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Kanters girth can throw you off a bit. For example a guy like evens looks taller than someone like Kanter even if they are the same height. It is just the way our brain works and lots of euro centers are thin. My guess from watching him is 6'10.5 -6'11 not true center size but a good tweener size.

You are rigth but I had most of the time clean methods to compare players' height. First thing I have always cared to have players at same time, very close to each others with good postures or with stable objects like basket frame, corridor walls' lines, door roof(ceiling whatever).

And Enes has always been my target. And on many occasions I have tried to convince myself that he is legit 6'11 or more because I wanted him to dominate the NBA in his future career but i couldn't manage to. I still believe he can absolutely be one of the best big men of the game but he won't ever have Shaq-like dominance in the game unless he suddenly grows five inches. :eek:
He looks 6'11 to me. He isn't exceptionally long, so maybe that is why he seems smaller to you.

I say he is 6'10. If you come to 6'10 plus and a half of an inch, I'll be ok to shake hands for the sake of our holy bargaining tradition. :)

Have you ever seen this?

And this absolutely tops it. Love Chevy Chase...
He has been measured as 6'11.25 in shoes. Of the 6 games I have watched this year he has always worn shoes. I will use my clairvoyance to predict that he will wear shoes every game, so he will be at least 6'11.25 for every game he plays from this point until he retires pending any late vertical growth. His vertical decline shouldn't begin until sometime in his 50's.

What if he goes all Greg foster on us and loses a shoe?? I guess at least his standing reach will be close to a foot longer!!
What if he goes all Greg foster on us and loses a shoe?? I guess at least his standing reach will be close to a foot longer!!

I don't know much about Bishops, but are they all as enthusiastic as this guy?
here he is, towering over our 6'6" coach:

Kanter's and Favors' standing reaches are within a quarter inch. Favors is far more explosive and appears taller for that reason.
Kanter's and Favors' standing reaches are within a quarter inch. Favors is far more explosive and appears taller for that reason.

His arms are also a good bit longer, probably giving the appearance of more height. Favors could have conceivably grown since his measurement of 6'10 also.
His arms are also a good bit longer, probably giving the appearance of more height. Favors could have conceivably grown since his measurement of 6'10 also.

So, you are not coming down to 6'10+0,5 then? Then how about this, I believe Kanter is a legit 7'0?
Now I got you? (And this is the bargaining skill of our villagers' who don't know math at all)

Lol, by the way my main intent was making people relaxed about Kanter's size. Because there are/were so much discussion about how he undersized is all over the internet. And in that last Bucks game there was this guy who commenting the game(I don't know who he was) and he was saying that Kanter was no way a 6'11 guy. And he was almost insulting him, and he was like talking about some midget or little people. He said something like "Hey, the Utah Jazz team have loved the big centers over the many years, and now they are breaking this with a very undersized center, Kanter".

Anyway, since our beloved message board likes my beloved KANTER and have confidence about his size, there is no mission left for me in this thread.

Now go Jazz, and kick the a** of pathetic Memphis gray bears, green bears, hmm wait, girizzliybeers, oh whatever... :p
^^Be nice to the Grizzlies. It is not like they are the Nuggets, Rockets or Lakers. Apart from the Jazz the only other teams I like are Suns and Grizzlies. Here is to a good game where the Jazz win!
^^Be nice to the Grizzlies. It is not like they are the Nuggets, Rockets or Lakers. Apart from the Jazz the only other teams I like are Suns and Grizzlies. Here is to a good game where the Jazz win!

To be honest, I hate those big market teams more than any other NBA teams. And OK, I'll be nice for the Gzirbizsdirizlyizise. But only after this match, after we win. I mean I hope we win.
To be honest, I hate those big market teams more than any other NBA teams. And OK, I'll be nice for the Gzirbizsdirizlyizise. But only after this match, after we win. I mean I hope we win.

Well if you hate big market teams then the Grizz are safe.