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Kamala Harris for Pres

Oh and did all of you catch her slipping the "Imagine what could be... unburdened by what has been" line in but using slightly different words? I'll see if I can find it. She ain't giving up on that ****. When she wins she's gonna say that **** in her inauguration speech.
Not going to lie. I'm a person who feels very strongly about the danger Trump poses to the country that I love. I have been on edge since the debate. The assassination of Trump's upper ear lobe on one side was sending me into a medium well lit room, not dark but not bright. Biden dropping out just brought anxiety. This statement by Harris lifted a weight off my shoulders. Not kidding, I feel better now after hearing her speak. I think she can win. I think she will win.

Crazy how well that worked. Glad to hear it boys

Oh and did all of you catch her slipping the "Imagine what could be... unburdened by what has been" line in but using slightly different words? I'll see if I can find it. She ain't giving up on that ****. When she wins she's gonna say that **** in her inauguration speech.

lmao, This meme is going to hit so hard if it goes on for four years maybe eight. It's such a so-bad-its-good line. I hope she never drops it. Just make it the ****ing campaign slogan.
Lol at Mike Johnson claiming Kamala can't be the candidate because she didn't get the 14 million votes and that Biden should have the 25th amendment and step down as president. Republicans keep being crazy.
I hope republicans keep whining about how she shouldn’t be allowed to be president. Meanwhile, Democrats are out fundraising and going on the offensive against the rapist. This really has the potential to be a wipeout this fall as Democratic excitement could lead to flipping the House and holding onto the senate. Hopefully nothing happens to Alito and Thomas cuz then Democrats might have the chance to flip the Supreme Court too. Which would just be unfortunate, amiright? Supreme Court Justice AOC has a nice ring to it!
Supreme Court Justice AOC has a nice ring to it!

The problem is that sometimes your definition of troll is a bit too confined (not sure if that's the right word)

I mean steak and eggs is a huge difference from other posters. And I can understand a few others being considered trolls as well.

But posters like hearsky are no where close to trolls. You just got triggered way too easily in that instance. Sometimes you need to show a bit more tolerance.

Like there is a chance you might call me a troll and put me on ignore for this post.

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I encourage you go through his posting history over the last few days with me and see if whether or not his posts at me were made in good faith. Frankly, I don’t have time or patience to deal with stupid posters or trolling posts. Maybe 10 years ago, when I might’ve enjoyed the attention from so many posters. But now I don’t care. We have so trash on this website. I dont want to spend hours sifting through the trash posts and posters to try and make sense of things. The weeks following the debate were so of the most annoying weeks, as we had pages upon pages of spam posted just to irritate posters like you and Red. I refuse to participate. I Block and move on. No one is entitled to communication with me and I’ll read what I want. If posters want to engage, they need to do so in good faith and not just annoy me.
Like her work as the DA for the largest state in the U.S., or her role as senator for the largest state in the U.S.?

Her skillset is classic politician, especially Presidential candidates, resume stuff. Now I know since Trump is what counts as a qualified politician, we no longer care about those classical examples of a Presidential resume. She lacks the bombast, the showmanship, the cachet that currently serves as a primary qualification for POTUS.

You skipped a few things there, compulsive liar and criminal are also important prerequisites

She doesn't grab nearly enough women by the *****.

Who does?
With whole head I worry about being able to fully clean it without destroying it. I also worry about how it would fit into my fermentation vessel. There can't be air gaps. Here's is what my fermentation vessel looks like.


I think it holds about 2.5 gallons.

Can you fit them if you cut the whole head into halves or quarters? Not that you have to. chop it the **** up if you want.

Why don't the pair of you **** off?
Why don't the pair of you **** off?
That's what they're trying to do. Fit the whole head. Make it nice and spicy. Yeah they're talking about cabbage. :rolleyes:
I hope republicans keep whining about how she shouldn’t be allowed to be president. Meanwhile, Democrats are out fundraising and going on the offensive against the rapist. This really has the potential to be a wipeout this fall as Democratic excitement could lead to flipping the House and holding onto the senate. Hopefully nothing happens to Alito and Thomas cuz then Democrats might have the chance to flip the Supreme Court too. Which would just be unfortunate, amiright? Supreme Court Justice AOC has a nice ring to it!
Is she even a lawyer?
Is she even a lawyer?
Are those requirements for being a justice? Appoint her and feed her millions in brib… I mean uhhh free speech. Then you’ll have 40+ years of reliable progressive legislating. Legislation that’s impossible to pass through the legislative process can be done through the judicial process. It might be the only way we get universal health care here.

Isn’t that how the Supreme Court works?
Any signs of The Rapist ducking debates with Kamala yet? It's coming. He'll be asked if he'll debate her and he'll say, "I'm not even sure she's the candidate, look, she's very unlikable. People don't like her because she's a nasty woman. Look what she did in California, she held out evidence from a man on death row because she's an evil person. If she's the candidate I'll debate her and I'll win but I'm not even sure people want her as the candidate."