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Does anyone think Kanter and/or Favors could lead a team to the playoffs?

Individually? Not right now. As a tandem? Yes.

Again for me it comes down to roles. I honestly believe that right now they could take on more of a role for the Jazz but they are not asked to do that. If Jefferson and/or Millsap are not on this team I can see both being much better than they are. They are not given the chances needed to improve with in game situations. That has got to change after this season. (Preferably before but I don't see it happening.)

People keep on saying that Favors should be starting over Millsap, but even though Millsap will never be 6'10 with a condor's wingspan, currently Millsap's polish and game leaves Favors (and Kanter) in the dust. That doesn't mean that Millsap should be the PF of the future, but Favors and Kanter have a lot to learn before they will deserve Millsap's time, even if they have more potential.

Speaking of Millsap, he's kind of turining into the second coming of Kirilinko with the way he plays amazing, then disappears for weeks at a time. Well, he kind of learned from Kirilinko, so I guess that's possible. As long as Millsap demands to start, but fails to produce regularly night in and night out, the Jazz won't get anywhere.
I don't know. I know Millsap and Jefferson can't take us to the playoffs. I don't know why we aren't finding out what Favors and Kanter can do.
People keep on saying that Favors should be starting over Millsap, but even though Millsap will never be 6'10 with a condor's wingspan, currently Millsap's polish and game leaves Favors (and Kanter) in the dust. That doesn't mean that Millsap should be the PF of the future, but Favors and Kanter have a lot to learn before they will deserve Millsap's time, even if they have more potential.

Speaking of Millsap, he's kind of turining into the second coming of Kirilinko with the way he plays amazing, then disappears for weeks at a time. Well, he kind of learned from Kirilinko, so I guess that's possible. As long as Millsap demands to start, but fails to produce regularly night in and night out, the Jazz won't get anywhere.

Millsap is not a first or second option caliber scorer. He takes what is given to him on offense and if you ask him to try and score more his efficiency numbers would take a dive. Not really a consistency issue other than his jumper being a little off this year.

Favors will eventually be better than Paul at everything except long jumpers and free throws, just takes time. Millsap didn't start refining his offensive game until he was 24, until then he was just a brute like Favors is.
Going along with the Jermaine O'Neal thought, I remember that a lot of people thought that Portland wiffed on getting Aldridge and Bynum had a ton of naysayers for years. I'm not saying that either of our guys will get to their levels, but I'd hold off judgement for a few years at least.
At least with Kanter and Favors there is a chance they can do it. With Millsap and Jefferson it is pretty much proven that they can not.

Jefferson is not a team player and is a terrible defender. Millsap dissappears for long stretches and doesn't have the size to ever carry a team through the playoffs.

I believe that the competitive fire can be gained over time. I wish I had seen more of it from Favors to this point. But right now neither are asked to be the guy. They are worried about learning the offense performing on defense and being a part of the team. It is a little difficult to judge their competitve fire this early on. Especially for Kanter.
Well said.

Another question might be can Favors, Kanter, Burks, Hayward and the players the Jazz draft this summer (hopefully 2 lottery picks) ever reach their potential with this coaching staff? I'm ready to jump on the fire Corbin bandwagon (and his assts along with him). I know we all love Hornacek, but has he stopped working with the shooters? Doesn't seem like any are improving. And what does Layden bring to the table, other than looking great in a pair of khaki's?

I've got to admit I despise looking at the box score and seeing so much time for Miles, Bell and Howard. And so little for Kanter, Favors and Burks. I'm hoping - but probably wrong - that these vets are getting so much time because KOC is looking to make trades. If March 15th comes and goes, and Corbin still sticks with the same rotation, I'll be mad as &^%$!
I wouldn't say I have utmost confidence for them to do so, but at this point in their careers anything can happen. Too early to tell.
Well said.

Another question might be can Favors, Kanter, Burks, Hayward and the players the Jazz draft this summer (hopefully 2 lottery picks) ever reach their potential with this coaching staff? I'm ready to jump on the fire Corbin bandwagon (and his assts along with him). I know we all love Hornacek, but has he stopped working with the shooters? Doesn't seem like any are improving. And what does Layden bring to the table, other than looking great in a pair of khaki's?

I've got to admit I despise looking at the box score and seeing so much time for Miles, Bell and Howard. And so little for Kanter, Favors and Burks. I'm hoping - but probably wrong - that these vets are getting so much time because KOC is looking to make trades. If March 15th comes and goes, and Corbin still sticks with the same rotation, I'll be mad as &^%$!

I'm definitely more worried about the coaching staff than our young players. I think we would have to give Corbin two years before I would truly bring on the hate, but it seems like he's just trying to be Sloan. If that's what you're going to do, you're obviously just going to be a worse version of him, so I don't see the point. Be your own type of coach. If you want to incorporate a lot of what you learned from Sloan, then great, but you still need to figure out what exactly YOU can bring to the table. I haven't seen much of that from Ty since he changed the defense.
At least with Kanter and Favors there is a chance they can do it. With Millsap and Jefferson it is pretty much proven that they can not.

This. As soon as I read the thread title I thought well can Sap or Al?
If our starters were worth our salt we'd be in the playoff hunt.