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Dante Exum Averages .2 Steals Per Game

Whenever u look at the plus minus at the end of games. Dantes plus minus is generally pretty good. Mostly better than most of the players. Just saying. So if he's so bad why is plus minus generally better than most of the other players?
You are such an idiot. It is not about Exum's shooting. He still can't run the half court offense in his 5th year in the league!!!. As soon as Neto got healthy our bench started playing better. Neto runs plays. Rubio runs plays. Exum dribbles the air out of the ball and then turns ball over - he is not a point guard, should never be given those duties.
We know you are not a fan of Exum, fair enough, but you do go on and on about it.
Whenever u look at the plus minus at the end of games. Dantes plus minus is generally pretty good. Mostly better than most of the players. Just saying. So if he's so bad why is plus minus generally better than most of the other players?
Are you sure that's the case? The Jazz offense is 4.4/100 better with him off the floor and the defense is 0.2 better with him off the floor (so Dante's on/off is -4.6).
Are you sure that's the case? The Jazz offense is 4.4/100 better with him off the floor and the defense is 0.2 better with him off the floor (so Dante's on/off is -4.6).
When I look at the box score it suggests otherwise. Their has been a couple of games when he was on the wrong side. Mainly cause they got blown out. But otherwise he's been pretty good. Anyway it's time for a trade. Let's see if he can get better with another team. Time to go
When I look at the box score it suggests otherwise. Their has been a couple of games when he was on the wrong side. Mainly cause they got blown out. But otherwise he's been pretty good. Anyway it's time for a trade. Let's see if he can get better with another team. Time to go
So on one hand we have the hard data and on the other we have your hazy recollection of times you've looked. Hmmm
So on one hand we have the hard data and on the other we have your hazy recollection of times you've looked. Hmmm
I just told u he had a couple of bad minus games when the team got blown out other than that he's been fine.
Trade him end of story. Let him have a chance

Response :
He can't be traded until Jan 15. Even if he could be traded now, there is zero market for him. Plus, if he really wanted to leave, he had his chance in the summer, he just had to leave the pen on the table.

The bad news for you - and his haters - is that it is unlikely that DL signed him for three years just to give up on him after 20 games. Particularly since this is the first year he has regressed, DL isn't likely to change his mind about whatever it is he's seen over the past 4 years in such a short space of time.
You really are an idiot. He has regressed from last year to the point where Neto is outplaying him by a large margin. Exum's DNP is due to Exum, not anyone else. It's not like he had to do much to stay on the floor, if he could either make lay-ups or three-pointers then that, plus his defence, would make him playable, even if not very effectively. But right now he isn't showing he has a single NBA skill at one end of the floor, and that makes him unplayable.
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Pat Bev would be such a nice player to trade Exum for but his guaranteed money means it doesn't happen since the Clips want to make a splash in FA next offseason.
Ingles probably makes him do his laundry, so he will get some practice.
For a player being in the league as long as he has, he definitely is underachieving. He still looks lost, has more bad games than good ones. Regardless of him being hurt, having a few flashes of brilliance, I think he will never eventually figure it out and is a bust. We can keep making excuses for him and continue to believe but he just doesn't have it. The truth of the matter is we waisted a lottery pick on him and he has underperformed. We would be a much better team now had we drafted someone else. Quin has had enough and I think we should trade him. I cringe at seeing how lost and timid he still looks out there. Call me a hater but I think he sucks and we made a mistake drafting him. We should have went with a more proven player with a more established skill set, oh well we have to just move forward now and trade him.
what a stupid thread from
a Dante hater.

He says that Dante has a good plus/minus 'when he looks'. I pointed out that he has a bad plus/minus and here's the numbers. He insists that, nah when he looks Dante has a good plus/minus. At this point i'm just gonna let it go because it's not like the guy is gonna change his mind. But i can't for the life of me see how what i said was stupid.