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Chael Sonnen is gonna make silva his little female dog

I don't think Anderson is going to just go out and knock him out. I have a feeling he's going to embarrass Chael ala Forrest Grifin. I'm so sick to my stomach that I'm going to be cheering for Silva, but I've had just about enough Sonnen. This is going to be beyond epic. I think Silva will beat him up REAL bad with strikes, and then slap a sub on him, likely breaking an arm or leg when he won't let go of it. I can see Silva getting DQ'd for doing something horrific.

I can't wait.
I don't think Anderson is going to just go out and knock him out. I have a feeling he's going to embarrass Chael ala Forrest Grifin. I'm so sick to my stomach that I'm going to be cheering for Silva, but I've had just about enough Sonnen. This is going to be beyond epic. I think Silva will beat him up REAL bad with strikes, and then slap a sub on him, likely breaking an arm or leg when he won't let go of it. I can see Silva getting DQ'd for doing something horrific.

I can't wait.

doenst a DQ means sonnen gets the belt.
or will the belt remain with silva?

not quite sure what happens in the event of a dq


now i love the smell of napalm in the morning(it's 4 am here)

watching it live.

aah yeah

lets burn this muther****er to the mutha****ing ground
ooh well live goes on.

hope chael and silva go on bbq together.

and trout even though sonnen was a jerk you know he didnt mean it.
he was jsut hyping and promoting this fight fattening his paycheck
Chael got out of his comfort zone in that scramble. He missed the spinning backfist I believe and Silva made him pay. The first round was more of what Chael should've been doing.
I think Silva was uncomfortable for most of the fight, much like the first one. But he never stopped looking for spots or took his foot off the gas. Sonnen had success taking him down and even when he didn't get him to the ground he was getting him to the cage and controlling the action. But Silva wasn't making it easy and Chael got impatient or stupid or whatever with the spinning bitchslap attempt and then Silva pounced.

I love how Silva didn't hesitate on the knee. I don't know who trains for that stuff but obviously Silva had and knew exactly what he wanted to do risks be damned. And Chael just sitting there waiting for it is weird. Some have said he got caught before the trip and was already woozy. That would make sense but I don't remember seeing it.
its funny to Hear all the sonnen fans Making excuses. He looks so stupid for Running his mouth Silva dominates that fight 10 out of 10 times I think sonnen is a bitch

It pains me, but I agree. Sonnen is the poster boy for UFC (Ultimate Failing Career).
I watched the fight at a party you guys would not believe. It was like a living comedy central joke from all the stereotypical people that were there. I had no doubt in my mind Silva was going to win. CS fought a good fight, but as soon as he got cocky and made that spin fist move and fell by his own power, it goes to show, that if you are going to beat Anderson, you literally have to fight a perfect fight. CS should have taken it to the ground. When he started standing with Anderson in the second, he was done. What a pouting bitch at the end. lol
I watched the fight at a party you guys would not believe. It was like a living comedy central joke from all the stereotypical people that were there. I had no doubt in my mind Silva was going to win. CS fought a good fight, but as soon as he got cocky and made that spin fist move and fell by his own power, it goes to show, that if you are going to beat Anderson, you literally have to fight a perfect fight. CS should have taken it to the ground. When he started standing with Anderson in the second, he was done. What a pouting bitch at the end. lol

spoken Like someone who Doesnt know how to Fight ha ha ha silva made a mistake he Never makes letting sonnen take him down But sonnen wasnt doing **** on top of him all first round That was pretty awesome Silva barely got touched on his back for 5 min. Sonnen got lucky in the 1st and couldnt remotely capitalize then Silva dismantled him in the 2nd bro Its not liek Sonnen "should of" taken him down. he tried like 10000 times ha ha ha Silva is too good it was never gonna be close I cant believe how many random fans ordered It cuz of the hype
spoken Like someone who Doesnt know how to Fight ha ha ha silva made a mistake he Never makes letting sonnen take him down But sonnen wasnt doing **** on top of him all first round That was pretty awesome Silva barely got touched on his back for 5 min. Sonnen got lucky in the 1st and couldnt remotely capitalize then Silva dismantled him in the 2nd bro Its not liek Sonnen "should of" taken him down. he tried like 10000 times ha ha ha Silva is too good it was never gonna be close I cant believe how many random fans ordered It cuz of the hype

Hey, dumb ***, please explain how my post goes to show that I don't know how to fight, you skinny bloke.