//r00t 4 Jazz
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    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      I didn't see anyone else mentioning this when talking about Kessler and him playing despite going into his 3rd season. He has yet to...
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      Don't click this link. But if you do it has a bad word, so don't click it. IG link Lakers GM
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      No comments on this IG pics, besides her eyes? My first thought was, wait, why is he wearing a cross if he's now Mormon? Guess it...
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      Wow, I was expecting way way more excitement for this pick. Now granted I'm biased because Cody was my pick since shortly after the...
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      //r00t 4 Jazz reacted to Handlogten's Heros's post in the thread Off-Season Rumblings with Like Like.
      Its also a sign that Ainge is a value hunter and sees the chance to get a player that is more talented than his trade or contract value...
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      //r00t 4 Jazz replied to the thread Rebrand?.
      This is a reminder, one I shouldn't need, on how people can interpret the same thing differently. I didn't think of it as moving away...
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      //r00t 4 Jazz replied to the thread Rebrand?.
      There is a KSL article about this very thing, I'll try to find and link it. But it is intentional and it gave reasons, even if you or...
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      //r00t 4 Jazz replied to the thread Rebrand?.
      Yeah, of course people should all have their own opinions on what they like but feels a bit too much of a spoiled children vibe. "I...
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      //r00t 4 Jazz reacted to Peter Effin' Parker's post in the thread Rebrand? with Like Like.
      Wow, real "Get off my lawn" crowd up in here. Should change the name of the site to "People bitching about the Jazz.com"
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      //r00t 4 Jazz replied to the thread Rebrand?.
      I didn't even think about the J note that you and others have said on the black ones, but yeah I can see that now. My first thought...
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      //r00t 4 Jazz replied to the thread Lottery-ball z.
      Yes but more meant last year. And this board would be having a bigger melt down of that happened (falling from 1 or 2 to 5)
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      //r00t 4 Jazz replied to the thread Lottery-ball z.
      Yeah that's why no one says much about it. But my point was to the tank harder crowd, blaming last year and this year for the jazz'...
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      //r00t 4 Jazz replied to the thread Lottery-ball z.
      Ask Detroit about how their tank pays off
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      //r00t 4 Jazz replied to the thread Lottery-ball z.
      Oh you mean like when they had the 3rd worst record and fell back to 5th... yeah
    • //r00t 4 Jazz
      //r00t 4 Jazz replied to the thread Lottery-ball z.
      If the Jazz had the worst record what would be the point. We all KNOW without a doubt they would fall to 3 anyway
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