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2020 Presidential election

Betting odds are up on a site I used to use, and this guy isn’t listed, and I know he lost the race to Ted Cruz but for me, Beto O’Rourke seems like a legit possible candidate.

One, most dem candidates blow. Elizabeth Warren, really?

Two, the guy BARELY lost to Ted Cruz in a state that is historically always R. If he did that in Texas, that speaks to the guy’s ability to run on a platform and be likeable. It also perhaps means it’s a major state O’Rourke could steal in the race. Trump only won 52/43 to a totally unlikeable Clinton who’s a NY’er now. Beto could beat Trump here.

Three, he’s not boring retread.
Booker seemed like an obvious strong candidate but he’s single and gay. I didn’t know that. My buddy’s, one of whom taught in Newark for 20 years and another who does business there all the time, told me it’s the best kept secret about the guy. I had no idea.

I have no problem at all with his sexuality but there’s no way he’s winning if he’s hiding it.
Booker seemed like an obvious strong candidate but he’s single and gay. I didn’t know that. My buddy’s, one of whom taught in Newark for 20 years and another who does business there all the time, told me it’s the best kept secret about the guy. I had no idea.

I have no problem at all with his sexuality but there’s no way he’s winning if he’s hiding it.
I think the rumors about him are just because he's single, never been married. He has addressed it occasionally, most recently (as far as I can tell in 2 minutes of google) in 2013: https://www.essence.com/news/cory-booker-not-gay-unmarried-president/
Betting odds are up on a site I used to use, and this guy isn’t listed, and I know he lost the race to Ted Cruz but for me, Beto O’Rourke seems like a legit possible candidate.

One, most dem candidates blow. Elizabeth Warren, really?

Two, the guy BARELY lost to Ted Cruz in a state that is historically always R. If he did that in Texas, that speaks to the guy’s ability to run on a platform and be likeable. It also perhaps means it’s a major state O’Rourke could steal in the race. Trump only won 52/43 to a totally unlikeable Clinton who’s a NY’er now. Beto could beat Trump here.

Three, he’s not boring retread.

Thinking about this a little more, I think it’s really tough to sell to the American people to vote for a guy who couldn’t even win his race for Senator.

Has O’Rourke held office in any major capacity?
Thinking about this a little more, I think it’s really tough to sell to the American people to vote for a guy who couldn’t even win his race for Senator.

Has O’Rourke held office in any major capacity?
He's a member of the House of Representatives.
Elizabeth Warren is not a serious Presidential candidate, IMHO.

This is a winnable election if the Dems don't just trot out a bunch of **** like that.
Is there any chance Trump faces serious Primary challengers?

I could see myself voting for Nikki Haley over most of what I see from the Dems so far.
It's incredibly to see how a ginned up controversy like Warren's Indian ancestry has damaged her. She's not my first pick, but she's absolutely a serious contender.
It's incredibly to see how a ginned up controversy like Warren's Indian ancestry has damaged her. She's not my first pick, but she's absolutely a serious contender.
There's this whole likability thing that plays into Presidential campaigns.
I think the Dems have a pretty big problem.

When you look at this election from the perspective of "Trump sucks, we need to get rid of him" with his unfavorability rating and all the passionate hatred for him you'd think this election would be a slam dunk for Democrats.

But the Democratic camp is divided. There's a growing number of Democratic voters who are embracing the very progressive liberal candidates and supporting their policies. Then there's the established Democratic elite core that doesn't want to alienate middle-of-the-road voters with a bunch of radical ideas that the Republicans will be able to effectively label as "socialism."

If those two sides can't figure out a way to attack this election together there is a damn good chance Trump will get re-elected. I'm just not sure there is a way to reconcile both sides. The dems might just have to go all-in with the ultra-liberal agenda and hope it energizes enough voters to get it done. But I'm not sure there are enough of those voters out there. If you go the more moderate route and pull more moves like the DNC did against Sanders you might cause a huge chunk of your most enthusiastic Trump haters to feel disenfranchised from the party and they may just stay home.

It's a real problem.

And like I mentioned, if somehow a Republican challenger beat Trump in the primaries I'm pretty sure based on who I'm looking at right now that they would get my vote. I know babe doesn't believe me when I tell him I'm not a liberal Democrat with an agenda to match, but I'm not and I have zero loyalty to Dems other than getting rid of Trump.

Well, let me provide the exception. I will not vote for a candidate that runs specifically as a representative of any religion. That has been a huge turn-off for me in regard to Republicans lately.