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Asian Basketball Association - NOT FAIR.

It appears that the Asian league exists, in part, because Asians are short and they only want to play against other short people.

I'm basing this off of the league rules which allow each team to have a certain number of non-Asian players as long as they're not over 6'2".

You can't make this stuff up.

What's wrong with that? I'd fit right in with my 5'5" frame.
Imma start me up a pygmy league with the hoop 5 feet from the ground so that a few of them can even dunk, now and again, eh? It's gunna ROCK, I tellya! Imma make millions!
That's not a slam dunk explanation though given that it lists a cap on the number of non-Asians (2 per team) and, oddly, I don't see any height limit for Asians.

Truly a weird setup for league rules.


The listing of what constitutes an "Asian" is pretty bizarre.

Indian = Asian. Pakistani = Non-Asian.

Cambodian or Laotian = Asian. Malaysian = Non-Asian.

Apparently you can "prove" your Asian-ness with a birth certificate and a notarized affidavit. I'm sure there's an Orly Taitz of the ABA.

In any event its hard to take a league seriously when it features team names like "Pants on the Ground," "Big Dongs," and "Dirty Girls 4 Life."

My favorite might be obviously sponsored team-name: "PacificCoastOrthopaedics.com"

A real serious organization.
Sirkickyass said:
In any event its hard to take a league seriously when it features team names like "Pants on the Ground," "Big Dongs," and "Dirty Girls 4 Life."

LOL, anyone else have this at the top of the page:
