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2020 Presidential election

Lol you gotta be ****ing kidding me.
No, I'm not ****ing kidding you. I'm super not impressed with any of the Democrats I'm looking at.

You got some I should be impressed with?
Beto/Warren would be a ticket that bridges the moderate and far left wings of the democratic party.

I don't think Warren would accept tho being she's too old to wait 8 years for "her turn"

Beto/Booker might be a more realistic alternative.
Lol you gotta be ****ing kidding me.
And let's be clear here. If there is a serious challenge to Trump in the primaries it would be based on someone rejecting Trumpism, and if they won it would be the Republican party rejecting Trumpism. Noone is going to beat Trump at his own game and win over Trump lovers by pushing the same agenda. It would have to be by rejecting that direction and bringing the Republican party back from this ugly BS.
No, I'm not ****ing kidding you. I'm super not impressed with any of the Democrats I'm looking at.

You got some I should be impressed with?
Like there exists a Republican on the planet that is 'impressive.' I mean the dysfunction that exists in the GOP is endemic to the party, they created Trump remember.

As for the Democrats I think Sherrod Brown, Elizabeth Warren, Beto, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, and Kirsten Gillibrand are all fine candidates. Heads and shoulders above any of the Republicans that ran in 2016.
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And let's be clear here. If there is a serious challenge to Trump in the primaries it would be based on someone rejecting Trumpism, and if they won it would be the Republican party rejecting Trumpism. Noone is going to beat Trump at his own game and win over Trump lovers by pushing the same agenda. It would have to be by rejecting that direction and bringing the Republican party back from this ugly BS.
There's absolutely no chance that Trump could be primaried from the center of his own party. That political movement just doesn't exist.
Like there exists a Republican on the planet that is 'impressive.' I mean the dysfunction that exists in the GOP endemic to the party, they created Trump remember.

As for the Democrats I think Sherrod Brown, Elizabeth Warren, Beto, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, and Kirsten Gillibrand are all fine candidates. Heads and shoulders above any of the Republicans that ran in 2016.
Well, I'll see how I like them once they start campaigning.

I absolutely don't expect Trump to lose in the primaries. I know that isn't a real possibility. But if it happened I'd have a significantly improved opinion of the Republican party and a lot of respect for the candidate that ousted a sitting President in a primary.
I have two charities, one red one blue. Whichever one yall donate too i will see thru

I learned this from the chicago mob aka modern DNC

Im working on becoming "too big to fail" the ultimate rank only attained by a few, the likes of which are immune to any law made by man
Kamala Harris will make a strong push.

Booker seemed like an obvious strong candidate but he’s single and gay. I didn’t know that. My buddy’s, one of whom taught in Newark for 20 years and another who does business there all the time, told me it’s the best kept secret about the guy. I had no idea.

I have no problem at all with his sexuality but there’s no way he’s winning if he’s hiding it.

I would be ashamed to call any of these attention whores "my president". Anyone who constantly gins up controversy out of thin air can kiss my ***.

Give us the guy who the DNC screwed and Rand Paul as an independent.
I would be ashamed to call any of these attention whores "my president". Anyone who constantly gins up controversy out of thin air can kiss my ***.

Give us the guy who the DNC screwed and Rand Paul as an independent.
For the record, I didn’t mention Harris as my preferred candidate. But I think she’ll run, and I think she’ll play the game of thrones (rigged and stupid as it is) well.

It would be awesome if Bernie got some steam again. But even if he doesn’t, his movement will have a noticeable impact on the policies discussed.
I'll probably vote for the guy and invest in Acadia Pharmaceuticals. The psychological crash it will cause so many of you unstables to have will have them manufacturing pills at full capacity.

Dude... I'm from Tooele, and spent a good amount of my high school years in Stockton. I've seen stupid way worse than voting for lil'donnie.
I'll probably vote for the guy and invest in Acadia Pharmaceuticals. The psychological crash it will cause so many of you unstables to have will have them manufacturing pills at full capacity.


But no really, tell us more about those attention whores you won't be voting for because you're voting for Captain Tabloids.

But no really, tell us more about those attention whores you won't be voting for because you're voting for Captain Tabloids.

Trump finds it's cute the liberals think they can beat him by running candidates on this populist childism platform. Don't they know the young don't vote?
Trump finds it's cute the liberals think they can beat him by running candidates on this populist childism platform. Don't they know the young don't vote?
I think voter turnout amongst minorities, women and young people will smash all previous records.