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Another day another shooting - 11 dead in Pittsburgh

So we rewarded a country for kidnapping and treating our citizens like animals?

nah that pallet of cash doesn't matter, even if it gets used by hamas, hezbollah, isis, booko haram and other filthy animals who rape mutilate and MURDER!
all that matters is what supposedly did without brett kavanaugh did 30 years ago! believe all WAMEN! except the women who come out against our great leader Spartacus, or filthy bill. those women are LIARS!

doesnt matter what obama did, because he will lead us to global socialism, he and merkel would lead us to the 4th reich! so they can do what they want.

This is the only thing that matters:

dont bother listening. you wont hear it. if you do you are a filthy "nazi", a fasicst a dog or anti Semite!
omg trump is blowing on one again HOW DARE HE!!!!!!!!

these people are jsut disgusting using this tragedy! they think thye have a 2fer. they can call trump a nazi, and push for him to take your guns
words matter, that is why we werent allowed to call obama a socialist, they said it was a substitute/dogwhistle for the N word.
these left wing nut's have no good arguments. so they call for gulags and concentration camps, sorry i meant re-education camps!
they want to control our words, because if w ecant expres sourself communicate with each other, we cant exchange good ideas. good ideas and facts like how socialism failed every single time, how communism is literal hell!
they want to tell us what to say and what to think. and they will use any tragedy to reach their goals. there is a tragedy on the news, they try and blame it on donald trumps racism. from the huricane in peurto rico, which the corrupt liberal mayor screwed up royally to this latest tragedy! everything is trump faults. meanwhile they ignore obamas transgression. like cashdump to iran, fast and furious and using IRS to target his political opponents!

guess what leftie nuts. throughout history you have always LOST THE WAR and you WILL AGAIN

you have the rigth to hate me, you have the right to my people! but your rights end when you use physical force against me or my people!

i have the right to own a gun and bullets. i can shoot in any damn direction i please. aslong as my bullets do not interfere with your property or your body.

so the right to hate me, i have the right to own a gun for self defence purposes. if you act on your hate towards me you willingly forfeit your right to live!o suddenly i gain the right to let my bullets pass through you! this is how the world works this is how liberty works.

Ridiculous. The term Globalist refers to someone who believes in globalism. It does not matter what their ethnicity is. It is not an anti-Semetic term. It's shocking how far over the edge Trump Derangement has taken some people.

Well, I don't know, but perhaps you are not familiar with the complete history of the term. It has long been an anti-Semitic term. Every one of my high school friends were Jewish. Admittedly, that was decades ago now, but I became aware of many of the anti-Semitic terms, and the history of this term does include anti-Semitic connotations.

According to this rabbi at the link below, "globalism" has a history as an anti-Semitic code word. I think the issue has not been "Trump is anti-Semitic", likely untrue, but rather that white nationalists, like the synagogue killer, do understand "globalism" in its context of anti-Semitism, and Jewish conspiracy to control the globe. So, call it relative. It will not always be taken as anti-Semitic, but given the ugly rhetoric employed by Trump, how can it be surprising that white nationalist and anti-Semitic bigots will in fact interpret the term in the context of their own ugly world view?

And there is absolutely no dispute that, from his rallies during the 2016 campaign, through to his rallies these days, Trump uses rhetoric that will encourage/embolden white nationalism. Recall that when neo-Nazis marched in Charlottsville, all of them chanting "Jews will not replace us", Trump's response was that there were "fine people on both sides". Very few people would agree that fine people would ever carry torches and chant "Jews will not replace us", but Trump knows he wins by dividing, so he tries hard not to disavow white nationalists that unfortunetly are part of the electorate that like Trump.

anyways. at least now my mother realised how cnn are lying fitlthy people who are worse than isis!

after this whole tragedy i told my mom to do me one favor, to never ever have the tv on cnn when i am there. because i might get angry bust her tv and buy her a new one! odfcourse i have no right to destroy her tv, but that's why if i did i would buy a new one

she said don't worry i am done with CNN, they are lying pieces of filth for blaming trump.

my mom disagrees with trump, she is a centrist. she been a loyal cnn world cnn international viewer since mogadishu!

she does not agree with most of trumps ****! but she knows that trump is the most pro israel president ever, because of his ACTIONS. so she agrees with trump when it comes to jews and israel. so now she just sees that cnn is blatanltly lying and blaming trump. she started to question lil dutch may have been right he has been screaming about cnn is lying cnn is fake news for years. so i wont give them the time of day. cnn has lost another loyal viewer. because they are not a news organization, they are a propaganda machine for the democrat party! ebcause no way in hell it can be blamed on trump

i would like to thank anderson cooper for opening the eyes of my mother. this was the moment her eyes opened to the lying pieces of filth these people are! the FAKE NEWS! Thank you mr cooper! you gave my mom a hevay dose of red pills. she is no longer gonna listen to your ****
Well, I don't know, but perhaps you are not familiar with the complete history of the term. It has long been an anti-Semitic term. Every one of my high school friends were Jewish. Admittedly, that was decades ago now, but I became aware of many of the anti-Semitic terms, and the history of this term does include anti-Semitic connotations.

According to this rabbi at the link below, "globalism" has a history as an anti-Semitic code word. I think the issue has not been "Trump is anti-Semitic", likely untrue, but rather that white nationalists, like the synagogue killer, do understand "globalism" in its context of anti-Semitism, and Jewish conspiracy to control the globe. So, call it relative. It will not always be taken as anti-Semitic, but given the ugly rhetoric employed by Trump, how can it be surprising that white nationalist and anti-Semitic bigots will in fact interpret the term in the context of their own ugly world view?

And there is absolutely no dispute that, from his rallies during the 2016 campaign, through to his rallies these days, Trump uses rhetoric that will encourage/embolden white nationalism. Recall that when neo-Nazis marched in Charlottsville, all of them chanting "Jews will not replace us", Trump's response was that there were "fine people on both sides". Very few people would agree that fine people would ever carry torches and chant "Jews will not replace us", but Trump knows he wins by dividing, so he tries hard not to disavow white nationalists that unfortunetly are part of the electorate that like Trump.

firs tthe united nations and the eu are globalist! united nations most resolution aAGAINST the jews,.
second the more power eu grabs the unsafer jews are the more they flee to israel! these are facts.
globalist policies always seem to be a disadvantage for the jewish people!

a women rabi hahahahaha lol. you klnow how easy it is to become a rtabi in her congregation. in comparison to rabis in traditional othordox vcongregations. thes epeople know so little about the talmud, and the ancient writings. so how cna she be the authority on judaism. men who wnet to the real rabi schools will walk circles around her when it comes to Judaism!

but it's ok the facts speak for themself. or is UNited nations not a globalist organization?

take a look at this list
a coutntry a mosque is allowed to exist

now look how many resolution these globalist punks have against suadi arabia, libiya, iran, north korea and other ****ed up places!

go ahead the majority of reoluton by globalist go against the JEWS

this woman rabi knows nothing about judiasm, if she did she would not become a rabi.

the facts speak for themself every single globalist organiztition and entity is against israel and the jews
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If Trump did anything remotely similar to this you would be losing your mind (do you recall that it was done in secret - these explanations were damage control when the story got out), but Obama did it so everything is okay.

I admit that if Trump paid his old debts, rather than reneged on them, I would be surprised.
So we rewarded a country for kidnapping and treating our citizens like animals?
It's quite a bit more nuanced than that. There has been an international court case between the US and Iran about an arms deal we were paid for but never delivered on. This dates back to the eighties and from what I understand the courts were likely to award Iran a much larger amount than we ended up settling for thanks to the amount of interest that had accrued since then. That we were able to get some hostages released as well (in a separate deal involving the US release of captive Iranians) isn't a bad thing imo.
You mean, you didn't know that Reagan was the one who brokered the deal for the return of the hostages?

ar eyous erious? i seriously cant tell.

hsotages being released in 2016 who where cpatuered after reagan left office LONG AFTER! while Obama paid 1.7 billion ransom to people who chant death to america. and it is reagans fault. seems legit!

ok bro whatever you say
It's quite a bit more nuanced than that. There has been an international court case between the US and Iran about an arms deal we were paid for but never delivered on. This dates back to the eighties and from what I understand the courts were likely to award Iran a much larger amount than we ended up settling for thanks to the amount of interest that had accrued since then. That we were able to get some hostages released as well (in a separate deal involving the US release of captive Iranians) isn't a bad thing imo.
lol nuanced.

that is why it had to be done in secret in the midle of the night without congressional aproval right!

hahahaha! so now that money goes to rpaist thugs murderes who rape women. i thought the left was all about whamens right! believe all whamen!

beleive all victims how the **** do in know she is a victim. i need evidence first!

nuanced my ***!
above board my ***
international courts my ***!
the more extreme a left wing politician the more his policies are a disadvantge for the jewishs tate.

the more extreme right politicians the more pro jewish state his policies are.

how come? don't you guy realize that. in central america from venezuela to cuba. in europe and even in the us of a all over the world

wilders in netherlands is considered most extreme right, yet he is pro israel.
nigel farage boris johnson in are the most far right they seem pro israel.
kin us from the mos tright to center candidates all seem pro israel

but the far right is anti israel.

merkel left wing, anti israel.
venezuela left wing anti Israel!

how can any of you call the right nazis then? i want a serious intelectual answer
ar eyous erious? i seriously cant tell.

hsotages being released in 2016 who where cpatuered after reagan left office LONG AFTER! while Obama paid 1.7 billion ransom to people who chant death to america. and it is reagans fault. seems legit!

You're right, I got it confused with the previous hostage deal in 1981, where Reagan basically paid off Iran to release hostages.
Now that i have been cooled down. i will try and explain it a bit

i know you lefties hate trump with a pasison and so called right wingers like bulletproof. it is ok, i understand. i hate obama, german hillary, american hillary maduro chavez castro basically every left wing politician in history. generally hate their policies. it is ok. i totally understand why you hate trump!

but the lefts hate for trump has jumped the shark.

it really made me angry to try and watch and catch the news about the shooting, but instead i got anderson cooper using this opportunity to push his anti trump agenda. use it to once again bash trump! while in the background the synagoge where my people got murdered in cold blood. the bodies not even cold yet! he took the time to push his daily anti trump agenda. couldnt he just taken a few hours to stop bashing trump. or at least not use this tragedy to bash trump. and we all know this is not trumps fault. because every single action his administration has taken has benefited the jews. his grandchildren are jews. couldnt anderson cooper not wiated 24 hours before blaming trump after all we jews bury our dead within 24 hours. not asking him to wait our regular 30 day mourning period.

anderson cooper and cnn heard about those 11 dead bodies, and he immediately used it to bash trump and push their political agenda.

look at these screen grabs

moments later they show snippets of trumps campaign speeches


shwoing a tweet about

this is just pure EVIL! i have more respect for boko haram, hezbollah, hamas, issi, al queda and those scumbags now than i had for cnn. i did not want cnn to be pipe bombed it makes the right look bad. but now i seriously want them to be wiped from the surface of the earth. but they have every right to exist/. i jsut know now that thanks to this cnn will be no longer allowed in our household

whether you agree with he caravan( or wether we call it invasion, refugees, fake refugees) or whatever doesn't matter.
why use it for a anti Semitic attack while in Pittsburgh in front of the synagogue where 11 people where murdered and their body where still not cold


anti Semitesm was here long before campaign speeches, long before the caravan. it has nothing to do with it.

this is just propaganda to put trumps campaign speeches into evil light! using those poor souls who got murdered on our sabbath as political tools, that is not how you show respect to the the victims

this is not how an unbiased news source should behave! sure they got (fake) pipe bombs, and other left wing prominent figure. but it has nothing to do with this action. it has nothing to do with this incident. so if you wanna report on that and blame trump do it on another segment. dont do it while standing infront of the synagoge and use it as a prop. it is a holy place to me and millions. because if you do people will lose faith in your reporting. next time you report something they will not believe it wether through or not. you get 2 sides 1 who believes one who does not. that is NOT GOOD for society

but then now i come here and see the original post which does the same, and sure enough the others i wont name names pile on.

so yes in my anger i called them POS scumbags and other demeaning word. even one *** blaming capitalism. the reason the jews where hated in national socialist germany was because they where the capitalist and blamed for the world and germanies financial troubles!
so yes do i believe some of these people are trully pieces of **** and scumbags. to be honest i dont think most of them are, they are just being a ****** human being and having a lapse in judgement and do a ****** horrible evil thing without them realizing. sure some of the post those people are truly evil peaces of ****. i wont name names. it took 8 post for someone who does the rightt ngs, and gave us what we needed!

is this what the world has come to! yes it has!

sorry to those good people in this thread who had a lapse in judgement and acted ******. **** those who are truly evil horrible people! i do hope you move away from the evil side!

thank you @Jason for not banning me even though you have every right to do so and would not blame you in this case. unlike other cases. maybe good thing that pos modstapo is gone, otherwise he would have pushed for my ban.

you have every right to hate trump, but there is no logical WAY in hell you can blame this on trump! use your brain!

thank you for those people who understand, who did not use this tradegy for their political gain! your thoughts and prayers are apreciated

i accept our apology to the good people who just had a lapse in judgement

**** those people who are truly evil on this board!

now you may ban me Jason it was worth it!


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