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Dear Dutch

your al jefferson snowman? that seems like some sort of oxymoron if you ask me. LOL.

unless the snow over there is really different from what I think of when I think of snow.

i wanted to know what it would feel like to play al jefferson
so i built a snowman in the paint. spraypanted it black. and do layup drills with the al jefferson snowman :).

now i know what jazz opponents feel like whenever they see al jefferson roaming the paint.

i'm working on building a 7 gfoot brick wal just in front of the basket allong the entire width of the court. so i could know what it feels like driving the paint whenever kanter and favors are patrolling the paint
Rep'd for your honesty.

Don't give up on this team yet... there is great potential.

Here's hoping we see more of Favors, Kanter, Hayward and Burks next year...

"The way I see it, we've only just begun" - (Rep for the 1st person who can guess what movie that quote is from)

qooute has been used a couple of times in star trek