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Another day another shooting - 11 dead in Pittsburgh

i hate obama, german hillary, american hillary maduro chavez castro basically every left wing politician in history.

The notion of Obama and Clinton being left-wing like Maduro or Castro is ignorant-crazy.

but the lefts hate for trump has jumped the shark.

Said immediately after you compare center-right Democrats to Maduro, and with no trace of irony.

because every single action his administration has taken has benefited the jews. his grandchildren are jews.

Israel, perhaps. Trump encourages the actions of white supremacists, who are not friends of the Jews. Perhaps you remember the Charlottesville protests including phrases like "Jews will not replace us" and "blood and soil".

couldnt anderson cooper not wiated 24 hours before blaming trump after all we jews bury our dead within 24 hours.

A reasonable request.

whether you agree with he caravan( or wether we call it invasion, refugees, fake refugees) or whatever doesn't matter.
why use it for a anti Semitic attack while in Pittsburgh in front of the synagogue where 11 people where murdered and their body where still not cold

Because immigration and the caravan were part of the reason for attacking the synagogue.

anti Semitesm was here long before campaign speeches, long before the caravan. it has nothing to do with it.

It did for the terrorist that shot up the temple.

the reason the jews where hated in national socialist germany was because they where the capitalist and blamed for the world and germanies financial troubles!

The Nazis were crony capitalists, and hated the Jews for reasons that had nothing to do with economics.
balh balh rable ramble stupid **** blah blah rable rable dog whistle blah balh

The Nazis were crony capitalists, and hated the Jews for reasons that had nothing to do with economics.

have you read mein kampf? probably you dit not.
if you did i apologize and we shall see we interpeted hitlers book differently. until you go read it yoruself from the hros ehis mouth. you dont know **** about nazism!

you are at best just some ignorant moral bankrupt person for using the tradegy for your politcal agenda
at worst you are just an evil PERSON deliberately dancing on the graves of these people. i wont put you on ignore list. but i rather not engage with EVIL people. and you sir are somewhere between morally bankrupt and straight up evil. jsut like racist at cnn!
have you read mein kampf? probably you dit not.
if you did i apologize and we shall see we interpeted hitlers book differently. until you go read it yoruself from the hros ehis mouth. you dont know **** about nazism!

I thought it was all about actions, not words. The acts of hatred for Jews went far beyond economic measures. By their actions, Nazis were crony capitalists.

you are at best just some ignorant moral bankrupt person for using the tradegy for your politcal agenda

I'm not using the tragedy at all. However, I have no complaints if you want to stop engaging with me.
We, valachians love jewish people, especially Bobby Fischer

I thought it was all about actions, not words. The acts of hatred for Jews went far beyond economic measures. By their actions, Nazis were crony capitalists.

you must read meinf kampf for the motivations i was talking about why he hated jews. i always say hitler said he was a socialist, he wrote a socilaist book. but his ACTIONS made him socialist.

1 of his socialist masterpieces is still in the world today.

VOLKSWAGEN! VW, it is a govenrment built factory. by the people for the people. build by money stolen from the 1% i meant jews. ooh wait jews where the 1% of the population. this is one example of his socialist ACTIONS! there where more factories build by the government. you can call that corny capitalismm or whatever you want. fact chavez maduroz do/did the same!
helathcare, guncontrol, free education, unions you can look at every single actions of that socialist piece of **** from 1933 to 1945 and you will come to only 1 conclusions if you are intelecutally honest. but you ar emorally bankrupt and evil. so you dont know what honesty means

have a nice live sir
you must read meinf kampf for the motivations i was talking about why he hated jews. i always say hitler said he was a socialist, he wrote a socilaist book. but his ACTIONS made him socialist.

His actions made him an autocrat. For every act he made to benefit the working class, there were 3 others that benefited the wealthy.


The Nazi government developed a partnership with leading German business interests, who supported the goals of the regime and its war effort in exchange for advantageous contracts, subsidies, and the suppression of the trade union movement. Cartels and monopolies were encouraged at the expense of small businesses, even though the Nazis had received considerable electoral support from small business owners.

None of that is socialism.

you will come to only 1 conclusions if you are intelecutally honest.

This is from someone who think Trump and the Republican party are pro-Jewish, as opposed to merely pro-Israel? I'll worry about your assessment of my intellectual honesty when I see some sign you you can discern such things.

but you ar emorally bankrupt and evil. so you dont know what honesty means

Almost as charming as babe. You two are quite the pair.

have a nice live sir

Thank you.
Well, I don't know, but perhaps you are not familiar with the complete history of the term. It has long been an anti-Semitic term. Every one of my high school friends were Jewish. Admittedly, that was decades ago now, but I became aware of many of the anti-Semitic terms, and the history of this term does include anti-Semitic connotations.

According to this rabbi at the link below, "globalism" has a history as an anti-Semitic code word. I think the issue has not been "Trump is anti-Semitic", likely untrue, but rather that white nationalists, like the synagogue killer, do understand "globalism" in its context of anti-Semitism, and Jewish conspiracy to control the globe. So, call it relative. It will not always be taken as anti-Semitic, but given the ugly rhetoric employed by Trump, how can it be surprising that white nationalist and anti-Semitic bigots will in fact interpret the term in the context of their own ugly world view?

And there is absolutely no dispute that, from his rallies during the 2016 campaign, through to his rallies these days, Trump uses rhetoric that will encourage/embolden white nationalism. Recall that when neo-Nazis marched in Charlottsville, all of them chanting "Jews will not replace us", Trump's response was that there were "fine people on both sides". Very few people would agree that fine people would ever carry torches and chant "Jews will not replace us", but Trump knows he wins by dividing, so he tries hard not to disavow white nationalists that unfortunetly are part of the electorate that like Trump.

You are claiming that we can't talk about a major world issue because somehow the title of that issue is off limits as anti-Semetic. That's flat out ridiculous, but unfortunately par for the course when it comes to dealing with modern-day progressives.
You are claiming that we can't talk about a major world issue because somehow the title of that issue is off limits as anti-Semetic. That's flat out ridiculous, but unfortunately par for the course when it comes to dealing with modern-day progressives.
That's actually not at all what he is saying.
It's quite a bit more nuanced than that. There has been an international court case between the US and Iran about an arms deal we were paid for but never delivered on. This dates back to the eighties and from what I understand the courts were likely to award Iran a much larger amount than we ended up settling for thanks to the amount of interest that had accrued since then. That we were able to get some hostages released as well (in a separate deal involving the US release of captive Iranians) isn't a bad thing imo.
I'm certain the Obama administration is grateful for people who will swallow their retroactive explanations hook, line and sinker just like you are apparently willing to.
I'm certain the Obama administration is grateful for people who will swallow their retroactive explanations hook, line and sinker just like you are apparently willing to.
Those aren't 'explanations,' that's literally what happened. This stuff is easily Googleable btw.
Those aren't 'explanations,' that's literally what happened. This stuff is easily Googleable btw.
What happened is that the hostage for cash trade was made and then the photos of the cash leaked. People went bananas saying that you can't pay for hostages. The Obama administration claimed that they were two separate deals. Their explanation about why our government would secretly give their government palate loads of cash to settle this debt was even more suspect. No matter what we owed them, the deal was handled in an extremely suspicious way. This is especially true when you consider the sort of regime we were giving the money to.
What happened is that the hostage for cash trade was made and then the photos of the cash leaked. People went bananas saying that you can't pay for hostages. The Obama administration claimed that they were two separate deals. Their explanation about why our government would secretly give their government palate loads of cash to settle this debt was even more suspect. No matter what we owed them, the deal was handled in an extremely suspicious way. This is especially true when you consider the sort of regime we were giving the money to.
Oh, I see. Other's are allowed to talk about this stuff but not Trump. And how come every time he says Nationalist the left adds the word "White" in front?
Maybe try engaging in what people are actually saying instead of whatever the **** this is.
Of course Snopes can always be trusted. They wouldn't gloss over the fact that the timing was incredibly suspicious, or that the apparent interest rate was over 9%, and that the supposed rate they are claiming the courts have awarded was over 20%. And they wouldn't tack this little beauty onto the end without explaination:
The fact that the money was physically sent to Iran in various currencies rather than simply transferred by wire may seem odd in the context of the United States’ increasingly cashless society, but that was done in order to avoid existing Treasury Department sanctions that banned the use of American currency in transactions with Iran, and international sanctions which at that time kept Iran from accessing the global financial markets (and which were lifted in January 2016).
So the money was sent in cash in order to circumvent an issue that was lifted in the month that the money was sent?