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Big poll about the Jazz strategies

What should the Jazz try doing during this offseason and the upcoming season?

  • (1) Go full tank in 2024-25

    Votes: 45 68.2%
  • (1) Try to be competitive in 2024-25

    Votes: 14 21.2%
  • (2) Draft and keep three rookies in 2024

    Votes: 16 24.2%
  • (2) Consolidate or trade some 2024 picks

    Votes: 32 48.5%
  • (3) Sign good players in free agency with the intention to keep them long-term

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • (3) Use the cap space to sign potential projects or to take bad contracts for picks

    Votes: 28 42.4%
  • (4) Keep Lauri

    Votes: 36 54.5%
  • (4) Trade Lauri

    Votes: 20 30.3%
  • (5) Keep Sexton

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • (5) Trade Sexton

    Votes: 27 40.9%
  • (6) Keep and develop Kessler

    Votes: 27 40.9%
  • (6) Trade Kessler

    Votes: 17 25.8%
  • (7) Keep Collins (or at least wait to trade him until the next offseason)

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • (7) Trade Collins

    Votes: 38 57.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I know that there are already a lot of topics about what the Jazz should do but I think that a mega poll about the possible strategies can help to add something to them. Please select an answer for each pair. That means that you can cast up to 7 votes, one for each of seven pairs.

I understand that some of those options are interlocked and depend on each other and if there is an opportunity to do it but I think it is useful to evaluate each pair separately. And, to reiterate, this question is not about what the Jazz MUST do but rather in which direction should they be trying to make things happen.
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OK, so the collective mind of Jazzfanz has spoken. I was surprised to learn that there is very little disagreement about what the Jazz should do in the next 12 months.

Almost everybody wants the Jazz to go full tank, unlike what the team did in the last two seasons. The available considerable cap space should be used to sign potential projects or to absorb bad contracts in exchange for picks. At the same time, the fans do not want the Jazz to bring three new rookies on the team, preferring less but drafted higher or even to trade the picks in the upcoming draft.

Now, on the existing personnel level, there is almost a universal desire to move Collins after only a year on the team. At the same time, despite all of growing pains and bumps, we still see Kessler as a long-term piece. The only part where the fans cannot make up their mind is to keep or trade Lauri and Sexton: it is about 50/50 for each player.

So, the ideal 24-25 season would look something like this: first, the Jazz drafts 1 or 2 rookies (but with higher picks than the currently have) then they trade Collins and promote Kessler to the starting center position. Utah will not acquire any good long-term pieces in the offseason but will instead take 1-2 bad contracts in exchange for picks. Lauri or Sexton, however, will be traded only if the Jazz have a great offer coming. Then the Jazz will roll into the season heavily relying on young players, finishes with an awful record and secures a top 3 pick in 2025.

Felt like a contradiction to want to tank but also move Collins.

But yea all in on the tank. I selected trade everyone but I'll leave those specifics up to them. Just suck next year from the start.
OK, the polling update: more people voted and, while, the other trends held, poor Sexton seem to have received a boot. A clear majority, 11 to 5, wants him to be traded soon. I guess, most of the people do not believe that Colin is a starting point guard on a contender and want to cash out after he played well.

Well, if we go in a season with Lauri + only young players and bad contracts, the high pick will be a certainty and that seems to be the overriding priority for almost everybody.
The hardest one for me was the Lauri thing... I think he can be part of our next contending Jazz team and I think he's a great piece to have once you have your primary... and probably secondary offensive initiators... The question is - just how much would he sabotage the tanking effort of the team. If we can get a bottom 5 record with him on the roster I'd rather us keep him, I think...
Reading the Tank vs Winning culture thread and the poll is 50/50.

Here it seems a lot more clear cut.

Good to see that most of us are on the same page now.
I'm not sure how well the 28 voters represent the general consensus here, but if they do then MAN is there gonna be a lot of sour grapes around here at the end of the offseason. They are not gonna go full tank.

Now dont get me wrong they have been stripping parts away for the past 2,5 years so it makes much more sense to tank and I agree with the majority that they probably should do it, but I think the actions of the FO thus far have indicated that their MO is to "remain in position and keep their options open". They do think they already have enough draft capital to make big trades, and havent yet been given an opportunity to make a real big swing.

To go full tank at this point would be a committal change of direction, and I would expect them to at least hint about it in the exit interviews. Instead, they seemed to double down on their current strategy. I'm not sure they have given any other hints that they are even considering that except Zaniks trade DL interviews where he talked about long term perspective. But seeing their exit interviews it feels like those JZ talks were more about justifying the midseason tank than preparing the fanbase for a deep tank.
I was a bit surprised how pretty much everyone wants for Collins to be quickly gone. I kinda like him. He is very consistent in what he brings to the table, and he is the only player other than Dunn who has some toughness and is ready to compete and fight every day and against everybody. I am sure that Jerry would love Collins as much as he loved the other Collins back in his day.

Is it solely because of his contract? Or is it because people think that he stands in the way of Kessler and Hendriks getting more minutes?
Full tank mode next year makes zero sense. IF you had any interest in full tank mode the time to do was two years ago. It is go time. Ainge might be blowing smoke about big game hunting but there is no way that the current FO does not realize that people are getting restless with no plan in place and a FO that has pretty much isolated itself from the fan base. There is a lot of building to be done but next year needs to be several steps up with some degree of giving fans hope in the future.
Full tank mode next year makes zero sense. IF you had any interest in full tank mode the time to do was two years ago. It is go time. Ainge might be blowing smoke about big game hunting but there is no way that the current FO does not realize that people are getting restless with no plan in place and a FO that has pretty much isolated itself from the fan base. There is a lot of building to be done but next year needs to be several steps up with some degree of giving fans hope in the future.
Just because full tank mode should have happened 2 years ago doesn't mean that it isn't still the correct option. Sometimes it takes a few years to realize you made a mistake but you are much better off realizing that mistake rather than compounding it and going win now with a roster that doesn't warrant that decision. We have a bottom of the west roster and making win now moves isn't going to get us anywhere at this point.
Full tank mode next year makes zero sense. IF you had any interest in full tank mode the time to do was two years ago. It is go time. Ainge might be blowing smoke about big game hunting but there is no way that the current FO does not realize that people are getting restless with no plan in place and a FO that has pretty much isolated itself from the fan base. There is a lot of building to be done but next year needs to be several steps up with some degree of giving fans hope in the future.
Go time for what? Lmao
For me, the decision to trade Lauri is more about the trade package and less about overall direction. Feels like we’re going to suck unless we go acquire 1-2 almost guys. Even then, I don’t think we’re guaranteed to make the playoffs.

With the lottery odds as flat as they are, I don’t think it’s a must that we trade Lauri. Bottoming out doesn’t have the same significant benefit over simply being bad.

I’d definitely want some kind of premium asset though. First round picks from teams almost guaranteed to make the playoffs isn’t what I’m looking for, we have enough of that. HOU is really compelling. I would love to have Amen Thompson, but they probably want to keep him. But #3 could also be considered a premium asset and I think Jalen Green would be a good second draft guy to go after.
You just can’t truly go full tank without trading Lauri imo and I can’t imagine we get what he’s worth but rather about 65 cents on the dollar. So I don’t know where we (should) go from here. It’s a hell of a predicament in a brutal West.

Have a look at that saucy tank, doesn't it get you engorged?
Full tank mode next year makes zero sense. IF you had any interest in full tank mode the time to do was two years ago. It is go time. Ainge might be blowing smoke about big game hunting but there is no way that the current FO does not realize that people are getting restless with no plan in place and a FO that has pretty much isolated itself from the fan base. There is a lot of building to be done but next year needs to be several steps up with some degree of giving fans hope in the future.

I was thinking this too "the time for full tank was 2 years ago". I felt like we wasted 2 years doing half hearted tanks.

But - had we gone full tank 2 years ago who were really franchise changing (except Wimby)? I don't see it.

Also this year's draft hasn't shown me anyone who could potentially turn into a top 10 or even top 20 some day.

So maybe the time to tank is really from this year onwards rather than the past 2 years.

The point is to really commit to it and no more half hearted tanks from now on.
I'm not sure how well the 28 voters represent the general consensus here, but if they do then MAN is there gonna be a lot of sour grapes around here at the end of the offseason. They are not gonna go full tank.

Now dont get me wrong they have been stripping parts away for the past 2,5 years so it makes much more sense to tank and I agree with the majority that they probably should do it, but I think the actions of the FO thus far have indicated that their MO is to "remain in position and keep their options open". They do think they already have enough draft capital to make big trades, and havent yet been given an opportunity to make a real big swing.

To go full tank at this point would be a committal change of direction, and I would expect them to at least hint about it in the exit interviews. Instead, they seemed to double down on their current strategy. I'm not sure they have given any other hints that they are even considering that except Zaniks trade DL interviews where he talked about long term perspective. But seeing their exit interviews it feels like those JZ talks were more about justifying the midseason tank than preparing the fanbase for a deep tank.
At some point if we can't trade for a super star to catapult our franchise into a championship calibre team, we've got to change direction.

The OKC model is really what we should be following given similarity in market size and attraction for FAs.
At some point if we can't trade for a super star to catapult our franchise into a championship calibre team, we've got to change direction.

The OKC model is really what we should be following given similarity in market size and attraction for FAs.

I really dont get this following the OKC path. They tanked and picked up great players, but the real difference maker is their MVP level player in SGA that they traded for and got lucky. Without that level player you are following a very different path.