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Biggest Reason We Lost?

Big Al gave up all of Parker's and Duncan's points combined.

Boozer's brother from another mother ****** son of a *****..... **** SALT!
Our offense lost us this series. You can all point to the fact that Al is an absolute defensive sieve (and he totally is), but that doesn't explain averaging 86 ppg in a series. Our offense, particularly our permitter shooting, was simply terrible. AS a result, the Spurs would clog the paint, and our paint-game was completely demolished. How Jefferson scored 26 tonight, I will never understand. Hayward averaging 45% from 3 would have changed this entire series, if he was attempting ~5 threes per game.
From a Spurs fans perspective, the Jazz would just run out of steam. It wasn't due to lack of effort from the Jazz players, but they could not sustain the high level of play they needed for the amount of stretches the Spurs force opponents to play at in order to beat them. The plethora of depth the Spurs enjoy is exactly the reason why the Jazz struggled. The Spurs offense doesn't fall apart when just 1 player is sent to the bench. It doesn't fall apart when all 5 players are switched. The Spurs always have pressure on the opponents defense no matter who is on the court, and most of all, they aren't scared to make mistakes.

I honestly think it was a deer in the headlights effect. For the most part, the Jazz played scared. Not scared of the Spurs, but scared of themselves. They were to scared to make any sort of mistakes and it caused them to be way too indecisive offensively and wasting precious seconds off of the shot clock. It forced Harris to do something, and all he could do at that point is throw it into the bigs and rely on their size to make lemonade. Size has been known to give the Spurs trouble... last season. This season, it is a different Spurs. It was not the answer. If I were a Jazz fan, I wouldn't be too upset though. The Jazz CLEARLY have a bright future ahead, and who knows what will happen should the team be able to practice and develop their players in a regularly scheduled season. I give Corbin a pass. It can't be easy to be a rookie coach in a shortened season and get matched up against an experienced and loaded Spurs team in the playoffs. I mean, how many of you really expected the Jazz to make the playoffs. I for one didn't.
Al's holding the ball in the post and lack of ability to pass out of it after the double team came hurt our outside shooting because many of the shots we got on the perimeter were tough, contested shots. Also, it results in the rest of the team standing and watching Al instead of making cuts. Nevertheless, we did miss many of the open shots we did get -- especially Hayward.

But I think the biggest reason we lost was playing Howard because he hurt the chemistry we had going into the playoffs. Just about everyone here was worried about this before the playoffs started and sure enough it proved to be a disaster. Al's playing in awe of Duncan and inability to stop penetration has to be second. Limited time for Favors in the first two game, third. And since two of those three are on Corbin, you have put him next in line.
We lost because they are a better team with a better coach.

We got destroyed because our coach is a basket case.
Lets stop with the complete stupidity. We lost to a much better team. John Wooden in his prime would not have coached us to a victory.
The main reason why the Jazz lost is because the Spurs are a better team. As far as the Jazz go, the outside shooting/overall shooting was horrendous and our inability to guard guys was also a factor.
I've seen a lot of answers all of which could be understood as true but for me, it's team defense.

Was Al individually awful? Yes, but so was Harris in slipping through screens and keeping Parker from penetrating. So were our bigs at making Parker pay when he did penetrate. So were others and not just Al at rotating both down low for help and out to the wings. I mean, how many open threes did the Spurs have? About four or five per game.

Team defense is the answer for me. Had we done all the little things right, take better angles, rotate quicker, and so forth, we'd have still lost, sure, but we'd have limited so many of the easy baskets the Spurs got. We'd have turned some of that good defense into easier (transition) offense (where we too struggled), much like we saw in the 4th quarter last night. If we played better team defense, we'd have had less 14-20 point deficits, and more 8-12 point ones that felt like they were manageable.

Team defense.
That Spurs team is a well oiled machine. They were winning championships when they were first thrown together, and now have the benefit of knowing each others games intimately. Pop has that Spurs team so ready for any situation- I bet they run multiple plays for late game situations that they can run like clockwork with their eyes closed. And Pop pounds this stuff into their receptive heads. Just some of the reasons we lost.
In my opinion, here is why we lost in the series... The Spurs are a horrible match up for the Jazz. Harris couldn't catch Parker with a motor cycle. Big Al has no clue on the pic'n roll defense. Millsap couldn't get a clean shot against Boris Diaw. Hayward couldn't throw it in the ocean. The Jazz just can't shoot well from outside. Our starting small forward for the last month hardly played. Our coach doesn't seem to make the obvious move.

First round series grades:

Harris: C
Hayward: D
Burks: C
Tinsley: C
Howard: D
Millsap: C
Kanter: C
Favors: B+
Jefferson: C
Ty: D-
In my opinion, here is why we lost in the series... The Spurs are a horrible match up for the Jazz. Harris couldn't catch Parker with a motor cycle. Big Al has no clue on the pic'n roll defense. Millsap couldn't get a clean shot against Boris Diaw. Hayward couldn't throw it in the ocean. The Jazz just can't shoot well from outside. Our starting small forward for the last month hardly played. Our coach doesn't seem to make the obvious move.

First round series grades:

Harris: C
Hayward: D
Burks: C
Tinsley: C
Howard: D
Millsap: C
Kanter: C
Favors: B+
Jefferson: C
Ty: D-

That is way to lenient on Big Al in my opinion. Give Big Al a D and tell him to like that it isn't worse. I'd maybe give Harris a C+
That is way to lenient on Big Al in my opinion. Give Big Al a D and tell him to like that it isn't worse. I'd maybe give Harris a C+

I figured Al got an F on defense and a B- on offense and a C+ on rebounding. I figured a lenient overall C.
I've seen a lot of answers all of which could be understood as true but for me, it's team defense.

Was Al individually awful? Yes, but so was Harris in slipping through screens and keeping Parker from penetrating. So were our bigs at making Parker pay when he did penetrate. So were others and not just Al at rotating both down low for help and out to the wings. I mean, how many open threes did the Spurs have? About four or five per game.

Team defense is the answer for me. Had we done all the little things right, take better angles, rotate quicker, and so forth, we'd have still lost, sure, but we'd have limited so many of the easy baskets the Spurs got. We'd have turned some of that good defense into easier (transition) offense (where we too struggled), much like we saw in the 4th quarter last night. If we played better team defense, we'd have had less 14-20 point deficits, and more 8-12 point ones that felt like they were manageable.

Team defense.

But we hired Sidney Lowe, right? The same guy that couldn't keep a job at NC State .. or make the NCAA tourney. He's our guy on defense.

I figured Al got an F on defense and a B- on offense and a C+ on rebounding. I figured a lenient overall C.

Except for very brief flashes Big Al was dominated by the Spurs D (see Duncan).
But we hired Sidney Lowe, right? The same guy that couldn't keep a job at NC State .. or make the NCAA tourney. He's our guy on defense.


You have stumbled upon something...FIRE SIDNEY LOWE!
But we hired Sidney Lowe, right? The same guy that couldn't keep a job at NC State .. or make the NCAA tourney. He's our guy on defense.


Exactly. There has to be an up and coming hot assistant, ala Thibs, should we decide to go in another head coaching direction in a year or two.
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I've seen a lot of answers all of which could be understood as true but for me, it's team defense.

Was Al individually awful? Yes, but so was Harris in slipping through screens and keeping Parker from penetrating. So were our bigs at making Parker pay when he did penetrate. So were others and not just Al at rotating both down low for help and out to the wings. I mean, how many open threes did the Spurs have? About four or five per game.

Team defense is the answer for me. Had we done all the little things right, take better angles, rotate quicker, and so forth, we'd have still lost, sure, but we'd have limited so many of the easy baskets the Spurs got. We'd have turned some of that good defense into easier (transition) offense (where we too struggled), much like we saw in the 4th quarter last night. If we played better team defense, we'd have had less 14-20 point deficits, and more 8-12 point ones that felt like they were manageable.

Team defense.

Like you said everything that has been said is a factor and I agree better defense leads to better offense and I guess I'll be even more general and vague. I say execution, initially I was thinking more offensive execution (or lack of it) they would still have to actually hit the shots but better offensive execution means better looks and easier defensive assignment if they miss and of course easier to play D off made shots. But like your post mentioned defensive execution would accomplish the same thing just in reverse so to speak.