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14th Tank Platoon

Now just need to hope for hot streaks by teams like Memphis, Minnesota and Dallas and an injury to Curry or a couple of other key guys. A very longshot, indeed. And GS is already out to a lead of 10+ on the Clippers tonight.

I don't think it's as long of a shot then we think. Harrison Barnes is the x factor on their team right with everybody healthy.
If Curry, Lee or Iguodala get hurt, they're going to struggle to stay off a losing streak. Those three guys are so key for their success (Curry and Lee on offense and Iguodala on defense and glue guy.) too many minutes and the worst bench in the league is not a good game plan for season-long success.
I really hope the Jazz come out and beat the crap out of them. Bait Bogut into starting a fight. Hard fouls on Curry and Lee all night long. They won't win, but it could provide a blueprint for other teams to follow. Wear them out and beat them up. They'll start pushing and lose more than they should. They've hovered around the 7/8 spot despite pulling off a half-dozen last second wins. They haven't been as good as their record suggests.
It's usually the insane ones that are right.

Their bench has been the worst in the league too.
I would call Minny's bench the worst, but GSW are definitely jostling for position with them.

EDIT: I mention Minny because Pekovic's injury will keep him out of their next 7 games, maybe more, and this stretch could seriously hurt their record and put them out of playoff contention. GSW are a Curry ankle-tweak away from the same fate.
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There is hope for the GS game. Favors, Jefferson (sore right hip) and Burke (both with gastric distress) are all game time decisions.

Read off Bleacher Report but it looks like it is from the Jazz twitter.
There is hope that we might be able to lose against the only team we really want to beat? Oh great.
There is hope that we might be able to lose against the only team we really want to beat? Oh great.

I'm okay with losing to the Warriors as long as they pay a high price for the win. Marvin already knocked Curry out once with a concussion. I want them to play that way with the whole team. They win the battle, but the Jazz win the war. Make their stars pay a high price to succeed and force that bench to pick up the slack for the stretch run.
LOL... HeavenHarris hasn't even been gone for more than a week... and look who "re-appears"


You know what **** you. SRS has Anyone met Heaven or know what he looks like. I would be more than happy to meet anyone who lives near slc in person. heyhey is nothing more than a lazy screen name and a coincidence.(kinda like the kkk in your screen name) Do you really think that if someone was going to try and pull the wool over your eyes they would use the same initials? Like I have stated before I signed up with my email that states my full legal name my identity would really not be too hard for Jason to determine.
You know what **** you. SRS has Anyone met Heaven or know what he looks like. I would be more than happy to meet anyone who lives near slc in person. heyhey is nothing more than a lazy screen name and a coincidence.(kinda like the kkk in your screen name) Do you really think that if someone was going to try and pull the wool over your eyes they would use the same initials? Like I have stated before I signed up with my email that states my full legal name my identity would really not be too hard for Jason to determine.

Alright guys let's hear it - who would like to go meet HeyHey in person and put this controversy to rest????
Alright guys let's hear it - who would like to go meet HeyHey in person and put this controversy to rest????

At what point did you decide that Jason needed the help of your detective skills in the first place, Dick.
You know what **** you. SRS has Anyone met Heaven or know what he looks like. I would be more than happy to meet anyone who lives near slc in person. heyhey is nothing more than a lazy screen name and a coincidence.(kinda like the kkk in your screen name) Do you really think that if someone was going to try and pull the wool over your eyes they would use the same initials? Like I have stated before I signed up with my email that states my full legal name my identity would really not be too hard for Jason to determine.

Remember how Bin Ladin was hiding in a house that was like 1.5 km away from the Pakistanis Military Headquarter, where he was eventually captured?

I learnt a lot from that.
Burke and Jefferson didn't practice. Gastric distress. Favors was limited practice with his little injury. All three are gtd tomorrow. Work it Dennis!

Via the nba game time app. I think it was jazz Twitter. Too lazy to link on my phone.