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The Big Ken Lofton Watch Thread

I would say it's more important for him to not gain weight versus losing weight....but at the same time we are talking about his weight way too much. Skill development + Maturity is what will get him a place in this league.
Kenny has been such a end of the season get. His passing is so good ,its like we got back Olynyk at 21 years old, I believe he is going to start for the Jazz next year. I also think he will be in the greatest shape of his life.
Issue is Lofton is 6'6 and KO is 6'11.
After a little thought on it I was thinking since he's a LA Tech alumni (same as Karl) "The Beer Delivery Guy" could be Lofton's official nickname if we keep him around long term. Karl was the mailman, but Ken delivers the Kegs and the cases of beer. Gotta love it when the guys with a beer gut like Lofton and Jokic can school a league full of uber athletic players. And on top of that, I got a few more nicknames to casually drop. Happy Hour Lofton, Beer Thirty (Four) Kenny, Boston Lager Lofton, Kenny The Keg, Kenny Pilsner, Kenny Powers (because he's built like him), Last Call Kenny, the names just keep coming in.
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After a little thought on it I was thinking since he's a LA Tech alumni (same as Karl) "The Beer Delivery Guy" could be Lofton's official nickname if we keep him around long term. Karl was the mailman, but Ken delivers the Kegs and the cases of beer. Gotta love it when the guys with a beer gut like Lofton and Jokic can school a league full of uber athletic players. And on top of that, I got a few more nicknames to casually drop. Happy Hour Lofton, Beer Thirty (Four) Kenny, Boston Lager Lofton, Kenny The Keg, Kenny Pilsner, Kenny Powers (because he's built like him), Last Call Kenny, the names just keep coming in.
Malone was the Mailman, Kenny is the Mealman.
After a little thought on it I was thinking since he's a LA Tech alumni (same as Karl) "The Beer Delivery Guy" could be Lofton's official nickname if we keep him around long term. Karl was the mailman, but Ken delivers the Kegs and the cases of beer. Gotta love it when the guys with a beer gut like Lofton and Jokic can school a league full of uber athletic players. And on top of that, I got a few more nicknames to casually drop. Happy Hour Lofton, Beer Thirty (Four) Kenny, Boston Lager Lofton, Kenny The Keg, Kenny Pilsner, Kenny Powers (because he's built like him), Last Call Kenny, the names just keep coming in.
How about Chunk from The Goonies :) :) :) :) :)
Every time I read the name Kenny, I can't help but thinking of Kramer calling out for Kenny (Rogers Roasters). It seems especially fitting in this context.
