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2024 NBA Free Agency Thread

Because paying Klay would be a **** ton of money instead of just a lot. It'd also be hard to trade Klay if you gave him the contract he wanted.
Allegedly he was ready to take $40/2 years. They’re going to pay more than that for SloMo and Hield (which I think is the right move but they totally could’ve paid Klay that).
Allegedly he was ready to take $40/2 years. They’re going to pay more than that for SloMo and Hield (which I think is the right move but they totally could’ve paid Klay that).

I like Buddy Hield, he's a good pro.

4 years for the 55th pick? His agent must be a genius...

If the kid had an ounce of self respect he'd have refused it, insisting to earn his PT based on merit.

Remember opposing fans chiding Daryl Strawberry? "DEH-ryl DEH-ryl"

Imagine fans in every stadium mocking "BRAWH-ney BRAWH-ney" while the kid sits at the end of the bench with his towel over his head.

Def not worth the millions to endure that shti
Yeah... so that doesn't bode well for our 27 pick. This means LeBron will stay at least until the 2026-2027 season(the 27 pick). Although... at that point who knows at what level he will be... maybe he will be like a dad coaching his sons' peewee team... just in the NBA.
Eh... either way. He will make like $50M and has taken a step back or two. Father time is undefeated.
If the kid had an ounce of self respect he'd have refused it, insisting to earn his PT based on merit.

Remember opposing fans chiding Daryl Strawberry? "DEH-ryl DEH-ryl"

Imagine fans in every stadium mocking "BRAWH-ney BRAWH-ney" while the kid sits at the end of the bench with his towel over his head.

Def not worth the millions to endure that shti

If someone offered me 8 million dollars to sit on my fat arse I'd take it in a heartbeat. Might even ask for more cause unlike the kid I've at least got plenty of experience.
When all of the dust settles and Utah still has a bunch of cap space, it will be interesting to see what we do with it. Danny Ainge is physically repulsed by second round picks, so he might have to leave the office for a little bit.
That's JZ's time to shine. We need seconds... not to draft players but we've needed them to help smooth the delta in trade value for in between deals. Every second round pick this year was used by someone other than the original owner.
Late first round picks, all second round picks, all of it is so disheartening. Yuck.
DLo will get wrapped into some trade that they do... we can help smooth things by assuming some salary. I know the math and it is unlikely to fall in the 1-4 range but I'm with you. Get that pick naked.
Look, there are so many things going on that it’s easy to lose sight. You really need to focus in on what the core issues are here. Sometime in 2026 we’re gonna start a thread on the Lakers’ pick watch. It will be one of the most active threads that year. How are we supposed to thoroughly enjoy that with the fear that the worse they do, the more likely we are to be robbed of a good pick? For the sake of JFC and that thread, DA really needs to get on this.

Also looks like Bronny will be our tank commander.
His longevity and durability has been remarkable tho. This coming season is season 22. Thats crazy
No doubt... but he had the foot problem a little while ago... has had an ankle or two. He's not indestructible anymore. He has also shown physical decline in a few ways that are different than years past. They are just so dependent on him... his running mate is also not mr. durable. In 2 years if he is still playing I could see some serious decline.
No doubt... but he had the foot problem a little while ago... has had an ankle or two. He's not indestructible anymore. He has also shown physical decline in a few ways that are different than years past. They are just so dependent on him... his running mate is also not mr. durable. In 2 years if he is still playing I could see some serious decline.

Running mate? The glass giraffe? AD is a bum.