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annual Bolerhack Sucks thread

Gail and Silver showing you Boler’s IQ

Am I the only Jazz fan that doesn’t hate Boler? I mean, the guy has his not so great moments but I’ve always enjoyed the familiarity and enthusiasm. He definitely doesn’t bother me enough for me to start rooting for the guy to lose his livelyhood.

No you are not the only one. I like Boler. For all the people don't like Boler or Locke, who in the heck should be their replacements though? Other teams have much worse announcers.
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When I was 16, I had this job at Burger King so I could pay for prom tickets for my date and me, as well as a few other related expenses. It was the first job I had that lasted more than a week. I worked at BK for like 6 months. They never let me work the cash registers because I didn't suffer fools gladly and tended to tell morons they're morons. Morons don't like that. I couldn't be bothered to remember what goes into which sandwich because who cares and what difference does it makes. I once grabbed the fry basket after lifting it out of the fryer, because I was talking to a colleague about how Karl just dropped 50 on the Sonics in the playoff opener. I made a fish sandwich for someone at closing time from a piece of fish I had fried when I came in for my 6-hour shift. I mean, you order a fish sandwich at BK, you deserved that. They mostly just put me in the back to wash dishes, which I happily did because they allowed me to control the radio which I put on classic rock. I used to steal food at the end of my shift. I would make myself that long chicken sandwich BK had, but I would first dip the patty into gravy. Then I'd top it with bacon and a whopper patty. Then I'd eat it as I walked home at 10PM.

I feel that Boler is about as competent at his job as I was at mine.
No you are not the only one. I like Boler. For all the people don't like Boler or Locke, who in the heck should be their replacements though? Other teams have much worse announcers.


Funny you say that because I’ve got a few non-Jazzfan buddies who tell me they enjoy the Jazz announces head and shoulders over their respective commentators. I guess it’s a grass is always greener sort of deal.
When he first came on i was disappointed by his low understanding of basketball and mixed metaphors and idioms.

Over the years i think he has improved his basketball knowledge and I find the language mix ups entertaining.

So let the old guy alone because hindsight is 50-50, and you can lead an old dog to water but you can't teach him new tricks. So don't waste your life reliving in the past and pull yourself up by the shoestrings. Stop grasping for needles in a straw stack and buckle up.
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I don't know, but being an out of stater, I quite enjoy the banter between Boler and Harp. He might not be the greatest in terms of info, but his timing is good and he has excellent rapport with anybody that sits in with him. Tried the OKC feed last night for a minute, left me cold.:eek: