied... Bench his *** and give the mins to someone else. We aren't winning anyway. Any coach worth his salt should put the war ahead of the battle. Quin doesn't need to win NOW. He needs to mold this team for the long term. Take Exum's mins away until he starts playing the way you demand.

Playing a guy despite his refusal to play the way he should is what failed "friend" coaches liKe Ty Corbin do.

Send Exum a message, give his mins away to someone else. Who gives a rip whether Clark sucks? Exum has gotta pull his head out of his ***. He isn't going to improve unless he is pushed and a fire lit under his ***.
Easily remedied... Bench his *** and give the mins to someone else. We aren't winning anyway. Any coach worth his salt should put the war ahead of the battle. Quin doesn't need to win NOW. He needs to mold this team for the long term. Take Exum's mins away until he starts playing the way you demand.

Playing a guy despite his refusal to play the way he should is what failed "friend" coaches liKe Ty Corbin do.

Send Exum a message, give his mins away to someone else. Who gives a rip whether Clark sucks? Exum has gotta pull his head out of his ***. He isn't going to improve unless he is pushed and a fire lit under his ***.

Exum is not the type of player to whom you do this.
Easily remedied... Bench his *** and give the mins to someone else. We aren't winning anyway. Any coach worth his salt should put the war ahead of the battle. Quin doesn't need to win NOW. He needs to mold this team for the long term. Take Exum's mins away until he starts playing the way you demand.

Playing a guy despite his refusal to play the way he should is what failed "friend" coaches liKe Ty Corbin do.

Send Exum a message, give his mins away to someone else. Who gives a rip whether Clark sucks? Exum has gotta pull his head out of his ***. He isn't going to improve unless he is pushed and a fire lit under his ***.

That would really help our development... to bench the guy we are trying to develop.
What was "Andrei Hayward" like in his rookie year? Or at age 19?

Yep. Cuz that whole Jerry Sloan/Ty Corbin debacle had zero effect on him.

Hayward was weak his first few years. Quin has gone a long way to fix him. Exum has no excuse. Gotta do what coach wants.
Easily remedied... Bench his *** and give the mins to someone else. We aren't winning anyway. Any coach worth his salt should put the war ahead of the battle. Quin doesn't need to win NOW. He needs to mold this team for the long term. Take Exum's mins away until he starts playing the way you demand.

Playing a guy despite his refusal to play the way he should is what failed "friend" coaches liKe Ty Corbin do.

Send Exum a message, give his mins away to someone else. Who gives a rip whether Clark sucks? Exum has gotta pull his head out of his ***. He isn't going to improve unless he is pushed and a fire lit under his ***.

Thank BJB ur just a fan.

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Prior to this year, wasn't drafting hayward considered a mistake? Now that he's in Snyder's system he has blossomed. Same could be said about half of our team. Exum? What's his excuse? Gobert is young too yet he shows aggressiveness.
Yep. Cuz that whole Jerry Sloan/Ty Corbin debacle had zero effect on him.

Hayward was weak his first few years. Quin has gone a long way to fix him. Exum has no excuse. Gotta do what coach wants.

I don't think Quin had any effect on how Hayward came into this season. I think he recognized where his game was weak last year and did a bunch of work in the offseason.
Prior to this year, wasn't drafting hayward considered a mistake? Now that he's in Snyder's system he has blossomed. Same could be said about half of our team. Exum? What's his excuse? Gobert is young too yet he shows aggressiveness.

Snyder has helped, but a lot of the development has been on Hayward... don't think Snyder was lifting those weights for him.

Gobert is a different animal... maybe an alien (the good kind that live peacefully among us). Exum's lack of aggression scares me a bit, but I'm going to wait until the end of the year and see how he improves. His excuse is that he went from playing Australian boys in HS to playing grown freakin men in the most competitive league in the world. There is going to be a major adjustment.

the guy is also figuring out life... he's never lived on his own. These guys are people not robots... a lot going on for the kid. He deserves all the benefit of the doubt this year.
Prior to this year, wasn't drafting hayward considered a mistake? Now that he's in Snyder's system he has blossomed. Same could be said about half of our team. Exum? What's his excuse? Gobert is young too yet he shows aggressiveness.

Gobert is 22, Exum is 19. Gobert has been playing professional basketball against men for the last 4 years. This is Exum's first exposure to a full season of competitive basketball.
That would really help our development... to bench the guy we are trying to develop.

Huh? He's exwctly the type of player you do this to. He's not an old and rich player yet. A guy like Boozer doesn't care. Paycheck is the same for him. Exum? He wants to see the floor. He wants to impress. He wants a new paycheck. If he for any reason isn't doing what the coach demands, he needs to be benched. That way, when he does get PT, he will play with his hair on fire.

Those in favor of letting Exum play no matter how ****ty or wussy he plays, have you ever played competitive sports in your life?
What's your coaching experience?

I want to know.
Huh? He's exwctly the type of player you do this to. He's not an old and rich player yet. A guy like Boozer doesn't care. Paycheck is the same for him. Exum? He wants to see the floor. He wants to impress. He wants a new paycheck. If he for any reason isn't doing what the coach demands, he needs to be benched. That way, when he does get PT, he will play with his hair on fire.

Those in favor of letting Exum play no matter how ****ty or wussy he plays, have you ever played competitive sports in your life?
What's your coaching experience?

I want to know.

Sports is not always so black and white. Benching Exum as if he needs to be scolded for being somewhat passive and thinking that will help give the 19 year old foreigner a swift kick in the *** of motivation is silly.

Also, if Quin benches him as you so brilliantly suggest, what stud off the bench would replace him in the lineup?
Gobert is 22, Exum is 19. Gobert has been playing professional basketball against men for the last 4 years. This is Exum's first exposure to a full season of competitive basketball.

Stahp! Thriller's 1950's Brimstone & Fire mode of motivation is in the Coaching 101 handbook. Obviously you were absent the day it was passed out in class.
Prior to this year, wasn't drafting hayward considered a mistake?
Only by captain hindsight. Regardless of George, Gordon was great pick. Both players were steals in that draft, and 2nd guessing Gordon just because George was taken after him is nothing more than nitpicking with the power of hindsight.
Only by captain hindsight. Regardless of George, Gordon was great pick. Both players were steals in that draft, and 2nd guessing Gordon just because George was taken after him is nothing more than nitpicking with the power of hindsight.

That's Captain Hindsight to you.
Only by captain hindsight. Regardless of George, Gordon was great pick. Both players were steals in that draft, and 2nd guessing Gordon just because George was taken after him is nothing more than nitpicking with the power of hindsight.

Obviously the Jazz were tipped off to George's weak bone structure. . .Dat Crystal Ball Doe. . .
Stahp! Thriller's 1950's Brimstone & Fire mode of motivation is in the Coaching 101 handbook. Obviously you were absent the day it was passed out in class.

Does it make you feel better when you fling out insults? Does it strengthen your point? Honest questions.

Why aren't points addressed? Why must this board always demean and insult another poster and do anything BUT address their points? Is it the anonymity of the Internet that makes people so uncivil?

After 15 years of playing competitive sports and 5 years of coaching, there remains one constant: THEE best motivator is to hold players accountable. The way to do that? Threaten their PT.

Ask yourself and be honest; no need to fling personal attacks or go off on tangents, which employee performs better? The one who knows they'll get the promotion no matter what? Or the one who is under pressure to be accountable and knows they must impress to receive the promotion?

Aggressive mistakes? You can let them at through them. Teach them when they're on the bench what is desired. But when a player plays with less than 100 percent effort or aggression? That's a no no. Ask any coach.

If you feel that Dante Exum is the exception, that's fine. We can agree to disagree.

One last thing, I remember being ridiculed on this board for demanding that Boozer be held accountable. My solution was to play Millsap more.
Same thing happened with Jefferson when I suggested we play Favors more to force Jefferson to play defense and stop being such a black hole.

I believe that players should be held accountable; young or old. You can agree to disagree without flinging insults.