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Contact Phone Numbers for Front Office

I have the phone numbers for the Front Office if any of you want to vent about Corbin like I have. Except KOC's mailbox is full right now:

Main Number is 801-325-2500
Rigby: Ext 801-325-5250
DL: Ext 801-844-2701
KOC: Ext 801-844-2719

Guess you could probably just call the extension and eliminate the main number.

Need to push on this to ensure Corbin is gone after the season.
Wasn't it Jerry Sloan who said something to the effect of "Listening to fans is the fastest way to become one" or something like that?
Wasn't it Jerry Sloan who said something to the effect of "Listening to fans is the fastest way to become one" or something like that?

Well, if your fanbase is disgruntled, then who else should you listen to? The coach they hate? Or the coaches who are his buddies? What about the analysts out there. I haven't seen a lot of comment about Corbin. But one thing I haven't seen from analysts is praise.
So what's the point of this?

Fire Corbin? Why now? There's like... 15 games left.

Force the Jazz to go with the young kids? Did they really not know that's what the fans wanted this year? Again, what's the point now? There are just a few games left.

Ask the Jazz to do everything possible to trade up for Wiggins/Parker? The lottery hasn't been done yet.

Express your frustration? I'm down with that. But if weren't aware of the fanbase's anger then they obviously haven't been paying attention to ESA. I've never seen so many empty green seats.
So what's the point of this?

Fire Corbin? Why now? There's like... 15 games left.

Force the Jazz to go with the young kids? Did they really not know that's what the fans wanted this year? Again, what's the point now? There are just a few games left.

Ask the Jazz to do everything possible to trade up for Wiggins/Parker? The lottery hasn't been done yet.

Express your frustration? I'm down with that. But if weren't aware of the fanbase's anger then they obviously haven't been paying attention to ESA. I've never seen so many empty green seats.

The point is that he doesn't come back next year. I agree I want him to finish out the year. But we have gotten no indication that he will be gone after the season ends.
The point is that he doesn't come back next year. I agree I want him to finish out the year. But we have gotten no indication that he will be gone after the season ends.

What indication would you want?

And the decision on whether to keep Corbin or not will have NOTHING to do with how many voice mails Randy Rigby receives.
If it were to "slip" to the media that he'd be fired, maybe it could cause us to give up on him more than we have already and lose a few more games.
He's not getting fired. They're just not resigning him, so we hope. But that's the point. Maybe they are considering to rehire him. That's why I think we should call to ensure that they don't rehire him.
Maybe they are considering to rehire him. That's why I think we should call to ensure that they don't rehire him.

If the FO is really considering extending this train wreck of a coach, then the whole Jazz organization has much bigger problems on its hands than a handful of disgruntled phone calls will ever have a hope of alleviating.
I'm sure the Jazz FO would simply be shocked that some fans don't like Ty and will take your inquiry into immediate consideration.
If the FO is really considering extending this train wreck of a coach, then the whole Jazz organization has much bigger problems on its hands than a handful of disgruntled phone calls will ever have a hope of alleviating.

You are probably right but if that's the case, I will be looking for a new team to follow.

But like Thriller said, it at least gives you a chance to vent and show them how much we really want Corbin gone if we go to the trouble to call and unleash our frustration.
The point is that he doesn't come back next year. I agree I want him to finish out the year. But we have gotten no indication that he will be gone after the season ends.

He hasn't been extended so I think that tells us a lot.

I guess if we want to vent frustration this is fine.

The jazz should know though what to do. This team is terrible. And has been for 2 years. Gotta make changes.
I know some of you are probably not old enough to shave or buy beer, but seriously? You're stooping to the level of calling a man's boss and demanding he be fired because you believe he's not doing a good job. Even though you woefully lack any qualifications to judge that because you're clueless and full of **** like basically 100% sports fans.

And all this because you have an unhealthy obsession with 12 dudes putting a ball through a metal hoop.
If I thought people on this board could call the Jazz FO and influence decisions I would not be a Jazz fan.
I know some of you are probably not old enough to shave or buy beer, but seriously? You're stooping to the level of calling a man's boss and demanding he be fired because you believe he's not doing a good job. Even though you woefully lack any qualifications to judge that because you're clueless and full of **** like basically 100% sports fans.

And all this because you have an unhealthy obsession with 12 dudes putting a ball through a metal hoop.

To each his own. Why not have a say? This is ignorance on your part to say this. It impacts my enjoyment of the game because I want the team I follow to win. And if it's blatantly obvious some guy who is making more than one million dollars annually is not doing a good job, then why not express my feelings. Corbin isn't going to be hurting financially if he loses his job. Whatever ... and who says we're not qualified. We're as qualified as any analyst out there and they make comments all the time. And probably more qualified than "chuckleheads" in the FO like Randy Rigby. Tell me also what makes Greg Miller so qualified -- was he ever a basketball player. He also impacts the decisions. Obviously, those in the FO are the ones who don't have a clue for allowing Corbin to coach this long.

Oh, by the way, I'm one of the oldest members on the board. I'll bet maybe even older than CJ. I've been shaving for more than 50 years ...
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Eenie, what's your number? I'd like to call and complain.
Also, will you pass me your wife's number if you have one, your mom's number, and if you work the number of your boss, and HR dept.
You are really ruining my post reading experience and it's affecting my life.

I know some of you are probably not old enough to shave or buy beer, but seriously? You're stooping to the level of calling a man's boss and demanding he be fired because you believe he's not doing a good job. Even though you woefully lack any qualifications to judge that because you're clueless and full of **** like basically 100% sports fans.

And all this because you have an unhealthy obsession with 12 dudes putting a ball through a metal hoop.

Agreed. Personally, I don't think there are 5 people on this board who are legitimately qualified to judge the performance of an NBA head coach. And playing high school or rec league basketball doesn't make you qualified. You may have a gripe here and there about some aspect of a game, but very few have the background or intimate knowledge of the team necessary to criticize Corbin's overall body of work. I think most people just hate him because it's the popular thing to do, or because he doesn't play their favorite player enough, or because he has the audacity to actually try to win in a tank year. The next coach will face the same irrational complaints. I remember one post criticizing him for having the wrong expression on his face during a game. I doubt DL or KOC even listen to messages like these, and if they do, they consider the source and ignore them. If it were me, I would assume it was just another ridiculous rant and delete it after the first few seconds.