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Are you still fat though? Doing that stuff while losing excess is great for libido but when your signaling to your body you're starving and dying when you continue to do it while lean is another story.

ph fat ************. Watching a youtube clip of Joe and PG at the moment, gave me a chubby...
I’m 44, in better than average shape (weigh 195, could probably go out and run 3-4 miles at 8:00/pace despite not having run at all the last four months)...

That said, I feel tired all the time. This has really started over the past 6-9 months imo. I’m not sure if it has anything to do with lower testosterone levels as I age or something, or my diet, though I have been eating better the last year. Or perhaps just the fact that I have three kids and they can be exhausting—let me apologize to bigb right now because I can’t imagine his clan, Jesus.

My post is to inquire whether anyone has any personal experience with this. If I’m being honest, I’m definitely more tired in the 24 hours following climax. I’m particularly tired today and I’ve climaxed twice in the last 44 hours and three times in the last 68. I’m not trying to be inappropriate. I’m just spitballing. I have been holding out longer (for 3-5 days at times) so I’m not as tired during the work week and it has helped.

I guess I’m wondering why this seems more noticeable now than ever before. Is it aging and declining testosterone levels? I’m attributing it to a combination of that, the kids tiring me out both at school and at home, with part of that including less sleep than I’m used to...and perhaps a little bit of a semi mid-life crisis as all this means less me time for me.

Anyone who is over 40 and/or been through a phase like this here?

It could be just aging or lower testosterone levels. How is your sleep patterns? Are you getting enough non interrupted sleep? Do you have issues with anxiety or depression? Is your relationship good? Do you take time for each other and yourselves? A lot of it has to do with having kids, falling into a routine, not taking the time to nuture your relationship and yourself and yes father time. One has to realize that no matter how good of shape you are in you're not twenty anymore. Energy levels change. I wouldn't worry about it too much it is just the changing of life. If you continue to feel tired you might want to see a doctor. I am 59 now and have learned to accept myself where I am now.

It has helped my over all mental and physical health. Unless you have some medical issue I would really worry about you not being able to perform as if you were still 20 years old. Like most things when you are over 40 you are not as good physically as you were when you where in your "Prime". Besides the fact you didn't have all the distracts to sap your energy. I suggest that you get some rest, take your partner on a romantic getaway and then you might up your game.
It could be just aging or lower testosterone levels. How is your sleep patterns? Are you getting enough non interrupted sleep? Do you have issues with anxiety or depression? Is your relationship good? Do you take time for each other and yourselves? A lot of it has to do with having kids, falling into a routine, not taking the time to nuture your relationship and yourself and yes father time. One has to realize that no matter how good of shape you are in you're not twenty anymore. Energy levels change. I wouldn't worry about it too much it is just the changing of life. If you continue to feel tired you might want to see a doctor. I am 59 now and have learned to accept myself where I am now.

It has helped my over all mental and physical health. Unless you have some medical issue I would really worry about you not being able to perform as if you were still 20 years old. Like most things when you are over 40 you are not as good physically as you were when you where in your "Prime". Besides the fact you didn't have all the distracts to sap your energy. I suggest that you get some rest, take your partner on a romantic getaway and then you might up your game.
This, or get on HGH and trt and live like a God till your 90. Seriously, it's the reason we have athletes playing into their late 30s and early 40s over the last 20 years. I'm in my 30s still and am on 2ius of generic hgh 5 days a week. Costs me only about $600 a year. Best decision I've made and plan on running it til I die as long as I have access. Stay lean easy, helps with building muscle, skin staying awesome, helps ligaments, better sleep and I feel for overall well being. ***** the bees knees yo. Anyway I'm just ranting, dont take my advice I'm an idiot.
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I take a natural laxative daily... it's called coffee. Good for a little energy boost too.
I think they are taking about eating the laxative
I’m 44, in better than average shape (weigh 195, could probably go out and run 3-4 miles at 8:00/pace despite not having run at all the last four months)...

That said, I feel tired all the time. This has really started over the past 6-9 months imo. I’m not sure if it has anything to do with lower testosterone levels as I age or something, or my diet, though I have been eating better the last year. Or perhaps just the fact that I have three kids and they can be exhausting—let me apologize to bigb right now because I can’t imagine his clan, Jesus.

My post is to inquire whether anyone has any personal experience with this. If I’m being honest, I’m definitely more tired in the 24 hours following climax. I’m particularly tired today and I’ve climaxed twice in the last 44 hours and three times in the last 68. I’m not trying to be inappropriate. I’m just spitballing. I have been holding out longer (for 3-5 days at times) so I’m not as tired during the work week and it has helped.

I guess I’m wondering why this seems more noticeable now than ever before. Is it aging and declining testosterone levels? I’m attributing it to a combination of that, the kids tiring me out both at school and at home, with part of that including less sleep than I’m used to...and perhaps a little bit of a semi mid-life crisis as all this means less me time for me.

Anyone who is over 40 and/or been through a phase like this here?

lots of interesting answers here, but i'd be pretty surprised if it's an ageing/testosterone thing mate. 44 is a little early for that. I'd put my 2c worth in that the times i've felt overly tired / run down have been either high stress periods and led into a couple of mild / moderate periods of depression, the symptoms of which can be pretty much exactly what you've described.
Dude i diet, do weight training and **** loads of cardio, I'm constantly horny... Considered having a lamb shank at work yesterday, (mostly cause I was bored.) maybe Wes is going through male menopause?

Lamb skank?
I’m 44, in better than average shape (weigh 195, could probably go out and run 3-4 miles at 8:00/pace despite not having run at all the last four months)...

That said, I feel tired all the time. This has really started over the past 6-9 months imo. I’m not sure if it has anything to do with lower testosterone levels as I age or something, or my diet, though I have been eating better the last year. Or perhaps just the fact that I have three kids and they can be exhausting—let me apologize to bigb right now because I can’t imagine his clan, Jesus.

My post is to inquire whether anyone has any personal experience with this. If I’m being honest, I’m definitely more tired in the 24 hours following climax. I’m particularly tired today and I’ve climaxed twice in the last 44 hours and three times in the last 68. I’m not trying to be inappropriate. I’m just spitballing. I have been holding out longer (for 3-5 days at times) so I’m not as tired during the work week and it has helped.

I guess I’m wondering why this seems more noticeable now than ever before. Is it aging and declining testosterone levels? I’m attributing it to a combination of that, the kids tiring me out both at school and at home, with part of that including less sleep than I’m used to...and perhaps a little bit of a semi mid-life crisis as all this means less me time for me.

Anyone who is over 40 and/or been through a phase like this here?

Everybody taking a stab at this. So I will too.

If Testosterone is the culprit then you should maybe try some other things first before running to TRT. I get the temptation, but there are drawbacks. First of all, you better be ready to be jabbing your self with a pretty good sized needle
Intramuscular. Every week, maybe twice a week for the rest of your life unless medicine advances further in that area. Which it probably will. When you get on that stuff you cant get off unless you are ready to have even lower T after. It can also mess with your estrogen levels too. Then you have to take other harmful drugs to counter it. Then it thickens your blood putting you at greater risk of a heart attack.

I dont know if its worth all that. Maybe it is. I still havent ruled it completely out of my future as I age. You just better be ready for a lifetime commitment to it.

Here are some tips to boost your test naturally. I would try this first and put that off as long as you can. You say dont take supplements but maybe you should try a few. These boost your test naturally.

Ashwagandha root
Vitamin D
Tongkat Ali

I take those only on the day before a workout. It really makes a difference.

Get your sleep right. You need good sleep for natural test production and HGH.

Maybe take a sleep aid like Advil PM. Although its habit forming. Id stay away from Ambien. Makes you crazy.

Get some squats and leg presses in to help release testosterone too.

Try those things first before you go playing with needles. You can always try the other stuff if this doesnt work.

Also, I have found at times that its about whats going on in your life too. Your spirit can effect your physical energy. Try working out after great news in your life vs crappy news. Its huge difference.

Also, try intermittent fasting. Stop eating breakfast. You dont need food first thing. It wants to put you to sleep.
Thank Ewe.

Typically in the presence of an attractive nurse one of us will ask the other, "what are you doing after work?" the reply is normally "Will probably have a lamb shank." Followed by something like "Oh sounds lovely send me picture" and so on.