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Kamala Harris for Pres

That’s fine you don’t have to take me serious.

Trump is genuine and real:

View: https://x.com/JoeDanMedia/status/1814812770686103615

Kamala is not genuine:

View: https://x.com/RNCResearch/status/1815818534200697037

This is the same argument made with Romney and Obama…Romney was a robot, not genuine, stiff. Obama, I would have a beer with.

Kamala would just laugh nervously because she wouldn’t know what to say. Trump would just talk about anything without a filter.

People that vote on mannerisms, shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Andy Beshear VP announcement incoming??

View attachment 16920
That was my choice for Democrat nominee.
Those unique and interesting things happening don't mean all the other **** didn't happen.

For example, because some cops let some rioters into the building doesn't mean that other cops weren't violently assaulted by other rioters.

Because some people were peacefully protesting and some were simply trespassing doesn't mean others weren't hitting cops with weapons and breaking down doors and busting windows and chanting hang pence compete with a gallows.

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See this is when I stop. I have surface level knowledge on this subject. I can’t agree or disagree with you because I honestly don’t know. You obviously know much more than me on J6.
Who’s voting on mannerisms?

Edit: Fish
Actually I'm not even sure what mannerisms means.
I typically vote on intelligence first. Public speaking ability 2nd. Morals (least amount of scandal) 3rd. If I were to vote anyway lol.

I basically just don't want the president to be an embarrassment.

That's why Obama is my favorite of my lifetime. Smart. Amazing speaker. No scandals in his personal life that I can think of. Never embarrassed me as an American

Trump would obviously fail in all categories.

Biden was very embarrassing

Bush was embarrassing. Clinton was embarrassing too.

Doesn't seem like too much to ask to simply not be a bumbling scandalous idiot does it?

I didn't graduate from my high school yet I think I would score higher in a standardized test than Bush and trump. And old Biden too (though I think young Biden was probably smart)

The president should never be less intelligent than me lol
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I think Mark Kelley would be Harris best choice to help win the election. (not my first choice though)
RFK, Jr. is a huge crypto advocate. BTC would 50x if the US match to gold. At that point, all the hookers and blow are on me.

Lots of talk that Trump will announce plans for the Treasury to accumulate Bitcoin to back the dollar when he speaks Saturday. That will change the tide of the election, unless Kamala pivots hard. Kamala and Doug have owned BTC since 2014 and are tight with the tech bros crowd. Pretty sure she gets it and will pivot as necessary. The really isn't a partisan issue. More liberals own BTC than conservatives. It's more of a boomers/millennials issue.

Has anyone here read/listened to "The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve"? Blows my mind what our banking industry is built on.

View: https://x.com/holden_culotta/status/1816954196949901547?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ
Imo it doesn't matter who coordinated it.

Trump yelled about how this was the most fraud in election history for months. Had people giving him money to "stop the steal" (this money of course was really for nothing more than trumps bank account). Telling pence not to certify the vote due to all the fraud. All while presenting no evidence and losing in court over 60 times.

When you have such a devoted flock and you rile them up and get them as mad as possible and then give a speech and tell that riled up angry mob to march on the Capitol and fight or you won't have a country anymore then you are responsible.

To top it off you just kick back and watch the carnage and do nothing to stop it. Then once law enforcement has it under control and trump sees that it isn't going to work he conveniently comes out of hiding and tells them to go home in a 1 minute long speech (1 minute from a guy who normally rambles for hours) 40 seconds of which trump did nothing more than offer sympathy to the rioters.

He also suggested later in the day that the invasion of the Capitol by his supporters was a natural consequence of his victory being "stripped away." Officials have found no evidence of widespread fraud and dozens of lawsuits aimed at flipping the results have failed in court. Not to mention all the audits and recounts.

We need to never forget or forgive his punk *** for how he handled his election loss and how he still speaks of that loss to this day. **** trump for that ****. Makes me very angry.

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Very respectfully I disagree. I think it does matter and the breadcrumbs are all there. Texts, chat rooms, public statements, twitter posts, etc.. It all goes back to the White House.

I am being intentional in not saying it goes back to Trump, because none of the direct evidence can be 100% linked to him, but it absolutely can be linked to people sitting in the same room with him in the days previous and the day of, as it was unfolding. Then we have Trump's "be there on Jan 6th, it's gonna be wild!" tweet. On Jan 6th Trump was asked to say something to put a stop to what was happening. He did not try to stop it. He waited to see if it worked. Once it was clear it didn't he made a statement.

I'd convict Trump, but there is no direct link to the plans the groups (Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, etc.) were making straight to Trump. Always a person close to him but not him.

If I had been planning to vote for him this would 1000% change my mind.

Absolutely idiotic idea. Like letting a monkey control the gas and brakes while I control the steering wheel. We can't give half of the control of our financial situation over to ****ing crypto bros. Crypto is unreliable, and that's a massive understatement. That is NOT an improvement over the FED.
If I had been planning to vote for him this would 1000% change my mind.

Absolutely idiotic idea. Like letting a monkey control the gas and brakes while I control the steering wheel. We can't give half of the control of our financial situation over to ****ing crypto bros. Crypto is unreliable, and that's a massive understatement. That is NOT an improvement over the FED.
Crypto is unreliable..lol. You will be on the wrong side of history, my friend. Spend 20 hours studying BTC and get back to me.
Crypto is unreliable..lol. You will be on the wrong side of history, my friend. Spend 20 hours studying BTC and get back to me.
I have, significantly more than that.

Do you follow Son of a Tech? Watched hundreds of hours of that if that counts for anything.
I have, significantly more than that.

Do you follow Son of a Tech? Watched hundreds of hours of that if that counts for anything.
I follow Larry Fink. The most powerful person that has ever walked Earth. Blackrock is not going to lose. If you think the crypto bros are still in charge, you haven't been paying attention. I'm talking Bitcoin, not shitcoins.
I follow Larry Fink. The most powerful person that has ever walked Earth. Blackrock is not going to lose. If you think the crypto bros are still in charge, you haven't been paying attention. I'm talking Bitcoin, not shitcoins.
Alright man, I'll stay tuned.
The Obamas and the Clintons can go **** themselves. I hate them.

I kind of like the Obamas and Bill Clinton was a great President, maybe the smartest man to ever hold the job. Have you seen his interviews from back in the day?
Ya that's a pretty bad look.
Now bucknutz said that he thinks trump is "real".
Yes, I did say that and I think that, when it comes to his personality and you know that.
Does that mean that trump is going to "fix" elections to where voting doesn't matter and if so, you cool with that plan @Bucknutz?
I don’t know what was said before or after. What is the full context?

I honestly don’t know what he is referring to. Maybe someone should ask him.

I’m not cool with that plan and I already said that to another poster who referenced having parties pick the nominee over voting, like the democrats just did.