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2020 Presidential election

I Warned you. It’s a poll tax.

Ex-felons who thought they could vote because of the passed ballot initiative giving them back their right to vote, are now being prosecuted for voter fraud. When people claim that DeSantis is “moderate” don’t believe them. You get the same cruelty and authoritarianism of Trumpism without Trump.

Heartbreaking! These folks have paid their debt to society. Then Florida claims they have addition fees to put for but then doesn’t specify how much they are. Ex-felons register and vote thinking that they’re eligible to do so now. And now they’re getting hit with additional felony charges. Why? Because the cruelty is the point and the majority are black. We know what Republicans think of black people.
Do you even read the articles you post? Not heartbreaking at all. She served a 20 year sentence for murder. Got out and read the amendment but didnt have the reading comprehension to see that it doesn’t apply to sex offenders or murders.

If you care so much about murderers rights, why don’t you post about how in Florida they don’t get the guns rights back either and cry about it.

Wow Desantis is just a terrible person because murders can’t vote.
I can’t support Nikki Haley. Her ambition is unmatched. She’ll do anything for power and attention. Lie, cheat, sellout, whatever
You just described nearly every elected official at the top levels of government.

I also don't support Nikki Haley, partially because she joined the board of Boeing whom I regard as one of the most corrupt companies in America, and mostly because she is a neocon. If I were to make a list of groups I find to be the most dangerous, neocons would be on it. Off the top of my head:

1 - Communists
2 - Theocrats
3 - Progressives
4 - Racists
5 - Neoconservatives
Do you even read the articles you post? Not heartbreaking at all. She served a 20 year sentence for murder. Got out and read the amendment but didnt have the reading comprehension to see that it doesn’t apply to sex offenders or murders.

If you care so much about murderers rights, why don’t you post about how in Florida they don’t get the guns rights back either and cry about it.

Wow Desantis is just a terrible person because murders can’t vote.
Weird comment, especially since I quoted parts of the article.

She had served her debt to society. It’s interesting how you attack when reading skills. That’s a long tried white supremacist reason for literacy tests. So congrats on repeating Jim Crow reasoning for excluding POC from the ballot. Keeping a gun away from an ex-felon in her case makes sense. But how does keeping her from the ability to vote make any sense? Are you really that obtuse?

Why continue to punish someone after they’ve paid their debt to society for 20 yrs? You realize that we’re one of the only industrialized countries in the world that does this sort of thing, right?

Had you read the entire article, you’d know that this is a systemic problem. There’s a systematic problem created by Florida Republicans to prevent former felons (who they know are majority POC) from voting. They are given additional debts and fees and aren’t told what they are, how much, and how to pay them off. These fees were added by the legislature and Gov after the ballot initiative passed.
This clearly wasn’t what voters wanted when they voted clearly to restore voting rights to ex-felons.

I guess you want to continue to punish people after they’ve paid their debt to society but the voters of Florida don’t. Sadly, their Republican legislature and governor do, because racism and tribalism supersede any concern for human rights in the fascist party of Trump.
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She had served her debt to society. It’s interesting how you attack when reading skills. That’s a long tried white supremacist reason for literacy tests.
It’s not. It’s following basic rules. There are 2 types of felons not allowed to vote in Florida. Sexual and Murder. Clearly states this. Lack of reading skills is not by race but by poverty.

“Up-to-date adult literacy data, especially broken down into race and ethnicity demographics, is hard to come by. A 2019 report from the National Center for Education Statistics, which cited data from 2012 and 2014, found that 23% of Black adults in the country were considered to be low literacy, compared to 35% of white adults and 34% of Hispanic adults.”

It seems like more white adults are considered “low literacy” than black adults.
Thriller trying to play the race card.

So congrats on repeating Jim Crow reasoning for excluding POC from the ballot. Why continue to punish someone after they’ve paid their debt to society for 20 yrs?

Only 2 type of felons… Murder and Sexual. Once again you didn’t say anything about gun rights for these felons. I mean, if they paid their debt to society for 20 years, they should have the 2A right back. Or do you want to restrict rights that you don’t like.

You realize that we’re one of the only industrialized countries in the world that does this sort of thing, right?

I don’t live in the other Countries. They have different cultures and history than the USA. So why would it matter if Luxembourg has laws that differ from the USA. We are not the same country.

Had you read the entire article, you’d know that this is a systemic problem. There’s a systematic problem created by Florida Republicans to prevent former felons (who they know are majority POC) from voting.

There it is, the race card again. Former felons who are murderers and sexual predators.
Let’s see:

57% are white. 27% are black. Doesn’t work for sexual predators

Murders yep… 51% to 46% not by much

So no, it doesn’t effect black or brown persons more.

This clearly wasn’t what voters wanted when they voted clearly to restore voting rights to ex-felons.

Why do you say this? Where can you provide the data for this statement? They voted on this:
“Amendment 4 was designed to automatically restore the right to vote for people with prior felony convictions, except those convicted of murder or a felony sexual offense, upon completion of their sentences, including prison, parole, and probation.”

That’s exactly what they voted on.

I guess you want to continue to punish people after they’ve paid their debt to society but the voters of Florida don’t. Sadly, their Republican legislature and governor do, because racism and tribalism supersede any concern for human rights in the fascist party of Trump.

Again with the race card. No facts, just race card. Also “Trump”. Because everything you don’t like is because of Race or Trump. Just sad.
I mean if the law excludes murderers and sexual assault offenders then that's that. Pretty simple on that one.

The real focus should be on the far more arbitrary requirement to pay all fines, fees and restitution before having voting rights restored. I think that's a problematic requirement regardless, but it becomes truly unfair when the state cannot present the individual with a clear and concise tally of what they owe. Only after a person registers and votes does anyone have any interest in digging up old court fines and fees for the sole purpose of punishing people who have exercised what they honestly believe is their restored right to vote.

It only takes a few well publicized prosecutions for this in order to chill interest in ex-cons to register and vote even if they are eligible, which seems to have been the intent.