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2020 Presidential election

Imagine your son or daughter losing their life, being severely injured or having PTSD from Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria. To what avail?
Whoever it is that takes on Trump(if he's still our President) will need to be deadly derious and play hardball. No smirks, no getting into ****-flinging with him. They need to remain above his insanity, like a doctor treating a lunatic.
Whoever it is that takes on Trump(if he's still our President) will need to be deadly derious and play hardball. No smirks, no getting into ****-flinging with him. They need to remain above his insanity, like a doctor treating a lunatic.

They need to come across as the adult in the room. Not smug and condescending. Make it about adult, thought out policies and respectabke image. There is a real path to combat him there. I agree again.

Some of the more Socialist minded Ds are voting no on a new set of rules put forth by Pelosi. Because if the pay as you go rule. Basically, if you have a new spending bill, like Medicare for all, there needs to be offsetting spending cuts somewhere else.

Yeah they are absolutely right. Democrats shouldn't kneecap themselves by passing paygo rule. Anything that makes serious climate change or Healthcare bills more difficulty is a nonstarter to me.
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Yeah they are absolutely right. Democrats shouldn't kneecap themselves by passing paygo rule. Anything that makes serious climate change or Healthcare bills more difficulty is a nonstarter to me.

I’m not so sure. I think attempts to try and tame the insane deficit is good. I think it might bring far more centrists online for those votes.
I’m not so sure. I think attempts to try and tame the insane deficit is good. I think it might bring far more centrists online for those votes.

I think as we ought to have learned last recession sometimes deficit spending is necessary and good, and I fear the economy is headed in that direction again. I don't know, I guess we'll see.
I think as we ought to have learned last recession sometimes deficit spending is necessary and good, and I fear the economy is headed in that direction again. I don't know, I guess we'll see.

Sometimes. But not when there is 22 trillion in debt. Eventually it’ll break.

But you’re right. We will see.
Warren on pulling troops out of Syria and Afghanistan

I think she basically nails it.

One thing Obama and Trump have in common is they both campaigned on getting out of Afghanistan and they both flip flopped as soon as they got in office and got the "big boy" talk.

You have to wonder what they know that we don't know.
Dems trying to make big moves in the house

They are trying to remove the electoral collage and limit the Presidents pardon powers.

Also, **** this shutdown ********. It has been ******** every single time it has happened. I support a constitutional amendment requiring a fiscal year long budget to be passed by 10/31 of every fiscal year.

I’m so damn tired of watching average citizens get screwed by DC this way. It’s ****ing ********. It should be criminal.
Then we have dumb *** worthless reporting on it. Like the Wash Post article about typos on a gov memo.

Wtf! Get your *** out there and write the real stories of this shut down.

About the furloughed gov worker worried about feeding their kids and how in the hell they are going to pay next months rent/mortgage!

Or the widow who is stressed about losing her tax return to late processing and how that will affect her ability to get her bills paid.

Or the at risk family having trouble getting flu shots!

Or the military families not getting paid right now!

But nope! TYPOS!!!

Yucka-yucka-yuck! Good one.
Then we have dumb *** worthless reporting on it. Like the Wash Post article about typos on a gov memo.

Wtf! Get your *** out there and write the real stories of this shut down.

About the furloughed gov worker worried about feeding their kids and how in the hell they are going to pay next months rent/mortgage!

Or the widow who is stressed about losing her tax return to late processing and how that will affect her ability to get her bills paid.

Or the at risk family having trouble getting flu shots!

Or the military families not getting paid right now!

But nope! TYPOS!!!

Yucka-yucka-yuck! Good one.

And the president on Friday saying the shutdown could last for months or years. I'm concerned about my tax refund being frozen...
