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Who will replace Biden?

Who will replace Biden as candidate for POTUS

  • Placeholder

  • Placeholder

  • Kamala Harris

  • Someone Else

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So how does the process work now for picking the replacement?
We probably just get Kamala forced down our throats is my guess.

I wish they would just do a quick primary process. Put out a small handful of candidates and let them try to get as much publicity this week as this can to get their message out. The voters would Google each candidate and read their wikis. We would watch YouTube videos. Pretty easy to quickly consume information right now. Then we vote next weekend. Not ideal but I would prefer it over what will likely happen.

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Good news is that no matter what happens, it was God's plan so no need to worry about it.

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So, you still waiting for all of this blow over? lol
I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know I hurt your feelings because now you only respond to my posts in trolling ways. So unless you plan on engaging with me in a constructive manner, please stop replying to my posts. It’s just juvenile and annoying.

Weeks ago I was a big boy and admitted to Sardines that he was correct and I was wrong. What’s the use in trolling me? What are you trying to accomplish?
It'll go to the delegates at the Democrats National Convention to pick a new nominee.
Which, TBH, I wish we could just do all along. I don’t think primary voters do a good job of vetting candidates. If parties could select candidates in the smoke filled rooms, I think we’d find better candidates. The GOP would’ve never nominated Trump.
I can’t believe the republicans are fielding a candidate who rambles incoherently all the time. He’s unlikely to survive another 4 years in office. He’s got dementia. Is he too afraid to debate Harris? He’ll be the oldest presidential candidate in history!

It’s time for America to turn the page on old man Trump. America is young, multicultural, and optimistic. Trump is stale. Harris embodies what 21st century America is all about.

I hope our friends who were really concerned about Biden now vote for Harris. After all, they hated Trump supposedly but were concerned with Biden’s fitness. Without that excuse anymore, their votes should go for Harris (or whoever is the D candidate) now right?
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Which, TBH, I wish we could just do all along. I don’t think primary voters do a good job of vetting candidates. If parties could select candidates in the smoke filled rooms, I think we’d find better candidates. The GOP would’ve never nominated Trump.
WTH? You would rather have parties select candidates? So American citizens don’t have a say?
Which, TBH, I wish we could just do all along. I don’t think primary voters do a good job of vetting candidates. If parties could select candidates in the smoke filled rooms, I think we’d find better candidates. The GOP would’ve never nominated Trump.
Pretty anti-democratic sentiment to be honest. The primary process sucks but going in the opposite direction is not my preference for fixing it.
I can’t believe the republicans are fielding a candidate who rambles incoherently all the time. He’s unlikely to survive another 4 years in office. He’s got dementia. Is he too afraid to debate Harris? He’ll be the oldest presidential candidate in history!

It’s time for America to turn the page on old man Trump. America is young, multicultural, and optimistic. Trump is stale. Harris embodies what 21st century America is all about.

I hope our friends who were really concerned about Biden now vote for Harris. After all, they hated Trump supposedly but were concerned with Biden’s fitness. Without that excuse anymore, their votes should go for Harris (or whoever is the D candidate) now right?

Any Biden defenders are full dem-supporters, virtually all of their votes will go to the replacement. IMO there is only upside.
I'll ride with Kamala. This is an opportunity. Obviously, I'm not aligned with her ideologically, but its a big improvement over Joe Biden. Give me coconut island.

She's the prosecutor and we're pitting her against the felon. This could produce gold in the upcoming debates. The zingers are too easy.
I'll ride with Kamala. This is an opportunity. Obviously, I'm not aligned with her ideologically, but its a big improvement over Joe Biden. Give me coconut island.

She's the prosecutor and we're pitting her against the felon. This could produce gold in the upcoming debates. The zingers are too easy.
The polls general ride her as even with Trump as versus Biden, if not slightly better. Couple had her worse. We'll see what happens.
The polls general ride her as even with Trump as versus Biden, if not slightly better. Couple had her worse. We'll see what happens.
My thought is that those polls were conducted while she was a part of the current Biden Admin which was unpopular. They're somewhat tainted. When she's out on her own she has a chance to gain a lot of ground. I predict she'll outperform the older polls.
I’m not sure the cackling hyena has what it takes to win second place from RFK jr. Democrats are becoming more and more irrelevant by the day.