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Catch a brother up: how has Sensabaugh looked?


Well-Known Member
Bros. I’ve been ****ing busy…

I’m sure this discussion is raging in a few threads, but I can’t string it together through the noise. How has Sensabaugh looked lately? Rotation player?

He’s been solid. Can definitely see him being a tough cover to close out to since he can shoot and exploit an advantage. He showed some solid defense in a couple games and then has been bad in others. It’s overall an improvement from being a complete dumpster fire in college. I think if health allows he’s an nba player. Wouldn’t dare project a ceiling for him until I see him after a full healthy offseason of work. I’m more hopeful for him than I was for Ochai. He looks the part to me.
Key point he can shoot. He can shoot off the dribble. With time I think he will be able to pass. Concerns on defensive quickness and staying healthy
Confident with the ball in his hands. Capable of scoring in different ways inside the arch. Shows some passing vision. Does get stripped and turns the ball over a fair amount. Tries on defense and even gets the occasional deflection. Has good anticipation chasing and grabbing rebounds. He looks rotational at the 2 and the 3, especially on this sorry-*** team.
He had a couple of nice passes last night. That was encouraging.

If he's just in the corner defending the guy who isn't going to get the ball he looks ok. If his guy is involved in any type of screen or movement though...
He seems coachable. The best thing about tanking is the rookies will get a lot of experience and we'll hit the ground running next season, hopefully with some new pieces who can play at a high level.
Hardy said they want him to do some of the things KO did for the offense. I guess that means a little bit of of passing from the high post or drive and dish which he did 4 times last night.
Brice P. Sensabaugh was a sensible choice for thy Jazz. Observation lets us infer that he can throw the sphere into the goal at a frequency that appears to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. He dispenses with metaphysics, passes the ball, is coachable, and conducts himself as described in my “A Treatise of Human Nature.”
Key point he can shoot. He can shoot off the dribble. With time I think he will be able to pass. Concerns on defensive quickness and staying healthy
Hardy is trying to turn him into a Engles KO clone. He has some playmaking chops. They’ve said multiple times that’s what Hardy wants him focusing on. So he’s forcing passes. So he’s going to have these struggles as he tries to force himself to concentrate on playmaking. So there’s a lot of forcing the issues leading to lots of mistakes. That should clear up as he figures things out.
Hardy is trying to turn him into a Engles KO clone. He has some playmaking chops. They’ve said multiple times that’s what Hardy wants him focusing on. So he’s forcing passes. So he’s going to have these struggles as he tries to force himself to concentrate on playmaking. So there’s a lot of forcing the issues leading to lots of mistakes. That should clear up as he figures things out.

I think it's worth remembering that the iteration of KO we had the pleasure of watching over the past year and a half is a 10-year NBA veteran. Rookie KO looked nothing like current KO, especially when it came to playmaking. Brice will be alright.
I think it's worth remembering that the iteration of KO we had the pleasure of watching over the past year and a half is a 10-year NBA veteran. Rookie KO looked nothing like current KO, especially when it came to playmaking. Brice will be alright.
I could be wrong but I don’t remember him looking like that before he got here. And even his first year here he wasn’t that good. Hell damn near everyone wanted to run him out of town. Then this year happened and he magically turned into a superstar roll player.
Hardy is trying to turn him into a Engles KO clone. He has some playmaking chops. They’ve said multiple times that’s what Hardy wants him focusing on. So he’s forcing passes. So he’s going to have these struggles as he tries to force himself to concentrate on playmaking. So there’s a lot of forcing the issues leading to lots of mistakes. That should clear up as he figures things out.

The current Jazz are so lacking in playmaking from the wing that asking Brice to do it makes some sense.
he definitely looks like a potential good NBA player. Hard to say more than that until he gets in better shape and gets 50 games under his belt
I like how he is averaging five and a half rebounds per 36 even when playing with other strong rebounders.
This kid is the top scorer in college and is proficient in all kinds of scoring methods. It's great that he can handle it with ease under the intensity of the NBA. Expect him to become Bane of the Jazz in the future
Bro are you also active in the Chinese jazz fan forum Hupu?I think there’s a guy using the same ID as yours
Wut if Sensy get less fat and then sucky poopoo?
Didn’t he already lose a bunch of weight between college and his jump to the nba?
This kid is the top scorer in college and is proficient in all kinds of scoring methods. It's great that he can handle it with ease under the intensity of the NBA. Expect him to become Bane of the Jazz in the future
Damn I hope so.
Bro are you also active in the Chinese jazz fan forum Hupu?I think there’s a guy using the same ID as yours
Wait… there’s a Chinese jazz fan board. Do they have a Chinese Jason as well? :p