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Deron Deserves Better

Deron 'Best Point gaurd in the League'? He wasn't even the best pg on his team or in the top 3 pgs in the game tonite.

Have you ever stopped to consider that part of the problem is Deron? 1-st off he's so pissy that Coach sloan has to let him call all the plays. Stockton in his 18th year still looked to Sloan for the play. Deron ought to give the reigns back to Sloan.

2nd--ty Corbin said after the Washington game that the some players on the team are not patient enough with the offense or there teamates and after a couple of seconds or trips down the floor they try to break down their man one on one. Who does that? Well the anouncers in the Washington game speculated that Deron was getting paid by the dribble that day because he wouldn't give it up.

Finally look at how he treats his coach and his teamates: going all the way back to the Who's Coach Sloan comments, but this year throwing a ball at a teamates head and cussing him out on the home floor? Telling the reporter your PF/C isn't smart enough to learn the plays and doesn't play hard?

Last year the jazz were falling apart on a eastcoast road swing, but turned the season around aftergetting blown out in boston. The next game the team beat Philly then played Clevland to the end without Deron. The team gelled, they played hard and went on to win 9 of 11. I don't think it coincidence that the team came together while Deron was gone. He's a terriffic talent, but its clear he doesn't work well with others.

Well said. I know D-Will cab be an usually is a great player. Maybe our starting 4 are mediocre, But I have stopped enjoying watching Deron play. I would rather watch Watson play and lose than see Deron play with his bad attitude. I feel like he has decided this team can't win a championship so he doesn't want to play with anyone on the team. If this is all we get from Deron then I am ready to see him walk. The Jazz will be more fun to watch without him, even if they lose.
The dwill hate is ridiculous... without dwill we'd be skating down around the pistons level...
Get a grip. He's a stud. He had a foul plagued game. He dominates so heartily and regularly that when plays like a mortal for one game he is hailed a loser.

Be rational come on...

22 and 9.5 with a team full of under achievers is pretty ridiculous.

Deron played like an MVP during the first quarter of the season. But it seems like he has given up over these last 10 games. I am actually excited to see him go to the bench early with 2 fouls because he isn't fun to watch anymore.
Deron is not blameless. I would expand on this theme, but Pearl said it already and better than I could ever hope to.
... and so do we, the fans. This has been the most lazy week of Utah Jazz basketball I have ever seen. Does anyone not named Deron give a damn?

Wherever Deron goes after his stint with the Jazz, I will become a fan of. I will not tolerate being a fan of a lazy basketball team.

Yeah, Deron deserves so much better after the awesome effort he put forth tonight.
It's easy to be a leader when things are going well. Not exactly a bed of roses right now for the Jazz. Unfortunately, Dwill's lack of composure and leadership is disappointing. This is his franchise now. He's the lone star. Yet he's acting like Melo or Tmac. Pouting, bitching, and throwing everyone (but himself) under the bus.
Deron is a big part of the problem. We've seen what this current team CAN do, and there is obviously something going on in the locker room. I believe this is just a slump. They need to figure their **** out and get back to playing the basketball we know they can play.
This team lacks talent aside from the usual early playoffs exit and Deron's frustrated. Kobe whined about his then middling team and his front-office got him Gasol. Kobe happy, LA fans happy. Until some change like that happens, hang on before you cheer for a Melo situation maybe as early as next season. Sure Deron had a bad one but he exposes this team's lack of talent and he gets a bunch of front-office apologists.
This team lacks talent aside from the usual early playoffs exit and Deron's frustrated. Kobe whined about his then middling team and his front-office got him Gasol. Kobe happy, LA fans happy. Until some change like that happens, hang on before you cheer for a Melo situation maybe as early as next season. Sure Deron had a bad one but he exposes this team's lack of talent and he gets a bunch of front-office apologists.

I'm sure Deron never has had, doesn't have, and will never have any influence on the front office......

If Deron wanted to collect more talent for this team, why didn't he take a smaller contract?

No matter how you slice it, Deron shoulders much responsibility right now. He's the undisputed leader. he's not a young kid anymore, he's clearly the team's best player now that Memo is older and that Boozer is gone.

If he wants to complain about talent, then why didn't he take a smaller contract? How often has he called other players up to bring them in (like Kobe did w/Raja. Or what Dwade did with Lebron and Bosh). Somehow, I believe his ego prevents him from admitting that he needs another star.

If he wants to complain about coaching, then why doesn't he work things out with Jerry? Why doesn't he improve his own game? I haven't seen so many stupid passes, poor shots, or worse decisions in my life. For a PG, he does a pathetic job of managing the game.

If he wants to complain about leadership and how guys aren't playing hard, then why doesn't he lead? Why doesn't he back up all the talk he made this offseason with results?

Instead, he bitches.

So thus far he's complained about how they don't watch film (why doesn't he make them watch? Or talk it over w/Jerry?), complained about their energy, had one ugly encounter with Hayward, has the worst body language of anyone I've ever seen in a jazz uniform, and is now refusing to answer questions acting as if he is so "flabbergasted" that he doesn't care.

I'm glad he only signed a 4 year deal too. We're paying him a lot of money. I would hate to get locked up in an 8 year deal with a prima dona who can't lead and pouts all the time.
Well I'm glad Deron is acting out to maybe try to get this front-office to do something please to get the Jazz a sliver of a chance in winning a title. Way better instead of being another yes-man while the Jazz we exit early playoffs after playoffs. Others are more concerned about being nice and obedient, then fine if that's what floats their boat. I think this is happening with Deron because he wants to win it all that's all, hopefully jolt the FO into action, and that's a good thing.
If Deron wanted to collect more talent for this team, why didn't he take a smaller contract?

its not like signed his contract over the summer while they were recruiting... he signed his contract in 2008... and the way i see it is, yeah he can come off as bitch, but it at least shows he still cares. i still think he is both entertaining and has saved our asses numerous times this season alone.

we all want him to lead the team and i dont know if he is capable of doing so on his own. but regardless of how "inspirational" he is or we want him to be, it comes down to every single player on the team, taking (and making) smart shots, executing, and giving a hoot. i don't know what else deron can do to get jefferson and klinko to make an open lay up, thats on al and andrei to do.
It does seem Deron is getting a little Lebronish (and not in a positive way). But i`m sure it`s frustrating to have a non-consistent SG and a non-shooting SF. Big Al has been a disappointment to me - he seems lazy, never boxes out, and takes some pretty questionable shots. Millsap has looked like he`s lost all his confidence over the past few games, and where did his rebounding go?

What sets Dwill apart from CP3 and Rondo is defense. CP3 and Rondo are superb defenders at their position, while Dwill is possibly a below average defender at his position.

I would really like to see Dwill play the 2 guard more often, with Watson being the point. Maybe this won`t work, but something has to be done about the 2 guard spot. While CJ has improved parts of his game, he is still way too inconsistent, and belongs coming off the bench.

But when the Jazz are running and moving well like they can, they can be a really good team. When they slow down, sometimes it doesn`t look too pretty. I still think this team can do very well, or they could totally collapse :/
This thread is more Jazzfanz bull crap.

Deron could have left the first time. He has got just what he wanted. His boys to stick around with increased rolls...Milsap and CJ. Minor exception is Brewer being shipped. The whole system tweeked so he can do whatever he wants out there with zero culpability with reduced roles for anybody in existence prior to his arrival. A media and fan base totally in awe. Boozer gone. An increased leadership role. Locke even mentioned the things the franchise does in the background to keep Mr. Moody happy. This is his ship, The Captain has to figure out how to right it.

So now that the team hits a rough patch? Mr. Leadership pouts to show his competitiveness.

Remember, Williams was the one who proudly proclaimed that he was going to make George Jefferson an All Star.

Everybody is a super star when everything goes right. It is his team just as much when they suck.

You're out of line Pearl. Completely.
I mean its just clear watching this team that something is missing. They don't execute with the enthusiasm and crispness of past teams.
There's plenty of blame to spread around and Deron hasn't played so hot lately, either.
What sets Dwill apart from CP3 and Rondo is defense. CP3 and Rondo are superb defenders at their position, while Dwill is possibly a below average defender at his position.
Agree that Rondo is a better defender but CP3 may be quicker on gambling for steals but he is definitely not a better man to man defender.
Anybody who rests the blame on one person is an idiot. The people who are to blame include the front office, Deron Williams, CJ Miles, Raja Bell, Al Jefferson, Millsap, Kirilenko, the coaching staff, and even to a degree LHM. The AK contract just absolutely killed us.
Deron getting a bit sarcastic about the Jazz FO:
Williams said that a much-changed Jazz squad had a “better mesh of guys” in 2009-10, longing for the days when ex-Utah guards Wesley Matthews and Kyle Korver could command attention and respect from opposing defenses, in turn stretching the floor and balancing out the team’s offensive attack.

And Williams again pointed out the Jazz’s inability to run Sloan’s offense like it needs to be executed, as everything from Utah’s poor floor spacing and timing to the simple inability to set hard screens has prevented his team from “flowing.”

“We’re trying to run half of a system and then half just freelance,” Williams said. “We can’t do that. We’re not the Phoenix Suns. We’re not the New York Knicks. We’re not just coming out here and playing one-on-one. But that’s what’s happening. Things are breaking down and we’re going one-on-one the last five seconds of a shot clock.”

But Williams’ strongest statements were delivered when he was asked about the organization and coach that he plays for possibly making changes as a season past the midway point moves toward the Feb. 24 trade deadline.

He said “of course not” when it was mentioned that a franchise possessing Andrei Kirilenko’s expiring $17.8 million contract appears unlikely to make a major move as the stretch run approaches. Thus, the Jazz will likely have to dig their own way out of a deepening hole.