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Another day another shooting - 11 dead in Pittsburgh

This thread has become so cringeworthy, the best of jazzfanz right here folks.
it is becaus ethese people who wanna blame trump if someone farted. they are intellectually dishonest and hypocrties.

i am giving these fascist space and not meddling in their echo chamber threads. because they do not care about diversity of thought.

they use this anti antisemitism attack to bash trump, push for gun control agenda. dancing on the grave of these people because they can get on their soapbox. show how virtuous they are!

antisemitism was here before trump, it will be here long long long after trump is gone.
anti antisemitism was here before guns and gunpowder.

they don't care about all the crimes in europe against jews, because they cant use those crimes to push their ******** anti trump and gun control agenda!

they have found a new thing to push their anti-semitism. it is now ok to bash "zionist" because they are evil right wing capitalist jews
. so whats hapening to those we dont care.

btu the moment they see the opportunity they use us. stop using us. we are no victims. we dont need you to defend us agaisnt trump. we dont need you to defend us with your stupid gun control laws. i would have died as a 5 year old, if my dad was not armed. so **** any of you who push for gun control
The GOP isn’t anti-Semitic. Oh wait...

hahahahahha lol you think that is anti semetic? so now we cant show a politician with a fistfull of dollars because he is a jew hahahah? hahahahahaha.you cant be ****ing serious
those are words! words dont matter. ACTS do!

and acts have shown me who is anti semetic and who is not

look you might not get this cus you might not know what it's like to be a man!
have you ever seen the movie gran otrino. he called his pollock friends derogatory names for polish. he called his Vietnamese neighbor who he was good friends with derogatory slang words for his race. even had jewish money related jokes.
weaklings like you who think ooh noo words are so evil, think he is a racist! no he is not. because in the end of the movie he lays down his live because a vietnamese woman got raped by other vietnamese. and he knew he had to save them and laid down his live. he died for them. walt kowalski is not a racist in my book. even though through the whole movie he uses words weaklings like you consider racist. BECAUSE his actions spoke louder than his words!

even if this poster is 100% racist towards jews. the gop has been historically been PRO israel! so their actions >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> words.
simple as that

but you elft wing nuts want to throw people in gulags for words.
i want to shoot socialist when they come tax me
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The GOP isn’t anti-Semitic. Oh wait...

come walk with me, such a poster doesnt do ****!

come walk with me through neighbourhoods in europe, come walk with me. so you can see what anti semetism is.
even then i let them do their things. cant even walk in the nieghbourhood in netherlands i us live in. in the beginning the just spatt on the ground in front of you and shouted for you to die. now they will literally do physical harm to me. you think us jews care about some poster of a filthy politician holding money in his hands?

***** please! andyeha looks like an asian woman of hufpost thinks it is anti semetic! lols.

It matters because they really aren't Jews at all, as far as I can tell. Their sect exists mainly to convert Jews into christendom. This is all well and good, but probably not the best choice in light of last week's killings.
An ok analogy would be if after a mormon church got shot up a politician enlisted an RLDS bishop to give a memorial prayer at the beginning of a campaign event.
I saw today that a Muslim group in Pittsburgh has raised over $150,000 dollars for this Jewish synagogue. That’s the America I want. Not this angry mob of tweets and rallies of people flipping off reporters, yelling nonsense about Jews or Hillary Clinton, and talk of building walls.

Maybe a certain demographic that incessantly whines about being forgotten and attacks diversity should actually reconnect with the real America where most Americans are living? Most Americans live in urban settings full of different nationalities and diversity. Perhaps it's not so much that they've become forgotten but that they've isolated themselves from the rest of us? If Muslims can demonstrate such kindness to Jews, then it's time for this Fox News demographic to bury their hatchets and cease with the nonstop conspiracy and vitriol.
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The GOP isn’t anti-Semitic. Oh wait...

you said wrords matter right

do the words of iran government matter? death to america. israel is lil satan, america is big satan.
do the words of hamas matter. death to all jews. anihilate all jews
do those words matter? do the words of Hezbollah matter?
do the words of isis matter?

i am serious do any of those words matter. or do you only care about a poster of a filthy politician with money in his hand. ooh wait that is a "dogwhistle!". an evil dogwhistle? omg thhere evil dogwhistle. everywhere all these invisible, unhearable dog-whistles everywhere. but dont pay attention to evil people screaming through megaphones

so The Islamist who scream through megaphone. those words dont matter? can you please make a list which words matter and which do not? so i know for future! i know my words matter, because jason already warned me. but this is a hill worth dying on!

so Obama gives iran a boatload of cash, so Iran funnels it to Hezbollah, Hamas and ISIS and LITTERALLY MURDER people with that money!

what about the words of clinton, saying all black people look alike. no thats not racist cus she is for nazi like gun control!
but a politican gets into hot water for supposed dog whistle for saying money it up!

what about the words/expresion/actions of jimmy kimmel doing blackface, ooh that's ok, because he imitated an "evil dumb republican" named karl malone
megan kelly gets fired for just asking the question! just a question about "blackface"

i wonder is it ok for my jewish family members to wear black panther costume for Halloween. or is it ok because they are Jewish and black panther was created by the evil jews. how about if they are white? **** all that we are FREE people we cna do what we want! there is no such thing as a right to no be offended. i can swing my fist any damn direction i pleace. as long as i stop it where your nose starts!

stop this stupidity!

worse of all there is no way you can blame any anti semitist attack on trumps words. so you blame it on a non existent "dogwhisltle" while at the same time you ignore the anti semitism of your fellow socialist/communist comrades.

you might not know it, but when the rise of communism started in russia, jews also got the boot they had to flee russia!

you don't care about that. you care about your socialism and communism, and ignore the historical failures, worse of all you ignore the atrocities they committed against the jews and other people!

seriously GTFO
I’m not gonna lie. I don’t know why that matters at all.
actually it doesnt matter,

these deranged people, are trying to find anything they can to hit trump and co on the head with.

but i can see why he thinks it matters.

because unlike Islamism. we believe anybody can believe whatever they damn please! they can say whatever they want.
so if these mesianic jews believe in jesus but keep kosher and all that stuff, we are not Islamist who will start killing them because they betray our faith or mock it! the islamist try and convert people by force.

although i wholeheartedly disagree with the mesianic jews, i dont think they are jews religiously, they might be ancestral Jews i don't know about that. pence is free to ask them to do a service, the are free to do so.
whether they believe in Jesus, or some spaghetti space monster. we believe in freedom of RELIGION! simple as that. there is a reason most if not all of jewish faiths try and convert others. because at the core of Judaism is libertariansim.

want an example go to Israel, you can literally buy pork. go to Iran and your *** will get thrown in jail. because it is illegal! sure you can find it, like any other thing that is illegal. but they put their laws ON EVERYONE!

i disagree with their believe system. but they have every right to do so. we are not totalitarian like socialism, communism and islamism!

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That was unprecedented how Obama flew crates full of hundreds of pounds worth of USD, Swiss Francs, and I think Yen to Iran. What was all that about? That's our money. No transparency.

The article explains what that was about...

The $1.7 billion was the settlement of a decades-old arbitration claim between the U.S. and Iran. An initial $400 million of euros, Swiss francs and other foreign currency was delivered on pallets Jan. 17, the same day Tehran agreed to release four American prisoners.
So we rewarded a country for kidnapping and treating our citizens like animals?
The GOP isn’t anti-Semitic. Oh wait...

also then the media should not dare attack jared kushner. because i will deem every single attack a dogwhsitle jewish attack!

how many times have you attacked jared kushner!

because to you he just a filthy right winger right. just like that democrat is a fitlhy poltician.

pleas ebaide by your own left wing stytnadards. dont apropriate my culture and religion for your own nazi like utopia!
The article explains what that was about...

The $1.7 billion was the settlement of a decades-old arbitration claim between the U.S. and Iran. An initial $400 million of euros, Swiss francs and other foreign currency was delivered on pallets Jan. 17, the same day Tehran agreed to release four American prisoners.
If Trump did anything remotely similar to this you would be losing your mind (do you recall that it was done in secret - these explanations were damage control when the story got out), but Obama did it so everything is okay.